Safely concealed within the hollow of the enormous tree, I exhaled a sigh of relief, watching as the luminescent fairies fluttered away, their captive in tow.
They thought they had captured me, but they were sorely mistaken. It wasn't me they were dragging through the enchanted forest.
Instead, it was an empty husk, a clone born of Magic, and a healthy dose of paranoia.
From the moment I'd stepped foot into the Fairy Kingdom, something hadn't felt right.
The place had been too quiet, too peaceful. It lacked the signs of guard patrols, watch towers or checkpoints, the usual security measures for a Labyrinth site.
There was an eerie tranquillity that just hadn't added up.
So, I decided to be cautious. I'd learnt by now that caution was a good friend in this realm, where the rules of reality often seemed to take a back seat.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: