
The Westerlands

The North, 9th moon of 276 AC

The North's landscape was a sight to behold; the trees were ancient, and so was the north itself. Ragnar and his household had been riding for three weeks already; the people of the north knew about House Dovahkiin. Ragnar would often send ravens to Lord Stark, informing him of the happenings in Skagos. Lord Stark would share these updates with some lords, and the Lords would share this with their households, and like that, Ragnar Dovahkiin became a minor legend in the North. "The Man who alone conquered Skagos and brought it back to the North." due to his house coat of arms, he got the nickname of "The Dragon of The North."

" Davos, do you know why the people of the North know about me? I haven't done much outside of Skagos yet." Asked Ragnar.

"I'm as surprised as you, m'lord. "The Dragon of The North" that's a good nickname."

"Better than "the barbarian lord of Skagos." Or "walking tree." Don't you agree?" Ragnar said, amused.

" Yes, way better." Davis chuckled. "Walking tree? Did someone call you that before?" Asked Davos.

" Oh yes… a little girl in Ibben. Her mother thought I would kill her." Ragnar laughed " You should've seen her face when I picked the girl up to show her how tall I was, poor woman."

Ragnar then heard a growl-like sound; he looked around and saw nothing but chose to remain on guard. He got down from his horse and used a detect life spell. There was something nearby.

"Stay put; something is coming our way, and fortunately is not winter…." Ragnar joked.

They waited for 3 minutes, and then out of the woods, a massive brown bear appeared; it seemed pissed. It ran at Ragnar, and Ragnar just stood his ground and opened his shouted

"RAAN MIR TAH" ( Animal allegiance shout )

The bear stopped running and walked toward Ragnar; he then petted the bear, which made a cat-like noise.

"Davos, my friend, meet Ulrick, my new ride!" Said Ragnar.

" You jest, my lord? You can't walk into The Rock riding a bear."

"Why not? I got a bear and it can walk… I see no inconsistency." Joked Ragnar and apparently, he meant it.

" m'lord, but what if it hurt someone?" Davos said

"It won't. I'm pretty sure of that"


Casterly Rock, The Westerlands, 10th moon of 276 AC

Casterly Rock was as magnificent as described by those who knew it. A massive stronghold/castle carved on a hill, the sunset sea in its south and an elegant city on its north, the amount of wealth shown by house Lannister only made the Rock look better. Lannisters coat of arms spread to every corner of the city and castle. It was a magnificent sight to behold.

Ragnar had stopped a few miles before the Rock to change his armors. He changed his leather armor for his Skyforged steel armor, or Valyrian steel armor as it was called here. Ragnar had forged this armor to honor Ysgramor. It was exactly like the one he wore in life. Once Davos saw it, his heart almost stopped working.

"Is this a Valyrian steel armor? How? Not even the Targaryen have one." Davos said.

" You have seen me move a boulder, you have seen my dragon, and the thing that shocks you the most is an armor? You southerners have a serious common-sense problem." Ragnar replied nonchalantly.

Ragnar and his household then proceeded on their way to the Rock. Once Ragnar laid his eyes on Casterly Rock, he said

" Magnificent. I have never seen something remotely similar to this. Not even the White Tower." Ragnar was utterly stunned by what he saw.

As Ragnar was admiring The Rock, two reluctant red cloaks approached Ragnar. It wasn't every day one saw a 7'2 man riding a bear and wearing a Valyrian Steel armor.

"Greetings, my Lord. We are sorry, but we cannot allow your bear into the city. It could harm someone." Said one of the red cloaks

"Greetings. I understand your reasoning and commend your dedication to your work. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be leaving the bear go right now, and I have no intention of going back to The North without winning this tourney," Ragnar calmly said. The Red Cloaks were surprised by his civility, but they wisely chose not to comment on that.

" I would appreciate it if you would call someone with enough authority to solve this little problem of mine," Ragnar said. The red cloak who had spoken to Ragnar nodded and went to get someone.


Tywin Lannister's Study, Casterly Rock, 10th moon of 276 AC

Tywin Lannister was a legendary man who picked his house from the bottom and raised it to new standards. The once rebellious Houses were now loyal because of their fear of Tywin Lannister, The Great Lion.

Tywin was reading a report from his brother Kevan Lannister. The report was about the expenses for the tourney. Tywin wasn't worried about that. He was actually worried about the King. His plan to make his Dauther Cercei queen depended on Aery's mood on the day. That was the reason behind this tourney; after the festivities, he would ask the King to betroth Prince Rhaegar to Cercei.

A knock on his door stopped Tywin's musings; he told them to get in, and a very distraught Kevan Lannister stepped into Tywin's study.

Tywin looked at his brother with a questioning look and said

" What is it, Kevan? Did something happen?"

"My Lord, there is a Lord from the North requesting permission to enter the city. He rides a bear," Ser Kevan Lannister replied.

" And you are disturbing me because!?" Tywin demanded

"Because according to the men, this man wears a Valyrian Steel armor, full set, head to toes," Kevan answered.


With Ragnar and his household

Ragnar patiently waited for someone to arrive and talk to him, He knew that bringing the bear was a bad idea, but he still did it. He told Davos he had his reasons but in reality, he just did it for the kicks.

" There, m'lord, someone is coming," Davos said as he subtly pointed at a group of men walking towards them.

"Finally. Once they get here, introduce me, Davos." Ragnar said as he dismounted his bear.

The group quickly got to where Ragnar was; the Red cloaks opened the way for a man. The man was wearing fine leather clothes, his eyes were as green as emeralds, and his hair was golden blond. By his side walked a man Ragnar presumed to be the man's younger brother. They looked similar to each other.

"Presenting Lord Tywin of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and its lands, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands and warden of the west, and Lord Kevan Lannister of House Lannister." Said one of the Guards

" Presenting Lord Ragnar of House Dovahkiin, Lord of Castle Volkihar and Kingshouse, High Lord of Skagos and his household." Said Davos.

After both lord's names and titles were announced, there was an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds, it was a power game between Tywin and Ragnar, but in the end, Kavan Lannister decided to break it.

" Greetings, Lord Dovahkiin. I hope you didn't have to wait too much for our arrival." Said Kevan.

"Yes," Tywin slowly said. "It seems the reports about you and your bear were accurate."

" Greetings, Lord Tywin and Ser Kevan. No, I didn't have to wait for too much, and even if I had, it would've been understandable. You have a tournament to manage, after all." Ragnar said as he looked até Kevan, he then looked at Tywin and said

"Indeed, they are, Lord Tywin. And so is the report about my armor, I believe."

Tywin arched an eyebrow at Ragnar and said.

" You are bold. I can respect that… you are allowed to enter the city, but you will not be allowed to compete with that armor of yours. It would be unfair to everyone else. You will also have to jail your bear; even if tame, it will not be allowed to wander around my city."

Ragnar nodded and said

"Fair enough, Lord Tywin."

"House Lannister would like to invite House Dovahkiin to stay at the castle for the time of the tourney," Tywin said; his interest in Ragnar's Armor was almost palpable.

"Then I humbly accept your invitation, Lord Tywin. I shall look forward to seeing the Jewel of the west."


A/N: That's it for today. Sorry for the uncharacteristic way of Tywin. I forgot his mannerisms and manner of speaking. I'll read some of his quotes in the book to better grasp his personality. It will probably be better next chapter. Thank you for the support!!

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