
Care about

"Daddy, where are we going?" asked Joy as Dom was carrying her from her room as they walked down the stairs.

"Well I have a surprise for you my princess, but you have to close your eyes first for me to be able to show you" said Dom as he smiled.

"I have to?" asked Joy in all curiosity.

"Yes, you have to princess" said Dom as he smiled and he nodded his head.

"Okay" said Joy as she put her hands over her eyes as she covered them and she giggled.

"No peeking Princess" said Dom as he smiled.

"I won't peek daddy" said Joy as she giggled.

"Okay then, I will trust you" said Dom as he laughed and he turned to the right as he entered the dining room and Natasha was standing there was a smile as she could not wait to see her baby's reaction.

"Alright Princess, when I count to three, you can open your eyes okay?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Okay daddy" said Joy as she nodded her head and she giggled.

"Okay 1…2…3" said Dom as on the count of three Joy opened her eyes.

"Surprise!" said Natasha and Dom at the same time as they smiled and Joy looked like she was in awe, there was a very big cake on the dining table, with a golden candle number 5 on the cake as the words happy birthday Joy

"Happy late Birthday my baby" said Natasha as she walked over to Joy and Dom as she carried Joy from Dom.

"You are my precious baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she gave Joy kisses everywhere on her face which made Joy giggle.

"Mommy it tickles" said Joy as she giggled and Natasha laughed.

"Aww my baby, please don't ever grow up okay?" asked Natasha as she smiled, she knew that what she was asking for was impossible, but she could not help it, she wanted her baby to be little, always, she was her baby, and she loved her with all her heart and all her soul.

"Okay mommy, I won't" said Joy as she giggled and she hugged her mother.

"Oh my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and Dom smiled, Natasha was a good mother, a very good mother, and he knew that.

"Is that cake for me mommy?" asked Joy as she pointed at the cake.

"Yes it is my baby, it's your make up cake, since your daddy and I missed your birthday" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked to the dining table as she pulled out the chair and she put down Joy in the chair as Joy looked at the cake in happiness.

"Yayyy, I get to have two cakes" said Joy as she giggled and Natasha and Dom laughed.

"So you don't care about us princess?" asked Dom as he laughed.

"No daddy, I care about you and mommy, but I also like the cake" said Joy as she giggled and Dom laughed as Natasha lit a match and she lit the candle.

"Happy late birthday to you, happy late birthday to you, happy late birthday my baby, happy later birthday to you" said Natasha as she sang and Joy smiled.

"Daddy, won't you sing for me as well?" asked Joy as she looked at her father.

"I have a horrible singing voice Princess, I got it from my mom" said Dom as he laughed and Joy laughed as Natasha shook her head.

"Mommy, can I blow the candle out?" asked Joy.

"Of course you can my baby, go ahead" said Natasha as she smiled and she brought out of her phone and she moved a few steps back so that she could take a picture.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she giggled and she faced her cake as she blew out the candle as Natasha took a picture.

"Yayyy" said Natasha as she smiled and Joy giggled.

"I am going to print out this picture" said Natasha as she smiled, she was a good photographer, if she did say so herself.

"Can you send me a copy?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Sure" said Natasha as she smiled and she was looking at the picture of her baby.

"Mommy, can I eat the cake now?" asked Joy as she giggled.

"Oh my baby, you love cake too much, at this rate it will grow on your head" said Natasha as she laughed and Joy giggled.

"But alright, fine, you can have cake now" said Natasha as she put her phone back in her pocket as she walked to Joy and she brought out a knife as she was going to cut the cake.

"Before you eat the cake my Princess, I have something for you" said Dom as he smiled and he quickly walked out of the dining room as he walked back in a few seconds later.

"Happy later birthday my beautiful Princess" said Dom as he smiled and he handed Joy a box that was wrapped in yellow wrapping paper.

"What is it daddy?" asked Joy as she smiled and she shook the box, the present almost slipped out of her tiny hands.

"Open it princess, and you will see" said Dom as he smiled and Joy looked at her mother as if asking her with her eyes if she knew what was in there, but Natasha just shook her head as she was just as clueless as she was.

"Okay" said Joy as she began to tear off the beautiful wrapping paper, and her eyes lit up as she saw a red car in a box.

"It's a car daddy!!" said Joy excitedly as she looked at her Father.

"Not just any car Princess, but a remote control car, you use the remote over there to control it, it only needs batteries" said Dom as he smiled.

"Ahhh, so cool daddy, very, very cool" said Joy as she giggled and Dom nodded his head, he was sure that he had out done himself this time.

Dom looked at Natasha as he smiled and she scoffed at him, did he really think that he got her baby a better birthday present than her?

"Mommy, its so cool, I want to drive it" said Joy as she looked at her mother.

"You can my baby, after you eat your cake" said Natasha as she smiled and she cut a piece of cake for Joy.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Thank you daddy" said Joy as she looked at her father and she laughed.

"You like it princess?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"I love it daddy, thank you" said Joy as she giggled and Dom smiled at his little princess, he could not explain the way his heart moved whenever he heard her little voice, saw her beautiful smile, and when she called him daddy, it made him feel like the best Father in the world.

"Aww my princess" said Dom as he smiled and he gave his princess a quick kiss on the cheek.

"My baby, didn't you like the present I got for you?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I Loved it mommy, it is very cool, very, very cool" said Joy as she giggled.

"What did your mommy get you princess?" asked Dom as he asked Joy, Natasha had refused to tell him.

"Let me go get it and show you daddy" said Joy as she got down from the dining chair and she ran out of the dining room with her little legs.

Dom looked at Natasha as Natasha scoffed at him, why was he so childish? They were not children that were vying for their daughter's attention.

After a few minutes, Joy ran back into the dining room with a box in her hand.

"Daddy, Mommy got me a very cool gun" said Joy as she giggled and she gave her Father the box as Dom's face scrunched up, Natasha could not have possibly got their daughter an actual gun.

Dom opened the box as he sighed in relief, and he brought out a yellow toy gun with some sticky bullets.

"See daddy, it's very cool" said Joy as she giggled and Dom looked at Natasha as she ignored him.

"Yes, it is…" said Dom as he was sure that Natasha was the only mother who would give her daughter a toy gun for her birthday.

"I am very glad that you think so my baby" said Natasha as she laughed and she carried Joy as she gave her kisses which made Joy giggle.

"Now, how about we eat some cake?" asked Natasha as she laughed.

"Yes Mommy, yaayyy" said Joy as she giggled and Natasha smiled, her baby was just wonderful.

Natasha smiled as she was sitting in her office, Joy was taking her afternoon nap, which left her with some time to work, and focus on the important things that she needed to do, and well as for Dom, she didn't know where he was, and she did not care at all.

Natasha brought out her phone as she dialed a number as her call was picked almost immediately.

"Hello Natasha" came Chloe's cheerful voice from the other side of the line, Natasha could not help but smile.

"Hello Chloe" said Natasha as she smiled.

"How are you?" asked Chloe as she smiled.

"I am good, and how are you Chloe?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I am good as well" said Chloe as she smiled and she sent an email on her laptop.

"Are you back from your trip?" asked Chloe as she smiled.

"Yes I am Chloe, I just had to take care of some things, but I am back now" said Natasha as she smiled.

"That's great" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Yes, so how are things going in the office?" asked Natasha.

"Ahh well, everything is going well, and as for the building project, construction is going good, on a steady pace, and if we continue like this, we will finish before the dur date" said Chloe as she smiled, she was so happy about the construction of their new store in Lexington.

"I al glad that everything is going well" said Natasha as she smiled and Chloe smiled.

"I saw some quotations in my email, I just skimmed through one of them, what are they for?" asked Natasha.

"Ahh well some building materials need to be imported, so I sent you the new quotations" said Chloe as she smiled.

"I see, are they off the budget?" asked Natasha as she went through her email.

"No, not at all, in fact, I managed to get a deal on them, it would cost us about 5% less what we budgeted for" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Good Job Chloe, I know I don't say this often enough, but all this would not have been possible without you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Well I wouldn't be here if you didn't hire me, so thank you Natasha" said Chloe as she smiled and Natasha smiled as well.

"There will be a meeting tomorrow at 2pm at the office, just to discuss how construction has been going, and some other things" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Will you be able to make it?" asked Chloe.

"Of course, I will, I will be there" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Great" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Anyway, I have non work related news for you" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Oh and what is that?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Well Natasha, I took your advice, and I am taking an online business degree course" said Chloe as she laughed.

"Oh that's wonderful Chloe, it is, congratulations" said Natasha as she laughed, she was happy for her friend.

"Oh thank you Natasha, I would have never taken such a decision without you" said Chloe as she laughed, she was really grateful that she had good friend like Natasha.

"Oh I don't take credit Chloe, it was your decision and I am glad that you took it" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I mean, I just feel so overjoyed, I feel so young, it's like being in school again, which I am" said Chloe as she laughed.

"I am sure that you will enjoy it Chloe, business, is a very interesting course, believe it or not, it's a very creative course" said Natasha as she smiled, she was speaking from experience.

"Oh I hope I will" said Chloe as she laughed.

"So how have Neil and Ethan taken the news?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Well surprisingly, Neil offered me his full support" said Chloe as she smiled.

"And Ethan?" asked Natasha.

"Well that big baby of mine doesn't want me to do anything at all, he wants me to be at his every beck and call, but I am sure he will get over it soon" said Chloe as she laughed, which reminded her, she had to check in on Ethan to ask if he had gotten started on his research homework for school.

"He's a mommy's boy" said Natasha as she laughed.

"That one?? No far from it, he's a daddy's boy, he just wants to annoy me, but I won't let him" said Chloe as she laughed and Natasha laughed.

"Being a mother is so annoying sometimes, especially when your child decides to be impossible" said Chloe as she laughed and she shook her head.

"But it can also be the most wonderful feeling in the world" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You are right about that Natasha" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Anyway, I need to get back to work, I will see you tomorrow afternoon right?" asked Chloe as she smiled.

"Definitely" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Take care" said Chloe as she smiled.

"I will, and you too" said Natasha as she smiled and Chloe ended the call.

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