
Trading places

"Before today I would not place much faith in anything beyond my own to wings little sister, but please share your idea Siael. Also, I will be praying that you give her a good name Zeph. Fail and I will risk falling just to strangle you with my halo."

"Like I said it is not perfect and only a temporary solution, but it will likely keep everyone above our heads up on the surface from having an existential crisis over not being able to use the Vlaras Global Positioning and Intergraded Information Neuro Network for a few days."

"Little hiccups in the internet on earth cause the younger ones that might as well have a chip put in their skull at birth with as much time as they spend in it to melt down. Don't want to see the panic a few hours of actually having to talk to someone or know something on your own would do here."

"I take that back it might make for some good entertainment."

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