
Own Money

"Mrs. Thompson" said Alfred as he walked into the main living room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" said Alfred as he smiled.

"That is alright Alfred" said Mrs. Thompson as she smiled.

"I have confirmed that the Madam is in, and she will be able to see you now" said Alfred.

"That sounds great" said Mrs. Thompson as she smiled.

"Good Morning Mrs. Thompson" said Natasha as she walked into the main living room with a smile.

"Ahhh Good Morning Mrs. White" said Mrs. Thompson as she smiled.

"Alfred was just telling me that I could see you" she said.

"Yes, Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she turned to look at Alfred and Alfred smiled.

"I am sorry for coming here without informing you, but I did not have your phone number, my husband has the one for your husband, but he had already left to the office" said Mrs. Thompson.

"That is alright, it's no problem at all" said Natasha as she smiled and Mrs. Thompson smiled too.

"I was wondering if the children could have a playdate today" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Oh" said Natasha as this was unexpected, come to think of it, it was only now that she noticed that Ethan was sitting right beside his mother and he had said nothing at all this whole time.

"Hi Ethan" said Natasha as she smiled and she waved at Ethan.

"Hi" replied Ethan as he looked at Natasha briefly and then he looked away and went back to being quiet.

Even though this was impromptu, Natasha thought that it would be a good idea for Joy to have a playmate, Joy was just in her room colouring in her colouring books, and Natasha was sure that could get boring sometimes.

"Sure, Ethan and Joy can play together" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Oh that is wonderful" said Mrs. Thompson as she smiled and she turned to look at Ethan.

"Ethan Mrs. White just said that you can go and play with Joy, what do you say??" asked Mrs. Thompson as she looked at her son.

"Thank you Mrs. White" said Ethan as he turned to look at Natasha.

"You are welcome" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alfred, can you please go call Joy, and watch Joy and Ethan in the playroom" said Natasha as she turned to look at Alfred.

"Alright Madam, it is no trouble at all" said Alfred as he smiled and Natasha smiled back at him.

"Oh and please bring me and Mrs. Thompson a cup of tea" said Natasha.

"I will do so right away Madam" said Alfred.

"Ethan please follow me" said Alfred as he turned to look at Ethan, and Ethan stood up and followed after Alfred.

"So how is everything?" asked Natasha as she turned to look at Mrs. Thompson as soon as Alfred and Ethan left the room.

"Well... about that... actually I came here to talk to you" said Mrs. Thompson as she was hesitating.

"To talk to me??" asked Natasha.

"Yes" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Well we are talking right now are we not?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes... yes we are" said Mrs. Thompson.

"But what I want to talk to you about is something very personal..." she said.

"Oh well, in that case, we can go to my office, if that would be a better place for you?" asked Natasha as she also sensed that something was wrong.

"Yes, that would be better" said Mrs. Thompson.

"The follow me" said Natasha as she walked out of the main living room and she walked up the stairs and Mrs. Thompson followed right behind her.

"Ahh Alfred, can you please bring my tea to my office?" asked Natasha as she caught sight of Alfred passing by.

"Okay Madam, I will do so" said Alfred and Natasha smiled.


"So what is it that you want to talk to me about??" asked Natasha as she sat at her desk in her office, while Mrs. Thompson sat right across her.

"Well..." said Mrs. Thompson.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled as Alfred entered the room with the teapot and two teacups as he poured tea for the wo women and once he was done he nodded and he smiled and he walked away.

"Well, I have been thinking on what you said last time we spoke" said Mrs. Thompson as Natasha drank her tea.

"What did I say??" asked Natasha as she laughed.

"Forgive me, my memory is a little hazy from last time" said Natasha as she smiled, she could not truly remember what she had said to Mrs. Thompson, she had said a lot last time they met.

"Oh that's alright" said Mrs. Thompson as she laughed.

"Well, what I am referring to is what you said about a woman having her own thing doing" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Ohh yes, I remember now" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Ahh, yes and I was thinking, and I now know that you were right" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Why the sudden change?" asked Natasha because last time she had said that, Mrs. Thompson did not agree with her.

"Well..." said Mrs. Thompson.

"Oh let me guess, you have a fight with your husband, didn't you Mrs. Thompson?" asked Natasha as she smiled, she was sure that was the only thing that would make her change her mind in such a manner.

"Well yes... yes you are right, and please call me Chloe" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Oh alright then, and you can just call me Natasha" said Natasha as she smiled.

"So Natasha as I was saying, I was thinking on what you said, and it is true a woman needs her own thing doing" said Chloe as she did not sound pleased at all.

"And you are also right about what you said, I fought with Neil a few days ago" said Chloe.

"Can you imagine that he called me a lazy woman, who stayed at home and did absolutely nothing all day, while wasting his money" said Chloe as she looked very angry, how could her husband talk to her like that???

They were just having their usual argument about money, when she had asked him for an extra allowance, and he had just erupted at her and he had said all those mean things to her, she had been angry at him ever since.

"I am sorry to hear that Chloe" said Natasha.

"But in all honesty, that is how most men think, even if they don't say it or show it, they would prefer that a woman find her own thing doing, so she does not always pester them for money" said Natasha, she had been through worse, during the times before she had died, she and Dom had argued over and over again, and most of their arguments concerned money.

"I know that now" said Chloe as she sighed, she could not believe that her husband would talk to her in that way.

"But I don't know what to do, I never had the privilege of going to university, I only finished high school, and all I do truly is sit at home" said Chloe as she was sad.

"And that is why I came to you" she said.

"I was wondering if you could get a job, I don't know where, anywhere would be fine" said Chloe.

"I just cannot stand the way Neil spoke to me, as if I was not his wife, but rather someone who was a pain to him" said Chloe as she wanted to cry, but not right now.

"It's alright Chloe, I understand" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I have been through the same" said Natasha.

"You have??" asked Chloe in shock.

"Oh yes I have" said Natasha as she laughed at the shocked expression on Chloe's face.

"But Dom seems like such a gentle man" said Chloe.

"Oh if only you knew" said Natasha as she laughed, people never truly knew what others were passing through in their own loves, except the person opened up their mouth to tell the person themselves.

"My oh my" said Chloe as she still could not believe what she was hearing.

"Well anyway, you can just send me your resume, and I can see if I can find you a job based on your experiences" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Oh thank you, thank you Natasha" said Chloe as she smiled, she considered Natasha her good friend.

"You are welcome, no need to thank me" said Natasha as she wrote down something on a piece of paper.

"Here is my email, you can send it to me there" said Natasha as she smiled and she gave the piece of paper to Chloe.

"Oh thank you, I will make sure to send it to you right away, once I get home" said Chloe as she smiled and she put the paper in her pink handbag, she was going to show that husband of hers that she was more than capable of making her own money herself.

"Alright" said Natasha as she smiled, she was more than happy to help Chloe after all.

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