
A Vehicle for Two

"That's . . ." Ren didn't know what to say about Evie's new car. It was just that . . . Since Evie had a car, what use did he have for the vehicle he bought?

Ren looked to the side to hide his disappointment. ". . . Great," he uttered with a slight grumble in his tone. "Mine is pre-ordered."

Evie nodded, not noticing Ren's disappointment. "Mine is only second hand though," she repeated with an excited tone.

Ren released a sigh under his breath. OF course, Evie wouldn't know. She wasn't into him. At most, the lady probably just admired her for his capabilities in COVENANT. But when it came to viewing him as a romantic interest, she wasn't probably interested.

Aside from that . . . was he even ready for a relationship?

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