
Talking with Instructors

With his part over in the "questioning" of Conner Halt, Zeph took note of the time and realized that it would be just about time for the scheduled long beak in the afternoon training portion of the day for his cycle and a few others.

With how long it would take to make a quick pitstop in the men's room and brew up a fresh pot the timing could not be more convenient.

**Over PA system**

"Instructors who are about to have their afternoon long break, please report to the Executive Officer's ready room at that time. Coffee and snacks will be provided."


Zeph smiled at himself in the reflection on the glass desk. He had been the XO just long enough to understand that it did not matter if they were slightly older than him or even the cadets who were going to graduate soon, the instructors were treat-motivated too.

The fifty or so credits he shoved into a vending machine were nothing to him, and other than for 

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