
Chapter 21: Second day and Battle Trial (1)!

From looking at the votes, Shoto Todoroki has won! Let us all pray that Itachi will go easy on him (Extremely Unlikely).


[Kaede POV]

I have gotten through the first day of school without a hitch! Today I arrived at school earlier than usual because I thought that maybe I could work on my manga before class starts. I opened the door to my class and as expected, it was empty, I also double-checked to see if other giant caterpillars were hiding in the room but thankfully, no one was there.

After I made sure that there was one here, I sat down with a satisfied smile. I also sent more shadow clones to explore the rest of the school, I still barely discover all the areas yet, it truly fills me with wonder on how massive UA truly was. While I was daydreaming and working on my manga, someone poked me on the shoulder.

"Good morning, Uchiha-san," The voice said close to my ear.

"Kyaa!" I snapped out of my daydreaming and screamed.

I turned around and saw Iida standing behind me. I sighed with relief and calmed my troubled heart. I remembered that Iida usually arrives pretty early as well so it was no surprise that he shouldn't be here.

I relaxed before pouting: "Iida-kun you scared me why didn't you say anything?"

"I did multiple times but you didn't respond." Iida explained apologetically, "Speaking of which, what are you drawing Uchiha-san?" He asked.

I quickly covered up what I was doing and said with an embarrassed tone: "Th... That is nothing....." I mutterd with a red face.

Unfortunately, when I tried to hide my drawings, one piece of paper slipped onto the floor. Iida picked it up and stared at it. His eyes then turned very wide: "Isn't this the newly popular manga: Kimetsu no Yaiba?"

I sighed: "Do you like the manga?" I asked out of curiosity.

He excitedly nodded: "Yes! I'm a big fan, the story was very cool and it was something I have never seen before. I wish to meet the author of this manga one day!" He exclaimed in admiration.

"Ah... M.. Me too, that's why I'm drawing them after all.." I lied.

"The drawings looked very good, you really have a talent Uchiha-san!" Iida praised: "If I don't know any better, I would've thought that these were drawn by the real author!"

I blushed under his praise and snatched the paper out of his hands before stuffing everything into my bag. I hurriedly changed the subject: "By the way Iida-kun why are you here so early?"

"Because it's good to arrive early! How about you?" He asked.

"Ah me? I wanted to fully explore the school since it's very big." I answered.

"Eh? Then what are you doing here?" Iida questioned.

"I'm exploring the school right now" I responded and made another shadow clone to help him understand.

Iida was surprised to see another me but soon understand how I can still stay here while exploring at the same time.

He got curious about my quirk: By the way, do you have the same quirk as your brother?" Iida-kun said.

I nodded and activated my Sharingan and he looked at me in awe. We talked until class started, he was happy that he got somebody to talk to while I was happy that I dodged a bullet.

Surprisingly, class in UA was pretty normal, the only thing that sticks out was that we were being taught by Pro-Heros. Currently, Present Mic was teaching us English, the subject pretty easy for me since like before I can remember anything when I use my Sharingan

I recalled back then when I try to quickly flip through a textbook with my Sharingan as an experiment. It somehow worked but gave me a migraine from all the information coming through my brain.

During lunch, Mina-chan, Ochako-chan, and I ate in the cafeteria. The food was simply amazing! The pro-hero Lunch Rush was the chef and anything he made was delicious, this just made UA even better!

After devouring the food, I spent the rest of my lunchtime walking from table to table and making new friends. It was fun talking to everyone since students at UA have very interesting personalities. I even met the big three, they were all pretty cool but their personality was a bit eccentric...

Thirty minutes later...

"There's more table than I anticipated..." I thought while introducing myselff to the last table in the cafeteria.

I thought I did pretty well and returned to class with a smile. Right now it's the afternoon and the most exciting lesson will start soon. That lesson was the Fundamental Hero Studies!! I can tell that my classmates were pretty hyped and the same thing could be said about me as I could barely control myself in my seat.

If I was correct, he should be here right about...

"I AM... Coming through the door like a normal person!!" All Might shouted and entered the room.

Everyone instantly became thrilled, All Might explained that he would be in charge ofFundamental Hero Studies and this afternoon we will be doing Combat Training!

He press a button on the teacher's desk and hidden shelves moved out of the walls. On the shelves were rows and rows of metal suitcases with large green neon numbers imprinted on them.

All Might explained that the hero costumes that we personally designed and requested had been made before school started, he said that the number on the suitcases match our seat number and we will be changing into our costumes for today's training!

You may once again be wondering why I haven't said anything about my costume. One, you never asked and two, I wanted it to be a surprise! Anyway, I happily took the case with my costumes inside and skipped to the changing room.


I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Yellow_Duck_Toycreators' thoughts
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