
Elf Mask (Teaser)

Georgiana had just recently left the room. It hadn't been a few seconds since leaving him for dead.

Her next actions from there had originally been intending to return home. Where her mansion was.

Only for a wolf man with a disfigured face to come out from behind her. He knocked her unconscious.

When she finally awoke, she found someone with similar looks to her transformed state and holding her arms. The eyes of the doll-like woman looked completely different from the elf she met before.

Moreover, she hadn't even got the chance to disengage the transformation the elf put on her.

It was the reason Adam hadn't recognised her.

Regardless, the man standing before her no longer looked like that ordinary youth she met earlier.

There was something scary about him now.

Maybe it was because she knew what kind of face laid beneath the smiling mask he was wearing.

The stark difference between the happy look on the Adamanthea Mask's face and his actions was terrifying. He was sharpening his blades, looking ready to dismantle her body before devouring her.

Not looking for sexual pleasure.

She was untouched at this particular moment, but that would last for long. He was getting prepared.

Readying himself to feast upon her flesh.

'Wait…' Georgiana stopped herself from trying to blurt out her identity. That wouldn't work well.

Not only was her identity useless in trying to calm his anger, but it would also implicate Lucia too.

She couldn't let that happen.

"You did this to me…" She heard Adam mutter to himself while trembling. The mountain of hate was like a volcano erupting at this moment. With a heat that was hotter than even the brightest of flames.

It was to the point his enhanced sense of reason couldn't hold it anymore. Nothing could stop him.

"I'm sorry." Two words resounded behind him.

Suddenly, Adam found himself turning towards the woman in a daze. He couldn't comprehend it all.

She was… apologising first…?

Not crying. Not begging. Not screaming out that it wasn't her fault. But actually giving an apology.

"Why are you saying that?" He tried to hold firm.

There was no way a simple apology would be able to suffice. He would never be able to forget this.

That horrible feeling of having his body toyed with and violated. Having his dignity robbed from him.

Solely for that end, he awaited her answer.

'Say you want my forgiveness.' Adam would take pleasure in seeing her agonise after not getting it.

He'd break her fingers and brand her body before eating her. It didn't matter if this was cannibalistic.

Forgiveness was for losers.

He'd given so many chances for Eva to stop what she was doing. To still have a chance from him

But she didn't deserve it.

No one was worthy of getting forgiveness.

It was at that point he saw those pink lips he was staring at move. Ready to give him her own answer.

And what came out was like a splash of water.

One that extinguished the flames of his hatred.

"Because you deserve it." For some odd reason, it felt like this woman wasn't exactly his enemy.

Even though she was the reason Eva got the jump on him, he somehow couldn't hate this woman.

'NO!' Adam couldn't accept this.

Emotions couldn't be controlled by the mind, it could only be regulated or diverted other places.

So as the flames of his hatred were dying down, he had no choice but to spark them again somehow.

"I won't forgive you." This wasn't a statement, but a threat that became more intense with his posture.

He had a jagged cutting tool in his hand.

Ready to cut into her body and rip her apart.

She only need to get on his nerves somehow. He found FIND a reason to hate her at this moment.

Only one excuse was needed.

Like not liking her voice, attitude, or anything, and that meant ANYTHING. He was a petty person.

Unwilling to let go of his anger even if it was fading.

"…" But Georgiana kept her silence to the very end.

The way she didn't even make a peep when he brought the blade towards her. She had given up.

That act was the last raindrop that extinguished his hatred. The fury that drove him was now gone.

It made him lethargic…

Unable to even lift the blade anymore after falling to his knees. His heart was crying out in pain.

'Stop… crying… You big ass fucking baby. What kind of pathetic look are you showing?' His heart cursed him, but he couldn't hold back the three years of sorrow he had pent up for a long time.

What now?

He didn't want to let her go anymore. He wouldn't.

She HAD TO pay. Adam wasn't just going to roll over just because he couldn't bring himself to rage.

Sins needed to be punished.

But first…

"Who the fuck are you?" Adam became much more colder after having started shedding tears for a bit.

His eyes behind the mask a bit deranged.

The damage was already done.

"I'm…" She thought for a moment, then came up with an answer by taking another person's identity:

"…I'm a Shadow Doppelgänger." This was the best excuse she could give. It was easiest to explain.

There were many follow up questions that could be answered using the trivia she learnt about them.


Q: Why did you copy Eva?

A: Because she was the first person I saw.


Q: Why did you trick me?

A: Because I was threatened.

It was… too much.

Adam couldn't be bothered taking a bite out of her to make sure. She conveyed her lack of hostility too well. Without any reason to hurt her further, he felt like the sense of purpose he'd built was gone.

What was he doing again?

What was the point in anything he did again?

"Since you want her identity, you better keep on that face. Now… leave." Adam shooed her away.

Georgiana looked up at him, stating silent.

The platinum elf had already released her arms.

"Go now. Before I change my mind." The woman had mo choice but to lift her long skirt and rush.

Exiting the room swiftly.

Leaving Adam behind to wallow in his feelings.

"AAAAARRRGHHH!" He roared, smacking the ground with his fists and releasing his frustration.

He wanted to be angry.

To regain what he lost.

But there was nothing left.

His sense of dignity had already been buried.

So what could he do now that he had nothing. Who could ever understand what he was going through.

Adam didn't want to be himself anymore.

He wanted to run away.

It was at that moment he remembered something both Solaris and Lumina were already aware of.

His hand touched his mask, then looked at the woman who had yet to give birth to his offspring.

The gears in his head started to turn.

A certain thought crossed his mind.

It was something no human could possibly think of in this situation. Something only HE would think.

Will be back later after doing some things in Tower of Fantasy.

NovelDudecreators' thoughts
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