
Chapter 156: Second Master is Kidnapped_1

Feng Lin smiled but said nothing, as he also lacked full confidence.

Compared to Bai Jian, he worried about Liu Xiangnan, fearing he wouldn't hold out.

"Brother, before we start, let me make it clear, if you can hold out for three minutes, you can come to work. If you can't, as long as you've tried, I'll give you fifty thousand in cash."

Having said that, Feng Lin continued, "If you can knock Bai Jian down, I'll give you one million in cash, I mean what I say."

"One million? Alright!"

Liu Xiangnan clenched his fists and raised them to Bai Jian, "Please show me."

Bai Jian nodded and walked toward him, neither hurriedly nor slowly.

Those around them spread out, well aware of Bai Jian's strength.

All of a sudden, Liu Xiangnan clenched his fist and aimed a punch at Bai Jian's head.


Before he could react, Bai Jian's fist had already smashed into his shoulder.

Liu Xiangnan crashed to the ground, his chin striking the floor and blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

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