
Cat Dad’s First Uncle – Wei Xiong

Chapter 309 – Cat Dad's First Uncle – Wei Xiong

= Seo Jungwoo's Pocket Dantian =

"No way!"

Xiaomao's clone at 100% potential difficulty hovered in the sky, looking down on the weretiger in the pool of his blood. His eight tentacles behind his back projected a black and white curtain, serving as his wings while the tentacles became the bone wings.

On the ground, everything was frozen. A million energy swords stabbed into the ground and created a complex sword maze array, trapping Jungwoo and sealing his movements.

Xiaomao's clone opened his palm and a katana manifested. He held it over his head and slashed down. Then, a vertical crescent sword beam descended, coming after Jungwoo.

He had seen this move before. Jungwoo shouted and jumped away from the sword beam.


The sword beam exploded and a thousand sword beams scattered everywhere like a firework.

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