
Eldritch Disturbances    

[Side Story]

[Ragnar, Sumeri, Nikolai]

Ragnar's voice dropped to a whisper as he said to Sumeri, "We've got company, and it's not just any company. It's the Black Lion guild led by Invayne."


Sumeri nodded, her eyes fixed on the approaching guild members. "They're not here for a friendly chat, that's for sure."


The tension in the room was palpable as the two groups – Ragnar's team and the Black Lion guild – stood facing each other, neither side willing to make the first move.


It was a standoff, and the outcome hung in the balance, ready to tip in favor of the one who dared to act first.


"Wow, aren't you a stalker?" Sumeri quipped, her laughter cutting through the tension in the room. "You must be really insecure to follow me around like this. Afraid I might snatch Scar from you, just as you did to me?"


The onlookers exchanged knowing glances, eager for the unfolding drama.


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