
Chapter 83

After the party, Delina was very tired. Not because she danced. In fact, she was practically just sitting. But because she didn't want to be there and ended up being mentally drained.

Sophie and Petrus had a great time, and Delina enjoyed watching the people she was friends with having so much fun.

Suindara surprised her, because he, who was always so reclusive, so rigid, kept an almost constant smile on his lips, next to Giovietta.

The next morning he asked to speak with Delina and sat with her for tea in Maise's garden.

"You seemed very pleased with Lady Gallard yesterday, Suindara." She spoke as she sipped her tea.

"Yea." He replied and smiled, looking away. "She is wonderful and I can only thank you, Your Majesty, for introducing us."

Delina made a dismissive sign with her hand.

"No need to thank me!" she said happily, "The fact that you're happy, Suindara, makes me happy, too. We're friends, remember?"

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