
Cathulhu Negotiates with Humans

Chapter 406 – Cathulhu Negotiates with Humans

After the press conference ended, Mao Miaomiao, the archangels, and Hiiro Narukami were invited to another meeting at a hotel for a private talk between the senators and the representatives from his side. However, only Mao Miaomiao and Hiiro agreed to travel there by car as the rest of the angels chose to fly there instead.

Both Mao Miaomiao and Hiiro sat next to each other in a limousine. The prime minister and the senators of Japan took other cars there for the sake of their safety.

While they were in the car, Hiiro broke the ice first.

"What are you planning? Why are you keeping me alive?"

Mao Miaomiao glanced at Hiiro's neck, where Devil's slave seal had been engraved. He faintly smiled, "I didn't intend to keep you alive. I ordered my wife to kill you, but it seems that she has another idea."

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