
A Dance With Monsters (10)


The Duke, not one to easily accept defeat, coldly harrumphed. He could see the point the Merchant was making, but he wasn't willing to admit it openly. Instead, he focused on his own overarching plans, his ambitions reaching far beyond the confines of the tournament.

With a sly grin, the Merchant continued, "You see, my dear Duke, it's not always about raw power. It's about knowing when to employ strategy and when to adapt. The boy, despite his youth, displayed a keen understanding of his own limits and how to negotiate favorable terms."

The Duke's eyes narrowed slightly as he observed the Sage, who had now turned his attention to a particularly fierce battle unfolding in the arena. His mind was conflicted, torn between dismissing Willow as a mere nuisance and secretly acknowledging the boy's potential threat.

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