

Ten minutes Before Andrew appeared.

Andrew was moving around the mansion as he knocked out the bodyguards.

'Hmm… They are trying to get him to safety, and the man is not bothering with it…' He thought as he saw through his Dark Vision.

One more bodyguard fell as Andrew choked out his air.

He aimed his Crossbow and launched it toward another bodyguard.

The Sleep Dart flew through a small gap in the door, and in its path, a bodyguard appeared as it lodged into the bodyguard's neck.

Andrew disappeared and caught the falling bodyguard, and carried him.

He went outside the mansion and back to the roof using Greater Blink and placed the bodyguard alongside his fellow companions.

He collected his mobile, purse, and gun and put them into his inventory.

'Now only the seven bodyguards are left, along with Jacob and Revon'

Andrew was back in the living room on the Mansion's ground floor.

There was only one way to the Main Bedroom: climbing the stairs and walking to the end where the door to the room is located. It was one long corridor, similar to flats, with only one room at the end, and instead of houses on the sides, there were four windows made of Bulletproof glass.

He climbed the stairs and turned right. He saw the captain of these bodyguards and six more standing guards trying to get Jacob and Revon's attention.

"Please open the door…"

"Sir… We have a problem… we need to evacuate you and Mr. Revon quickly…"

"Someone has infiltrated the Mansion"

Andrew walked towards them, and he saw the door open.

His eyes turned black as he saw Jacob and Revon behind him. Revon paled as he saw him and quickly closed the door, which startled the bodyguards.

One of the bodyguards turned to see Andrew walking toward them and readied his weapons.

"Stop right there! One more step, and we will open fire…"

Andrew did not bother with this threat as he walked forward.

All the other bodyguards and including their captain, launched fire.

The bullets that were supposed to travel fast slowed down. Anyone with naked eyes could witness this, but they can't as time will also be slowed for them.

He moved forward, took his crossbow, aimed at each guard, and shot a sleep dart at them. He had to reload as he could only place four sleep darts in his crossbow.

He collected all the bullets shot at him. Though the bodyguards couldn't move, they could see what Andrew did, and their eyes widened in fear and despair.

They saw him collecting the bullets and shooting arrows at them.

The sleep dart lodged into their vital points where the armour was rendered useless as it did not protect all the critical points in their body.

They slowly fell unconscious, and Andrew looked at the captain, who was also falling near the door.

He kicked him with a massive force as the door behind him broke, making him hit the wall on the opposite side killing him.

There was a reason why Andrew did what he did. This man, with his authority, has done unimaginable things. He is involved in murder, rape, and drug trafficking. He looked into all the bodyguards, and there were two more involved in Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering. Before starting his mission, he had given the details to the cops and media.

Andrew walked inside the room and saw Revon, whose head was the only remaining part displayed outside their safe exit.

"Where do you think you are going, Revon?"

Andrew closed on to him and ripped the door out. He pulled Adrian out, and Jacob below him was shocked for a second before following suit.

"REVON!" yelled Jacob as he climbed back.

"The lovers…" Andrew chuckled as he saw Jacob come out.

Andrew had Revon's neck in his hand.

"Stop…" Jacob said.


Jacob paled as a mist of darkness followed suit with every word Andrew uttered. Revon, close by Andrew, felt his life being sucked out by something. All the happiness he ever felt was being sucked out by this nothingness taking over him.

Every memory now turned into his nightmare.

Jacob started muttering words in fear, "I… am sor…ry… Please let us go…"

Andrew could not believe that Jacob would think that he would even let him live.

"In what part of your mind do you think you will live, Jacob? You had your fair share of money and sex with women and men… today will be the end of it all…"

Revon heard Andrew and was shocked.

He mustered his courage and asked, "Women?"

"He is bisexual," Andrew said and then thought of something, 'Let them kill each other.'

He freed Revon from his grasp.

Two knives appeared in his hand, and he put them on each side, one in front of Revon and the other in front of Jacob.

"On the count of three, you will go for your knives and begin a battle of death… don't even bother trying to attack me… I will kill you in seconds… If one of you kills the other, you will walk, and you know I keep my promises…"

Revon felt betrayed as he loved Jacob with his heart. Jacob, on the other hand, was shocked. He now got an opportunity to live, and he will use this. Revon is a sniper and is not a fighter in close combat. Even though he was trained in it, he was not as good as him.

"I am sorry," said Jacob, but he was not.

Revon's rage grew as he heard Jacob.

"One… Two…"


Both of them moved forward and quickly took their knives.

In their mind, there was no thought of working together and fighting against Andrew. They knew they would be dead within seconds. And with what he has shown off his prowess, it was like he became a completely different human.

"Why?" asked Revon with venom in his voice.

Jacob did not answer and went after him.

He held the knife in his right and slashed it toward Revon's abdomen.

Revon dodged and quickly dashed forward, counter-attacking by slashing it toward Jacob's neck.

Jacob blocked it, and Revon freed his knife, caught it with his left hand below him, and slashed at Jacob's chest.

Jacob took a step back, dodging it, and flicked his knife toward Revon's left foot.

Revon moved his left to the side, but a slight contact at the edge made him grunt in pain. He kicked Jacob's chest, pushing him back, and used the opportunity to pull the other knife from the ground. He held both knives in each hand.

"You are going to die today, Jacob…" Revon said and rushed at him.

A start of attack and dodging took place as Revon kept creating opportunities and slashing at Jacob whenever he could. Jacob could only dodge and curse himself for failing to end the game quickly.

The knives hit Jacob many times, and blood covered his body and the ground.

Jacob saw an opening after a few seconds, but he did not know it was Revon giving him one.

He charged his leg to hit Revon's hip, but Revon dodged it skilfully and behind Jacob and pushed forward his hand to pierce Jacob's back.

Jacob instinctively ducked down and kicked Revon's legs, making him lose balance and fall.

He used this opportunity and Revon's hands which held the knives and made him pierce his chest with them.

Revon gasped and vomited blood.

Jacob started to take a heavy breath and felt a voice to his right.

"Well done, Jacob. No remorse at all…"

It was not like Andrew was going to let him live. He only said he will let the last one walk. He never said he will let the last one live. But the next words that uttered by Revon completely changed the way of how he was going to kill Jacob.

Revon, who was on his last breath, said, "He… was there… whe… the…kil..ed… yor…fa…m…ly"

Jacob started to quiver as the temperature in the room dropped. The feeling returned. He turned to Andrew, only to see Andrew's face and his wide black eyes with no eyeballs staring down at him.

Andrew put on his mask. The Cold-dark eyes, including the Skeleton Mask, increased the fear of the man kneeling as he knew who it was.

Andrew began barraging him with punches. Jacob's screams slowly started to die down.

His hands and legs were broken, his fingers twisted in a crooked manner, his face disfigured but nothing was wrong on his chest as Andrew wanted him to feel pain. Jacob lay on the ground covered in blood. The only indication that he was alive was his body twitching. Andrew drew his foldable sword.

"I am sorry… I am sorry… *Cough*… let me live" A man drenched in blood was begging another.

Every mistake Jacob made, he regretted. He regretted this day, which made him regret everything he had done so far. All the days he lived passed by him as a Sword pierced his heart, ending him forever. But he did not know this was just the beginning.

Black-like smoke started to emit from the hand of the Skeleton-Faced Man as he uttered,

"Void Resurrect…"


[Vader needs Power stones and Reviews to improve. Provide them or Vader will dictate your life.]


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