
The True Ending

The Night Thing's attention flicked from Evie to Ragnar. The latter walked out from his hiding spot. He no longer had any escape skill, but he would give Evie some time to cast her spell to hide from the Night Thing's sight.

Ragnar casted [Taunt] just to be sure that the Night Thing would indeed go after him first. The Night Thing's eyes narrowed at Ragnar, and it totally forgot about Evie.

Ragnar didn't have time to say anything when the Night Thing's hundred legs stomped hard on the ground, stampeding toward his direction.

Face to face with the monster, a crippling fear paralyzed Ragnar, and he struggled to remain upright as he lost feeling in his limbs.

Face stoic, he swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbling up and down. "You . . . really are ugly."


With a single chomp, the Night Thing swallowed Ragnar whole, and he burst into particles without as much as a fight.

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