
The Spillway of Absolute Doom

Ren was hatching a plan in his mind. There was still at least a fifty meters or so from where they stood to the shore that had the door to the next room. He deducted that they would need at least fifteen minutes or so to get to the other side.

[Teleportation] and other skills related to escaping the viscous liquid didn't work here, leaving them any choice but to wade the waters.

"What's the plan, Ren?" Roxy asked, biting her nails to keep herself from jumping on her toes.

After a short second of pause, Ren faced the others. "How good is your math?"

Roxy grumbled at just the thought of numbers. "Terrible."

"Passable." Ragnar shrugged.

"Please, don't tell me that we need to solve calculus or something while going in there blind."

"Better yet," Ren smirked, "Estimate. See those walls?"

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