


"Get out of my way Carrle!" He yelled.

"You're going nowhere" She yelled back, dropping her bag.

"Move Carrle,i won't want to push you" Harold said threateningly .

"Go ahead, push your daughter's mother out of the way just because of a freaking nanny whose mother is gonna die soon" Carrle said.

"Don't say that Carrle! Don't!" Harold warned.

"Well...i did already" She said.

"Out of my way" Harold said, getting impatient.

"You'll have to push me like you said to get to that door" Carrle said and Harold swore, resisting the urge to push her.

He knew Carrle to be so implicating, she can go file a report that he pushed her and that might get to the media!

He turned and punched some numbers in his telephone and then placed the receiver on his ear.

"You, get in here now and take two other person with you. There's a wild animal here" Harold said before dropping the call.

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