
Ch.39 Shopping Naked

After we finished our breakfast, we were getting ready to go shopping. Mom gave Malia some of her stuff to wear. I was downstairs and I was waiting for her to come down.

She came down after a while and she was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. She had open hair. She looked awesome.

She walked towards me and asked "How do I look?"

I smiled and said, "You look beautiful…"

She smiled and said, "Thanks… so, let's go."

She started walking but I grabbed her hand and said, "Wait before we go I need to go and check up on Allison."

She looked at me and asked, "Why?"

I shook my head and said, "Well, because technically I am still supposed to take her to the dance but I know she wouldn't come because of her aunt but technically I am not supposed to know."

She looked confused and said, "Basically I need to go and lie for a min or two before they send me off."

She understood that and I said, "Just wait in the backseat of the car and don't let anyone see you alright?"

She nodded and said, "Got it, but why?"

I nodded and said, "I have a plan that might make you more believable."


After sending her to the car and hiding her. I went to the Argent's house. I rang the doorbell and waited. After a few short seconds Chris came to the door.

He walked outside and closed the door behind him. He folded his arms and just looked at me. I just looked at him and said, "Is Allison there?"

He nodded and said, "She is but she can't come… May I take a message?"

I looked at him and said, "Ah, ok… I just wanted to go shopping with her… I need to buy a suit for the dance and since I am taking her. I would like them to be appropriate."

He rubbed his chin with his hand and said, "I don't think she will go to the dance…" I looked at him and he said, "Ah, Kate was in an accident… we lost her."

I looked shocked and said, "I am sorry for your loss… how did it happen? When?"

He exhaled and said, "Last night, there was a car accident… can you please come later… I can't right now."

I nodded and said, "I understand… and please let us know if there is anything we can help you with. We are here."

He nodded and patted my shoulder and said, "Have fun at the dance." He went inside the house.

I walked into the car and I drove out of there. Malia came and sat forward and said, "Wow you are good at lying."

I nodded and said, "Ah, well it's not something I take pride in."


We went to the mall to shop for clothes. It was a little awkward buying something like the underwear and all the saleswoman was a little too friendly. So I kinda waited outside the shop for her.

After that, normal clothes were bought. We went to buy the clothes for the dance. We did mine first since it wouldn't take all that long.

I browsed for a little while and grabbed a suite that I think would look good on me. The Jacket was Navy blue and the pants matched the suit and the vest was a silvery grey in colour and the tie was black with a bit of sheen. I also bought a pair of black Oxford shoes. I took the suit and went inside to change.

I wore the suite and it felt right, there weren't that many options for me to select from but this one was great. It gave a look of a businessman and I kinda liked it. The only thing that was missing from completing the whole look was a good time piece.

I stepped outside to show the suite to Malia, she was waiting outside for me. I walked out and asked, "How is it?"

She smiled and said, "You look good, it suits you."

I smiled and said, "Now, let's get yours and get out of here…"

I bought the suit and we went to shop for her dress. The shop was adjacent to this shop. I took the bags she was carrying. She started to look through dresses but couldn't decide. I helped her in finding a dress and after an hour of browsing through dresses she landed on two but she was having a hard time deciding between the two.

She went ahead to try on the dresses and I sat down and relaxed for a while, shopping is a very tedious process. I took my phone out and I looked at the time it was around 1 pm. The dance will start around 7. It should give us some time to get ready.

As I was looking on my phone I heard her coming out. She was wearing a long egyptian blue sleeveless dress with spaghetti straps and it had a silky texture and shimer. She wore her hair up and it looked elegant

I kept looking at her and she said, "So?" I shook my head and cleared my throat and nodded and said, "Simple, amazing… and elegant."

She was happy she squealed and said, "I'm taking this one then."

I stopped her and said, "Wait…" She turned around and I said, "You should also try the other one? Maybe that one can be better?"

She looked at me and hummed. She went inside and started to change. She came out with an emerald gown with sleeves and it had black lacing on the neck and on the waist but the lacing was very minimal. She freed her hair from the bun and shook her head from side to side and asked, "How is this?"

I was a little speechless and I just nodded and she chucked and said, "I'm getting this one."

She chuckled and nodded, she went inside and changed again. After shopping for the dress was done. We had lunch and knowing that she would eat with her hands I decided to go to a burger joint. We ordered some chilli fries, burgers and milkshakes.

After we were done with eating we decided to go home, but I just needed to make one stop first. I pulled up at the hospital and Malia asked, "Why did we come here?"

I said, "Well, one of my friends is injured so I am here to visit."

She looked at me and said, "I'll come as well."

I nodded and said, "Sure."

We both got out and asked for Lydia's room and I found Stiles sitting outside. He saw me and he walked up to me and asked, "Why are you here?"

I said, "I came to check up on her…"

He looked at me and said, "Well, she is not dead so you can leave now."

I was trying to calm him but Malia looked at him and said, "Why are you being like this? He is just trying to help his friend."

He looked at her and said, "Ah, whoa… friend? Him?" He walked towards her and said, "Friends don't lead you to a trap. They don't leave you to die." He shook his head and asked, "Who are you anyway?"

She was pissed and she growled and I stopped her and I came in front of her and said, "You know I was forced into it… I didn't have a choice."

He nodded and said, "You keep saying that but what does it mean man?"

She said, "He kidnapped me." Stiles looked at her and said, "Peter kidnapped you?"

She nodded and I said, "I know what I did was not right but I had no choice in the matter… he would have killed her."

He sighed and relaxed a little and said, "This is just not fair…"

I looked at him and said, "I know and I am sorry for it… look if there is anything just call me I will be there… she is my friend as well, a crappy one but friend nonetheless."

He nodded and said, "Alright." I nodded and we were walking out and he said, "Nice meeting you."

She turned around and nodded. We got out the hospital and went home.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter. I have some announcement to make my exam's schedule has been uploaded and it will end on 10th July. I don't know I will be able to upload during the time in between but I will certainly try and squeeze some time for it.

Another thing is that I could possibly leave for college around 15th of July at least I am praying cause I don't want to be here during that time. If that happens... if I do leave then there can be some changes as to when I upload chapters and all.

But that's still in future... I have my fingers crossed. Anyways if you liked the chapter leave a comment down below and while you are at it throw some stones as well and I will see you in the next chapter... Bye.

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