
Childhood Memories VII

"What is your favourite colour Natasha?" asked Michael as he smiled as they all sat on the grass after playing soccer.

"My favourite colour is yellow" said Natasha as she giggled.

"And what is your favourite colour Michael??" asked Natasha as she turned to look at him.

"Mine is green" said Michael as he smiled brightly.

"And what is your favourite colour Dom?" asked Natasha as she looked at Dom and she smiled.

"Mine is red" said Dom as he laughed.

"Mine is Blue" said Charlie as he laughed.

"And what about you Zavi?" asked Natasha as she looked at Zavi who was frowning.

"I like black, like the night and batman" replied Zavi coldly.

"Don't mind him Natasha, Zavi is always so mean" said Charlie as he laughed and he shook his head.

Natasha stood up and she walked over to where Zavi was laying on the grass as she hovered above him.

"Why are you mean??" asked Natasha as she looked at him very innocently with her big doe brown eyes.

"And why are you nosy?" asked Zavi as he replied to her.

"What is nosy??" asked Natasha.

"Of course you don't know since you are a baby" said Zavi.

"Alright Zavi that's enough, Grandfather and the adults are right there, if you make her cry, you are on your own" said Dom as he looked at Zavi seriously while Natasha just looked at the both of them in utter cluelessness.

"Fine" said Zavi as he scoffed and he got up.

"Where is he going?" asked Natasha as Zavi walked away.

"He's going inside" said Michael as he looked at Natasha.

"But why?" asked Natasha.

"Don't worry he will be back, he just doesn't want to get into trouble with Grandfather" said Charlie as he laughed.

"Is your grandfather the man with the white hair??" asked Natasha as she looked at Dom.

"Yes he is" said Dom as he nodded.

"Oh he's very nice" said Natasha as she smiled and in that same moment, Dom, Charlie and Michael all started laughing.

"Why are you all laughing??" asked Natasha as she did not know what was so funny.

"Well because Grandfather is far from nice" said Charlie as he laughed.

"But he is nice to me" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes well that is to you, because you are little and he just met you, but he is very strict, like a soldier" said Michael as he laughed.

"Hmmm" said Natasha as she seemed to be thinking.

"Tasha, come here my princess, we have to go now" said Larry as his voice came from far away.

"Oh My daddy is calling me, I have to go now, see you later" said Natasha as she giggled.

"Bye" said Dom, Charlie and Michael as they smiled and they waved at her as she ran to her father.

"Daddy!!" said Natasha as she laughed as her father carried her in his arms.

"I am deeply sorry everyone, but I just received a call from my office, a problem came up that I only know how to solve" said Larry as he smiled.

"Oh that is alright Mr. Cole, we understand, but you will have to make up for next time" said Ernest as he laughed.

"Of course, next time it is" said Larry as he laughed.

"Well we must be taking our leave now" said Larry as he smiled.

"Bye Bye everyone" said Natasha as she smiled and she waved at everyone.

"Aww" said the women as they just melted at Natasha's cuteness.

"Goodbye dear" said Ernest as he smiled as Larry and Natasha walked away.

"Daddy, where are we going?" asked Natasha as she looked at her father.

"Well Tasha, there is a problem at the office, and I need to go and fix it" said Larry as they walked out of Ernest's house back to their own house.

"Okay" said Natasha.

"Are we going to see mommy??" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Of course" said Larry as he smiled.

"Yayyy, mommy, mommy, mommy" said Natasha as she smiled and she giggled.

"Alright my princess, so did you have fun Tasha?" asked Larry as he opened the door to his car.

"Yes daddy, I had lots of fun, I scored a goal" said Natasha as she giggled.

"That's great Tasha" said Larry as he smiled as he strapped Natasha into her car seat as he closed the door and went to the driver's seat as he started the car and they drove away.

The Next Monday.

"Daddy, daddy, can I go outside and play??" asked Natasha as she jumped around and giggled.

"Tasha, I am working on something important, and I cannot go with you" said Larry as he placed down document on his desk.

"But Daddy, you don't have to, Dom, Michael, Charlie and Zavi are outside, can I go and play with them??" asked Natasha as she jumped around and Larry's eyes followed her, which made him a bit dizzy.

"Oh well Alright, only for an hour and I will come and get you" said Larry as he realized he could not work with Natasha here, she would keep on disturbing him.

"Yayyy thank you Daddy" said Natasha as she giggled.

"Alright, but don't go to far" said Larry.

"I won't" said Natasha as she smiled and she ran out her father's office and she ran to the living room and opened the front door as she closed it behind her and she ran to where Dom, Michael, Charlie and Zavi were playing.

"*Sigh*, I wonder where you get your adventurous side from?" asked Larry to himself as he sighed and laughed.

"Guys, Hellooooo" said Natasha as she giggled and she waved.

"Oh Hi Natasha" said Dom as he smiled and he waved back at her.

"Hi Natasha" said Michael as he smiled.

"Hi Natasha" said Charlie as he smiled.

"Here comes trouble" said Zavi as he shook his head.

"My Daddy said that I can play with you guys" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Well that's great, but we were just about to leave" said Michael as he smiled.

"Where are you guys going??" asked Natasha very sadly.

"We are going to my Grandfather's house" said Dom as he smiled.

"Grandmother is making cookies today, and we are not going to miss them for anything, they are so delicious hmmm" said Charlie as he was already dreaming of the warm, soft cookies that Grandmother would make.

"But I wanted to play with you" said Natasha as she looked very sad.

"Oh, we are sorry" said Michael sadly.

"I know, how about you come with us?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Really??" asked Natasha as her eyes lit up.

"Sure why not??" asked Michael as he smiled.

"I am sure that Grandmother would like to choose another flavour" said Charlie as he laughed.

"Alright then, Natasha, you can come with us, I am sure Grandmother would be very happy to meet you" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yayyy" said Natasha as she smiled.

"But wait, what if my daddy comes to find me??" asked Natasha.

"Well no worries, we should be back before then, and besides we are only going down the street" said Charlie.

"I can ask Grandmother to call your father to let him know where you are" said Dom as he smiled.

"Hmmm, okay then, let's go" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Great" said Michael as he laughed and they all began to walk down the street.

"Should we sneak in from the kitchen door?? Alfred always forgets to lock it" said Charlie as he laughed.

"Sure why not? Although Grandfather went to the office today, so we can be free" said Dom as he laughed and he opened the gate for the rest of them as they walked In and he closed the gate behind him.

"I only want cookies" said Zavi as he shook his head and they entered from the kitchen door as they could hear some humming.

"Hello Grandmother" said Dom, Michael and Charlie all at the same time as they smiled.

"Hello Grandmother" said Zavi.

"Oh hello boys, you are early" came the voice of a sweet woman as she stopped humming and she turned to look at them, she had brown eyes, and curly white hair.

Mary White, wife of Ernest White, a sweet and kind lady, who's hobbies were sewing, knitting, and most of all baking cookies for her beloved children.

"Hello" came Natasha's cute voice as she looked at the woman.

"Well hello sweetie" said Mary as she smiled and she looked at Dom.

"Grandmother this is our new friend Natasha, she just moved here" said Dom as he explained.

"Oh well then, welcome my dear" said Mary as she smiled.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Oh aren't you just a cutie, fiery red hair, big brown eyes, and an adventurous character, Oh I know just the flavour for you" said Mary as she smiled.

"Ginger, spicy but sweet, tough but gentle" said Mary as she smiled and she turned back into the kitchen as Natasha turned to look at the boys.

"Oh Grandmother loves to make cookies for people based on their personality" said Dom as he laughed and he explained as he saw the confused look on Natasha's face.

"Mine is red velvet" said Dom.

"Mine is Chocolate" said Charlie as he smiled.

"Mine is peanut butter" said Michael as he smiled.

"And Zavi is lemon" said Michael.

"And apparently Grandmother says yours is ginger" said Dom as he smiled.

"Ooooh" said Natasha as she seemed to understand.

In their friend group Michael was the kindest, Dom was the most caring, Charlie was the funniest, and well Zavi was just plain mean, and that was why Mary choose all their flavours for them.

"Alright Children, who wants to play a game??" asked Mary as she walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

Thank you to jungkook29 for the power stone haha

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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