They say time is always meant to heal the fall
Tell me why it doesn't time help at all
He's okay
Am trying to pick the parts I lost
Trying to be the girl I was
Broken,sad all because
I Lost myself in loving you
Became someone else I never knew
Became someone am not
All cause of those cut
Ruined all my favorite things to do
Cause they all remind me of you
You were all i had
Guess that's why am still sad
But it's hurts when you act like you don't care
You don't know how hard it is for me here
You wouldn't even help, you'll just stare
Parts of me are missing
The pain comes without season
Am lost,and you're partly the reason
I don't even know me
And honestly am tired
Sometimes am scared
And I don't know why
But I lost myself
My heart's bruised
It's tired of feeling used
My sight is gone
broken to move on
I miss the old me
I miss my smile
My cheeks hurt
Faking a smile is hard
No one noticing is sad
Goodbye was what you chose to say
Forever we planned you gave away
And I lost myself that day
Just cause you didn't choose to stay
Yeah you came back
But I was already different
Scared to even love myself
Still love you
Too broken to trust
Gave you but you let it rust
Let it crumble to dust
Can't love, still feel lost
Living with a cause
Still thinking about us
That's what torment does
... I just miss the girl I was