
Guild Wars: Fight for Victory! 3

What kind of a mage was he?

None dared to ask. It was like acknowledging what he said and his skills if they did.

Ren was a cheater and a Thief. That was all the truth they needed to know.

The four swordsmen quickly recovered, and they closed the distance between them and Ren. They attacked without hesitation, but their AGL was lacking, and their MP was short to cast any skill.

Ren avoided every swing and slash of their sword while he counterattacked with his staff, aiming at their exposed limbs. At the same time, he was deflecting their weapons if he could.

Taking a leap, Ren jumped back and maintained a reasonable distance from his attackers while four elemental balls shot out from the pointy end of his staff, striking his foes before the four swordsmen could even realize that it was on their way.

The four Swordsmen were caught off guard since they didn't expect that Ren could cast while moving. They heard about it, but the INT requirement for it was huge.

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