
My name is Ryuuki!

400 years ago during Tokugawa, also called Edo Period. the shogunate marked Daigo Samejima as the Daimyo(feudal lord) of the Kyoto region.

under the falling cherry blossoms, the Samejima family guarded by the bakufu guards comes to Kyoto to rule. they've got a wide smile on their faces as the people of Kyoto welcomes them with joy and pleasure.

a few days later...

at a time of internal peace, political stability, and economic growth under the shogunate (military dictatorship) founded by Nobu Nobu Ieyasu. the new government in Kyoto slowly starts to establish. an important meeting of all the higher-ups has been held in the castle.

meanwhile, a large crowd has been gathered in the traditional streets of the Crimson capital outside the castle.

Daigo calls and asks a guard,

Daigo:- it's too loud outside. what's happening?

Guard:- there has been a huge uproar by some people outside the castle and they've been wanting to meet you since 4 hours, sire.

Daigo:- you fool! why didn't you tell me sooner!!

Guard:- sorry sir I thought these lowly people weren't worth your attention after all they are from the backstreets and you had an important meeting going on.

Daigo:- fool these people are more important to me. never do such a thing again!

Guard:- yes sir

as the daimyo proceeds to move outside the castle, Ryuuki his son came and asked him to play with him however Daigo calmly refuses him by saying "Ryuuki this isn't the right time. let's do it some other day."

as Daigo slowly starts moving towards his people he saw a slogan "REMOVE THE BAKUFU!!" going on outside and he was stopped by his guards as they say to him that someone might try to kill him. this could've been an enemy plan as well. however, Daigo slowly moves forwards and say in a loud angrily voice "what's your problem? you all are being too damn loud!."

the crowd gets angrier and they say "we've been dying here in poverty. we don't have any money on top of that the bakufu still collects tax from us and takes whatever little money we've from us. you all rich people shine upon whereas we live in the backstreet of the town. we've to eat the leftovers thrown by you rich people because we have no choice. we cannot tolerate a government like this." Daigo replies...

Daigo:- I'll look into this matter and I will ask the Shogunate to donate 2 gold coins each to you all and whoever wants a job among you all can come and join my army. don't make a fuss over such little things, you fools!"

the crowd becomes silent and says "are you being serious or are you toying with us?"

where Daigo replies "of course I mean it. don't make me repeat myself you fools."

the crowd becomes happy and Ryuuki who was seeing it from the castle went to his mother Sakura Samejima and asks "why is father like that? despite being angry he still helped all of them." where his mother laughs and replies in a funny tone "that's who your father is. he's never able to express himself and still, he tries his best to support his own people." then Ryuuki goes to his father and asks...

Ryuuki:- father how did you solve all of their problems? I'm pretty sure if there were any other bakufu people they've would've charged them and locked them up inside prison.

Daigo:- yeah I'm pretty sure that would've happened. I only did my job and you know Ryuuki "human beings are just like air. they change according to the situation. so whenever we find ourselves in trouble we should try to become one with air and solve it in a calm state otherwise the change of air current can urge a storm within oneself", that's what a certain man told me once.

Ryuuki:- what if I'm still not able to solve the situation?

Daigo:- then you've your dad with you.

Ryuuki smiles

10 years later...

as time flies by, Ryuuki becomes 16 and now he has a 2nd brother who is 8 years old. his younger brother Raimaru was a natural-born prodigy. he surpasses his older brother in everything be it be studies or kenjutsu(swordsmanship). despite that Ryuuki still loved his brother and they both shared a great brotherly bond.

However, the changes were already occurring as people talked about Raimaru being the next successor of the Kyoto region. Ryuuki couldn't help but feel himself inferior to his younger brother who surpasses him in everything. Ryuuki who didn't get his own father's time to play with him saw his brother getting to enjoy himself with his father. he was always told to train more and get stronger as he don't have time to do such things. his mother despite knowing everything didn't say anything. However, Ryuuki had nothing but love for his brother.

the changes were occurring all over Kyoto as lands were becoming more prosperous and people were happy. every day was like a festival for the people of Kyoto. however, wherever there is light a shadow always lurks behind...

a shadow had already occurred, near the borders of the Kyoto where all the travellers were by passing through the border, a certain samurai with a cloak and a hat on was asked to stop by few of the guards.

Guard:- show us your validation pass to enter Kyoto.

the samurai shows the pass where the guard asks him "what will you do once you reach the Kyoto main region?" where the samurai smiles faintly and says "On March 24th during the day of the Equinox at the same time as midnight we will unleash a 100 Demon Night Parade if you don't want the curse to befall upon this land, then come and stop me if you can. let's kill each other as much as we want. the darkness is already dwelling in this land."

all the guards were instantly killed by the samurai.

On March 24th, half of the crimson capital was on fire with all the important officials being killed by 100 assassins. as the guards moves towards the upper room to let the royal family evacuate, a horrific incident had already occurred. where they saw a young man with a sword in his hand tainted with blood, standing over the Royal family's corpses.

that young man was none other than...

that young man said in a fearful calm voice "I'm Ryuuki Samejima!!" over his parent's dead body.

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