
Chapter 91

For a full minute, the fat man stared at the big oaf who stared back in muddled confusion. Shaking his head and deciding that bailing wouldn't get him out of the mess, he grabbed the register and the papers and got to work. 

"Thank you! You are such a sweet child." The teacher said cheerily earning a snort in response. "I've got the most awesome idea ever and can't wait to see you little piggies bring it to life! Oh, it would be the most artistic of all artistic things Adams High has ever done. Sir Burton would be so pleased, his face would light up with a smile." 

Oh, he's psycho alright. Ezra ignored the yammering teacher and wrote as fast as he could. The bell that signalled the time for class rang as he handed over the huge book and a basket filled with twenty rolled up papers to the bustling teacher. His classmates poured into the room, slightly startled at the sight of the son of the devil in the front seat and by the Art Teacher's high pitched tone. 

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