
[Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 129: The Swung-Down Edge! The Moment of Ruin

# Previous Day | Soul Society, Seiretei - Shinigami Research and Development Institute #

In the sterile, dimly lit command room of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, Nemu Kurotsuchi stood dutifully beside her captain, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. The room was filled with an array of complex instruments and screens displaying streams of data. Mayuri, with his eccentric appearance and erratic movements, was deeply engrossed in his latest experiments, his fingers dancing over the controls as he muttered to himself.

Nemu appeared as dedicated and submissive as always, her demeanor calm and compliant. She meticulously noted his observations and followed his orders without hesitation. But internally, Nemu was different. Ever since her encounter with Yato, a profound shift had taken place within her. Yato had shown her a kindness and respect she had never experienced under Mayuri's harsh tutelage. He treated her as a being of intrinsic worth, not just as a creation or tool.

This newfound sense of loyalty to Yato had instilled in her a silent resolve. She knew she couldn't simply abandon her post as the lieutenant of the 12th Division. Doing so would raise suspicions and could endanger both her and Yato. Instead, she realized that staying by Mayuri's side was the most strategic choice. From within the Soul Society, she could monitor the activities of Mayuri and other captains, providing Yato with crucial information if necessary.

As Mayuri continued to ramble about his theories and experiments, Nemu maintained her façade of unwavering loyalty and obedience. Every action she took was now calculated. She followed Mayuri everywhere, as she always had, but with a greater purpose. She was no longer just blindly following orders; she was observing, analyzing, and waiting for the right moment to act in Yato's favor.

During a break in their tasks, Mayuri turned to Nemu, demanding a report on the latest experiments. The cold, artificial light cast sharp shadows on his face, highlighting his features.

"Yes, Mayuri-sama," Nemu responded stoically, masking her true determination. "The preliminary test results are promising."

Since the battle in the Soul Society, Mayuri's first action had been to analyze Nemu and conduct tests on her, trying to understand why she had suddenly sworn loyalty to a human. Despite his exhaustive tests, he found no anomalies or changes in Nemu, allowing her to resume her role as his loyal lieutenant. Mayuri, convinced that her previous declaration of loyalty to a human had been a temporary malfunction caused by his own attack during the battle with the quincy, Uryū Ishida, saw no reason to doubt her.

Nemu's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the soft chime of a message arriving on the console next to her. She glanced at the screen and saw the notification for a lieutenant meeting. It was an urgent summons, likely regarding the ongoing crisis with the Bounts. She turned to Mayuri, who was hunched over a microscope, his eyes gleaming with mad curiosity.

"Mayuri-sama," she began, her voice steady yet carrying a subtle note of formality. "I have received a summons for a meeting with the other lieutenants. It requires my presence."

Mayuri didn't even bother to look up from his work. "Go then. I have no interest in such trivial matters. Ensure that you return promptly. I have crucial experiments underway." he muttered, his voice tinged with irritation.

Nemu bowed slightly, acknowledging his dismissal, and turned to leave the room. As she walked through the long, dimly lit corridors of the institute, her zanpakutō, hanging at her side, began to pulse softly. She could feel a faint warmth emanating from it, a sensation that had become increasingly familiar since her encounter with Yato. It was as if her zanpakutō was trying to communicate with her, urging her to reach out and connect with it.

The cold, clinical environment of the institute gradually gave way to the open, sunlit courtyards of the Seireitei. Nemu's footsteps echoed softly on the cobblestone paths as she made her way toward the meeting hall. The air was crisp and filled with the distant sounds of shinigami talking and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. 

As she proceeded through the Seireitei, the familiar pulse of her zanpakutō's presence began to resonate more strongly. In a rare moment of introspection, Nemu placed a hand on the hilt of her zanpakutō, feeling its warmth spread through her fingers. The pulse grew stronger, more insistent, as if calling out to her. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to be drawn into the connection, her mind enveloped by the soothing energy of her blade.

Suddenly, Nemu felt a powerful tug, pulling her into a surreal and vibrant scene. She found herself standing in the midst of an ethereal sea, illuminated by brilliant, luminescent colors that shifted between shades of blue, green, and purple. The waves around her were agitated, their surfaces reflecting the iridescent light, creating a mesmerizing, otherworldly effect.

Above her, a beam of blue light connected the sea to a radiant full moon in the night sky. The moon was impossibly bright, casting a silver glow over the entire landscape. The sky was a canvas of twinkling stars, their light intertwined with the glow of the moon. Fluffy clouds, tinged with shades of purple and blue, drifted lazily, adding to the dreamlike quality of the scene.

To her left and right stood six statues or monuments of young girls, their hands joined in prayer. These statues were partially submerged in the luminous sea, their faces serene and their eyes closed as if in deep meditation. Nemu couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance these statues bore to a younger version of herself. Each statue was a perfect reflection of her, capturing a childlike innocence that she barely remembered possessing.

"This place…" Nemu whispered, her voice a mere breath against the vibrant backdrop. Her eyes were wide with wonder as she took in the mesmerizing landscape.

Before Nemu could further express her amazement, a voice echoed through the scene, a voice strikingly similar to her own.

"Curious… I feel as if… I have been asleep… all this time…" The voice spoke with a serene tone.

Nemu looked around, but there was no one in sight. She turned her attention to the statues, but they showed no signs of reaction.

"Was this supposed to happen…?" The voice echoed again. "Or perhaps… an change has occurred… a evolution…"

Nemu continued to scan the surroundings, yet no one appeared. However, she noticed that the waves moved more intensely whenever the voice spoke. The lieutenant focused on the vast ocean, its colors shifting constantly.

"You… you are my zanpakutō…" Nemu whispered.

"Correct…" The voice replied, and once more the ocean stirred.

"Yasakani-sama was right…" Nemu said, the reflection of the ever-changing sea shimmering in her astonished eyes.

As the realization settled in, Nemu felt a profound connection with the landscape around her. The sea seemed to pulse with a rhythm that matched her heartbeat, and the statues appeared to breathe in unison with her. She took a tentative step forward, her foot barely causing a ripple in the glowing water.

Nemu had heard stories about others' experiences communicating with their zanpakutōs. Some had difficult relationships with their zanpakutō, while others had friendly bonds.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi, for instance, viewed his zanpakutō as just another specimen to be experimented on, leading him to make various modifications to it.

Yato, on the other hand, seemed to have a perfect understanding with his zanpakutō, sharing a strong bond.

Some treated their zanpakutōs as mere tools, others as companions in their work.

Reflecting on these differences, Nemu found herself in a dilemma. She didn't know how to act in this situation or how her zanpakutō would react.

"You..." Nemu began to ask her zanpakutō's name but hesitated.

"Do you desire something from me?" The voice echoed again.

"Yes... I don't exactly know how this happened, or how you operate..." Nemu started, her stoic tone tinged with a hint of anxiety. "I don't know if this is enough, but I would like to know your name."

"Will you tell me yours?" The waters moved once more.

"My name is Nemu Kurotsuchi." she declared firmly. As soon as she spoke, a profound silence fell over the scene. The gentle lapping of the water ceased abruptly, and the once-moving waves stilled as if held by an invisible force.

"If you refuse to share your name, how can you expect me to reveal mine?"

Nemu's brow furrowed in confusion. She had provided her name without hesitation, yet the voice's challenge puzzled her. Her mind raced, trying to reconcile the voice's expectations with her own understanding. After a moment of introspection, she recalled a significant detail from her past, an elusive memory of a name given to her by her captain during her creation. It was a name that had once brought her a sense of comfort and identity, though Mayuri had long abandoned its use.

The realization caused a ripple of change in the stagnant waters. The once-motionless surface began to churn and sway as if responding to her mental shift. The currents reanimated, swirling with renewed vigor around her.

Nemu's mind drifted back to a conversation she had once had with Yato in a moment of reflective tranquility before the turmoil involving Baishin, a conversation that seemed to hold the key to her current predicament 


"You seem happy when I call you Nemuri-chan," Yato had remarked, his tone casual yet probing. "Is there a particular reason for that?"

Nemu had glanced up, noticing Yato's habitual knack for probing questions, though his expression suggested he already had an inkling of the answer. She had hesitated, then shared, "When Mayuri Kurotsuchi created me, he gave me the name Nanagō Nemuri. I remember liking that name, but since then, Captain Kurotsuchi has never used it. Now, I find myself feeling uncertain."

Yato had tilted his head thoughtfully. "Uncertain about what?" he had asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Is it strange for me to still feel a connection to the name he gave me, even though my loyalty now lies elsewhere?" Nemu had questioned, her eyes searching his for understanding.

Yato's gaze softened, and he scratched his head thoughtfully. "Not really. Nemuri seems to suit you, and I believe Nanagō means 'number seven,' right?" He smiled warmly. "Seven is my lucky number, so maybe you just need a subtle change."

He then took out a piece of parchment and began to write. With a deft stroke, he altered the kanji for 'number' (號) to the kanji for 'protect' (護), creating the name Nanagō Nemuri with a new nuance.


Nemu took a deep breath and replied with renewed confidence, "My name is Nanagō Nemuri."

As she spoke, the water around her roiled into a massive wave, rising and cresting with a force that seemed almost sentient. Despite the approaching wave, Nemu remained composed, her stance unwavering as the powerful current enveloped her. The wave's surge was both imposing and majestic, a testament to the shifting tides of her own identity.

She kept her eyes closed, allowing the tumultuous sea to engulf her. The sound of the crashing wave roared in her ears, the vibrations resonating through her very being. It was a moment of transformation, an immersion into the depths of her own self-realization.

When the voice returned, it spoke with a new tone, one that seemed to acknowledge the weight of her response. "My name is..."

# Present Moment #

"Mizuko Jizō." The name left Nemu's lips as she uttered the release command 'Change,' positioning herself in front of Yato, ready to face the Bount.

The wakizashi in Nemu's hands began to transform as she held the zanpakutō inverted, the blade pointing downward.

The hilt of the zanpakutō remained similar in shape and color but slightly smaller. The thin blade transformed into one divided into three triangular segments, each edge converging into a sharp, iridescent point.

The pommel of the zanpakutō took the shape of small baby heads with hands clasped in prayer, cast in bronze. There were a total of six heads, organized in two levels of three heads each.

The guard of the zanpakutō vanished, replaced by a closed lotus of bronze that connected the blade and the hilt.

Yato couldn't help but notice the unusual form of Nemu's zanpakutō. Its odd design likely stemmed from her creator, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Both Yato and Nemu observed the old Bount resurfacing from the ground along with his colossal Doll, which he used as a vehicle. It was as if they had crossed dimensions, for the ground remained unscathed.

"Do you think a mere zanpakutō will save you?" Sawatari's voice dripped with arrogance, a confident smirk playing on his lips. He sat atop his Doll, Baura, like a king on his throne, exuding an air of invincibility.

With a burst of speed, Nemu lunged forward, her movements a blur. Sawatari barely had time to react as she closed the distance. Mizuko Jizō slashed through the air, aimed directly at Baura. The giant Doll opened its cavernous mouth, a void of endless darkness, to swallow the attack. But Nemu was prepared.

At the last second, she altered the trajectory of her blade, slicing across her own arm. The flesh morphed, twisting and reshaping into a long, serrated whip. She swung it with precision, the whip wrapping around Baura's maw, pulling it shut with a resounding snap. Sawatari's eyes widened in surprise as Nemu used her newfound leverage to flip herself over Baura's massive form, landing gracefully behind him.

Yato watched with a mix of confusion and mild disgust at the transformation of Nemu's arm. He had assumed she hadn't utilized any abilities because her body was already so modified by Mayuri that transforming a limb wouldn't be surprising. However, he noticed that before the transformation, Nemu had cut her own arm with the zanpakutō, and there was no blood.

Nemu prepared to slash at Sawatari, but Baura began to move brusquely, disrupting her balance. The ground trembled as the massive Doll shifted, its movements powerful and unpredictable. Nemu stumbled, her focus momentarily broken, giving Sawatari an opening.

"Do you think you can defeat me with such pitiful attacks?" Sawatari taunted, his confidence unshaken. He seized the moment, a cruel smile curling his lips. "You underestimated me," he hissed, directing Baura to counterattack. The Doll's enormous tail swung around with immense force, aimed directly at Nemu.

Nemu, regaining her footing just in time, deftly dodged the incoming blow. She could feel the rush of air as the tail whooshed past her, narrowly missing. Her eyes narrowed, analyzing Baura's movements and looking for a weakness. The ground beneath her feet felt unstable as Baura's immense form began to sink into it, melting into the solid rock like a ghostly apparition. Sensing the shift, Nemu leaped away, her senses on high alert.

Baura reemerged behind her, maw open wide in a surprise attack. The sudden movement created a gust of wind that blew debris and dust into the air, momentarily obscuring the scene.

With a rapid, precise movement, Nemu slashed at her own legs with her zanpakutō, Mizuko Jizō. There was no blood, but her leg muscles became more pronounced, surging with strength. In one powerful leap, she propelled herself away from Baura with such force that the ground beneath her shattered. The impact sent shockwaves through the earth, causing cracks to spiderweb out from where she had stood.

Meanwhile, Yato prepared to use his red threads to assist Nemu. His fingers twitched, ready to manipulate the invisible threads that could turn the tide of the battle. But a sudden scream diverted his attention.

Something, or rather someone, was thrown into him with comedic force. He barely had time to brace himself before he and the figure collided.

He recognized the distinctive orange hair of Ichigo. Both of them groaned, still dazed from the unexpected impact. They were stopped from crashing into a wall by a triangular shield that materialized behind them, preventing further injury.

"Are you guys okay?" Inoue shouted as she ran towards them, concern etched on her face.

Yato and Ichigo, still sprawled on the ground, managed to give a thumbs up despite their frustrated and pained expressions. Ichigo rubbed his head, a scowl forming on his face.

"Why did you have to pick a fight with their leader...?" Yato asked, his tone calm but laced with a hint of exasperation.

"Shut up..." Ichigo grumbled.

"You could at least be like Tatsuki…" Yato pointed in the direction of the tomboyish girl, who was delivering a relentless flurry of blows to another Bount. Ichigo followed Yato's gaze and couldn't help but let out a comical sweat drop when he saw Tatsuki pummeling the Bount, who was desperately trying to escape her onslaught.

"Whatever his power is, Tatsuki's making sure he doesn't use it," Yato commented, his eyes narrowing as he observed the scene. 'I remember some of the other Bounts' abilities, but that guy… I can't recall anything about him,' Yato thought, his gaze fixed on the bount Ugaki.

Orihime stood beside Ichigo and Yato as they rose to their feet. The spirit of Yato's zanpakutō, Ōkagetsu, hovered nearby, vigilantly watching over her. Although Yato trusted Kon, who was also present, the fact that Kon was inhabiting Ichigo's body rather than the Gigai he had obtained from Urahara meant Kon couldn't fight as effectively without risking injury to Ichigo's physical form.

In a swift movement, Orihime raised her shield, just in time to block a sudden barrage of spiritual blades launched by Yoshi using her Doll, Nieder. The air hummed with energy as the blades collided with Orihime's shield, scattering light in all directions.

"You attacked too soon," a feminine voice emanated from the fan in Yoshi's left hand.

"That was neither elegant nor effective," the jian in her right hand spoke with a masculine tone.

"Shut up!" Yoshi shouted, clearly frustrated with her Doll. "That brat's shield is annoying enough!"

Nemu landed gracefully near the group, positioning herself in front of Yato with a swift, protective stance. Her eyes were calm but focused, a stark contrast to the chaotic battlefield around them.

"Please, do not lose focus, Yasakani-sama." she said stoically.

Yato noticed something peculiar. Nemu seemed slightly shorter than before, prompting him to raise an eyebrow, wondering if he was mistaken.

Meanwhile, Kariya strolled toward them with his hands in the pockets of his long coat, surveying the battlefield with a calm, almost detached expression. His eyes scanned the ongoing battles, noting Tatsuki's dominance over Ugaki and Gō Koga's struggle against his opponents.

Chad, with his immense physical strength, was overpowering Gō Koga, despite not being particularly fast. However, Chad's collaboration with the mod-souls Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba rendered Gō Koga and his Doll, Dalk, nearly ineffective. The coordinated efforts of the mod-souls complemented Chad's brute force, creating a formidable challenge for the Bount.

The battle was decidedly unfavorable for the Bounts, yet Kariya wore a serene smile, almost as if he were content with the situation.

'Perhaps... we don't need to reach Soul Society after all...' he thought. 'Just hold on a little longer, Yoshino…' The memory of the woman he had killed with his own hands flickered in his mind, filling him with a momentary sense of regret.

Ichigo positioned himself to face Kariya once again. This time, Yato stayed close, his zanpakutō pointed directly at Kariya, ready for any sudden moves. Yato was keenly aware of Ichigo's reluctance to use his Bankai due to the internal struggle with his inner Hollow, a factor that could easily tip the balance in Kariya's favor.

Suddenly, a massive shadow loomed beneath the group. Ōkagetsu, the spirit of Yato's zanpakutō, swiftly grabbed Orihime and leaped away. Yato, Ichigo, Nemu, and Kon followed suit, springing to safety as the shadow revealed itself to be the gigantic Baura, bursting from the ground as if emerging from water in a failed attempt to swallow them all.

Sawatari, perched atop his Doll Baura, laughed maniacally. However, his glee was short-lived as Nemu appeared beneath Baura, slashing its belly with her zanpakutō in a powerful upward strike. The impact sent ripples through Baura's massive form, causing it to recoil in pain.

Seeing the tide of battle shift, Kariya's gaze turned to Mabashi, who lay gravely wounded but not in immediate danger of death. His eyes then moved to Ugaki, who was similarly injured and struggling against Tatsuki.

'They're clearly stronger…' Kariya mused, referring to the group of young warriors. 'But there's no intent to kill…'

Kariya began to assess the situation more critically. He understood that if Mabashi continued to exert pressure on his Doll, Ritz, the consequences could be severe. Ugaki's Doll, Gesell, was inherently unstable for battle and required Ugaki to summon it from a safe distance to avoid a catastrophic backlash.

"Substitute Shinigamis…" Kariya addressed Yato and Ichigo, his voice calm but laced with a sinister edge. "I think you lack something crucial for a true fight…" He smiled, a chilling expression that spoke of hidden threats. "Perhaps… the sensation of true danger… or have you not considered the very real possibility of your own deaths?"

With those ominous words, Kariya seemed to dissolve into the wind, leaving Yato and Ichigo on high alert, anticipating an imminent attack that never came. The tension was palpable, every second stretching into an eternity as they scanned their surroundings for any sign of the Bount leader.

Cheshire, who had been silently observing the situation from Yato's side, suddenly grinned and turned its small head towards him. "You're about to witness firsthand something that you've only seen in anime before~" the feline remarked cryptically before dissolving into red threads and darting towards Tatsuki. The young fighter had just finished subduing Ugaki and was catching her breath when Cheshire materialized on her shoulder.

As soon as the feline manifested on her shoulder, Tatsuki sensed a sudden change in the wind. She spun around quickly, only to see Kariya poised to strike.

Sensing a sudden shift in the wind, Tatsuki whirled around just in time to see Kariya lunging at her. "I will start with you…" he said calmly, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Like hell you will!" Tatsuki retorted confidently, her fist already swinging towards him.

Kariya and Tatsuki attacked simultaneously, but Tatsuki's fist passed through Kariya's body as if he were made of wind. To her misfortune, Kariya's hand moved so swiftly that in the next instant, Tatsuki's neck was slashed, causing Yato and Ichigo to be struck with horror. Orihime covered her face with her hands as tears streamed down, unable to believe what had happened. Chad turned his face quickly, and the mod-souls also displayed shock.

"Tatsuki!!!" Ichigo's voice broke with desperation, the sight of his friend's blood spurring him into action.

Yato stood frozen, his body trembling and eyes wide with disbelief. The sight of Tatsuki's life slipping away left him paralyzed, his mind struggling to process the brutal reality.

Cheshire, perched on Tatsuki's shoulder, smiled enigmatically. Suddenly, Yato saw a flash of red thread whip past his vision. In an instant, Kariya stood before the group once more, while Tatsuki appeared far off, standing over the fallen Ugaki, unscathed and bewildered.

"I think you lack something crucial for a true fight…" Kariya repeated, his smile unwavering. "Perhaps… the sensation of true danger… or have you not considered the very real possibility of your own deaths?" His eyes narrowed, and for a brief moment, his expression faltered. 'A déjà vu…?' he mused silently, puzzled by the fleeting sense of familiarity.

The world seemed to tilt on its axis as the teenagers tried to reconcile what they had just witnessed. Ichigo, Inoue, Chad, Kon, Ririn, Kurodo, and Noba had expressions of shock. Even Tatsuki, who was standing farther away, looked alarmed.

Yato, on the other hand, felt something he hadn't experienced in a long time... a piercing headache. He clutched his face with one hand, trying to keep his focus on Kariya despite the pain and fear that the Bount might make another move.

Suddenly, Kariya vanished in the same eerie manner as before, but this time, all eyes turned to Tatsuki. She felt a shift in the wind and a chill down her spine as she spun around to see Kariya preparing to strike.

"I will start with you…" he said calmly, his eyes cold.

Upon hearing these words, Tatsuki reacted instinctively. She harnessed her spiritual energy, using her powers to propel herself away, leaving a trail of green energy in her wake.

Kariya's eyes widened in surprise at her agility. He had been certain she would counterattack, just as she had before. Confusion clouded his features as he tried to process the unexpected turn of events.

In the midst of his thoughts, a thunderous voice echoed across the battlefield, slicing through the tension like a blade.

"BAN-KAI!!!" Ichigo's roar resonated with power and determination.

The air around Ichigo seemed to vibrate as his spiritual pressure surged, causing the ground to crack beneath him. His reiatsu exploded in a brilliant display, enveloping him in a swirling vortex of energy. The transformation was instantaneous and overwhelming, Ichigo's appearance shifting into his Bankai form, Tensa Zangetsu.

The young substitute shinigami advanced on Kariya with such incredible speed that the Bount didn't even notice the deep slash across his chest until it was too late. Kariya leapt backward, and fierce currents of wind began to form around him as he tried to regain his composure. Meanwhile, Ichigo used Shunpō multiple times, moving so quickly that countless afterimages surrounded Kariya.

Kariya's eyes darted around, trying to track Ichigo's movements, but the substitute shinigami's speed was overwhelming. The Bount's normally calm demeanor began to crack under the relentless assault.

Nearby, Tatsuki regrouped with the others, Chad and the mod-souls joining them for precaution. The tension in the air was palpable, and confusion mingled with fear on their faces.

"Can someone explain what just happened?!" Ririn, still shaken, demanded.

"I had the impression that Tatsuki-chan…" Orihime's voice trembled as she struggled to articulate her thoughts.

"I think we all had that impression…" Chad said, his deep voice steady but filled with concern.

"That was a most unpleasant experience," Kurōdo commented, beads of sweat dotting his forehead.

Tatsuki clenched her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she glanced at Yato, who seemed to be struggling with severe headaches and she noticed something alarming Yato's reiatsu had dropped drastically in a very short span of time.

'That wasn't just an impression…' Tatsuki thought, her mind racing. 'Somehow, he changed what was going to happen… Damn it…' She felt a wave of frustration. She had been so focused on defeating Ugaki that she hadn't anticipated the leader of the Bounts targeting her, resulting in Yato intervening in a way she couldn't yet comprehend. But one thing was clear... Yato's current state meant he couldn't perform such a feat often.

Meanwhile, Nemu and Sawatari were locked in a fierce battle that resembled a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. The massive Doll, Baura, continuously pursued the lieutenant, utilizing its eerie ability to traverse through space in an attempt to devour her. However, Nemu deftly evaded each attack, almost as if she could predict exactly where Baura would emerge. Despite the advantage her earlier strike had given her, Nemu's expression remained one of concern.

'My body isn't yet accustomed to using this zanpakutō. The chances of experiencing adverse effects have increased to 43.9%... I need to execute a decisive attack soon,' she calculated silently, her mind racing for a solution.

In a sudden shift of tactics, Nemu began to employ Kidō against the Bount. Her spells, precise and powerful, should have been more than enough to subdue an ordinary foe. Yet, Sawatari's Doll, Baura, proved to be anything but ordinary. Each Kidō she cast was swallowed by the Doll, absorbed into the dark maw that seemed capable of devouring anything.

"Do you think you can evade me forever, little girl? What you're witnessing is merely a fraction of my power." Sawatari's laughter was both mocking and sinister. He called out to his Doll, his voice echoing with cruel delight. "Baura!"

"Yes, Boss…" Baura's deep, resonant voice replied.

"Show her one of our little tricks."


Nemu, always in motion, suddenly found Baura halting and opening its enormous mouth wide. From within, all the Kidō spells the Doll had devoured were unleashed in a torrent, combined with a massive wave of earth.

Caught off guard, Nemu attempted to dodge but was ultimately struck by the barrage, her body partially buried under the cascading earth. As she struggled to free herself from the suffocating mound, she saw Baura charging towards her with terrifying speed.

Sawatari's laughter echoed around them, drawing the attention of the young fighters. Yato, witnessing Nemu's peril, desperately called upon his Fullbring, hoping to save her as Cheshire had saved Tatsuki earlier. But nothing happened. The pain in his head intensified to the point where he collapsed, clutching his skull in agony.

"Ah, you should have thought more about the consequences before trying that…" Cheshire's voice carried a teasing reprimand. "Hey, pretty lady, we'd better return and ensure his safety." The feline addressed Ōkagetsu, the spirit materialized from Yato's zanpakutō.

"He has been causing quite a bit of trouble lately, hasn't he?" Ōkagetsu remarked with a smile before disappearing, the zanpakutō reverting to its Asauchi form. Cheshire dissolved into red threads, returning to being a ring on Yato's finger.

"Yato!" Tatsuki tried to hold her friend, but he writhed in pain, causing deep concern among his friends. A strange crack appeared on Yato's face, not bleeding but emanating a peculiar red light from within.

"What's happening to him?!" Ririn asked, alarmed by the escalating situation.

During this chaotic moment, Nemu had been swallowed by Baura. Gō Koga, though slightly injured, was walking towards the group accompanied by his Doll, Dalk. Mabashi and Ugaki, both severely wounded, were also getting up, their faces contorted with rage and frustration. Yoshi, on the other hand, wore a sinister smile, sensing the tide turning in their favor.

Chad stepped in front of his friends. He clenched his fists, ready to face the Bounts alone if necessary, determined to protect them no matter what. He braced himself for the impending confrontation.

Baura turned its attention to the young fighters, while Sawatari's maniacal laughter echoed. Ichigo, seeing the peril his friends were in, disengaged from his confrontation with Kariya and used his incredible speed to rejoin his friends.

"Damn it…" he muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, inside Baura, Nemu found herself in what seemed to be an endless void. Despite the perilous situation, she maintained her composure. Her left arm was oddly extended in one direction while she continued to hold her zanpakutō in her right hand.

'I don't feel any pain… This space within the Doll must store everything it devours… but if I stay here, I might die from lack of air.' She thought, her mind working methodically.

Before being swallowed, Nemu had sliced off her left arm with her zanpakutō, transforming her hand into a hook that lodged itself in the Doll's mouth.

'The chances of my body suffering adverse effects will increase to 76.5% with what I'm about to do…' she reflected, noticing her clothes had become slightly loose. With a determined expression, she drove her zanpakutō into her own chest.

Outside, Kariya gave a slight smile, seeing the young fighters seemingly cornered. However, Baura's agonized roar soon drew everyone's attention. The massive Doll began convulsing violently, flinging Sawatari off its back. A silvery chain was visible, hooked into Baura's mouth, but its color gradually shifted to a darker, more ominous purple. As the moments passed, Baura's massive form began to dissolve.

Sawatari, now thrown to the ground, looked on in disbelief and anger. "No! Baura!"

The Doll collapsed to the ground, its mouth gaping open as its body continued to disintegrate. With Baura's death, Sawatari himself began to writhe in agony, his body slowly crumbling to ashes.

"So the old man bit the dust…" Yoshi commented, her tone indifferent.

Gō Koga remained silent out of respect for his fallen comrade, while Kariya displayed an oddly serene smile, almost as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Farewell, my comrade," Kariya murmured, his voice laced with a strange sense of relief.

Emerging from the mouth of the fallen Doll, a small figure walked calmly towards the group. The figure was diminutive, resembling a child, and wore a kimono much too large for its frame.

Yato, still writhing in pain, managed to catch a glimpse of the figure as it approached the group, but his condition continued to deteriorate. The red light from his facial crack pulsed ominously, threatening to overwhelm him.

"Hang in there, Yato…" Tatsuki muttered.

Orihime quickly activated her Sōten Kisshun around Yato, enveloping him in a healing barrier.

Kon, Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba formed a protective circle around their fallen friend, each of them ready to fend off any approaching threats. Their expressions were a mix of fear and determination.

As the small figure drew closer, everyone noticed that the child resembled Nemu, only in a more diminutive form.

"I have successfully neutralized the Bount." the small Nemu stated stoically.

"N-Nemu-chan…?" Inoue asked, her voice filled with confusion and concern.

"What happened to you…?" Ichigo questioned, his eyes wide with shock.

"Side effect of my zanpakutō," the small Nemu explained in a calm, detached manner. "My Mizuko Jizō possesses the ability of shapeshifting. I utilize my body mass to transform parts of my body into whatever I have knowledge of, including their components. However, there is a limit. For more complex changes, I must reduce the mass of certain body parts to compensate for the transformation."

Ichigo, Tatsuki, and the others listened intently as Nemu continued her explanation.

"I used my zanpakutō to transform my blood into a potent toxin. This required a significant amount of my body mass, resulting in my current diminished state. The toxin was derived from a venomous compound that Captain Kurotsuchi had previously synthesized and stored within my body for emergencies. By injecting this toxin directly into the Doll's system, I was able to disrupt its internal structure and cause it to disintegrate."

The group stared in awe at Nemu's detailed and scientific explanation. Despite her small stature, she exuded an air of competence and determination.

"Transforming my blood into this specific toxin required precise knowledge of its chemical composition and the biological mechanisms through which it would affect the target. I calculated the necessary volume and concentration, then initiated the transformation process. This process not only decreased my body mass but also temporarily impaired my regenerative abilities, which is why I appear as a child now. My body will gradually return to its normal state as I recover."

As Mabashi rose in a state of fury, he screamed the name of his tiny Doll, Ritz, which began to multiply rapidly, encircling the teenagers with countless clones.

Ugaki, still staggering from the beating he had received from Tatsuki, pulled what appeared to be tarot cards from his pockets. His face twisted in a snarl. "These brats..." he growled. "Zeig Dich, Gesell!!" With a flick of his wrist, he scattered the cards on the ground. Each one depicted a strange figure, and soon, dozens of small sentinel eyeball creatures emerged, their piercing gazes locking onto their targets.

"You still believe you have the numerical advantage?" Gō Koga asked, crossing his arms while his Doll, Dalk, grinned menacingly.

Kariya, standing apart from the fray, began to applaud slowly, the sound echoing ominously. "Impressive," he remarked, a smile playing on his lips. "Defeating Sawatari is truly a remarkable feat... but you lost four of your allies. If this is the necessary sacrifice to defeat each Bount present, I don't think you are in good condition."

Without wasting much time, Yoshi charged at the teenagers, her eyes blazing with fury, while Mabashi commanded the numerous Ritz clones to attack. The clones moved as one, a tidal wave of malevolent intent.

The teenagers and mod-souls braced themselves for the onslaught, their expressions a mixture of determination and fear. Suddenly, two arrows of reishi struck Yoshi with precision, one arrow centered on her chest and the other just below her abdomen. She stumbled, her momentum halted abruptly.

As for the Ritz clones, a massive wave of ice and snow surged forth, freezing them mid-air. Only the true Ritz managed to evade the attack, quickly flying to Mabashi's side. The clones shattered upon hitting the ground.

From the same hole Yato had created when they invaded the Bounts' hideout, two figures emerged, quickly recognized by the group. The light from the opening cast long shadows over the newcomers, their forms becoming clearer.

"Unfortunately for you, the number of allies won't be increasing for your side," declared Uryū Ishida, donning a peculiar uniform resembling his Quincy attire, with a strange bow affixed to his arm as if it were part of the uniform. 

Beside him stood Rukia, clutching her Sode no Shirayuki firmly. She was severely injured after her fight against Ichinose, her shihakusho tattered and torn, revealing her arms and right leg. Her face was set in a determined expression, despite her injuries.

"Ishida-kun! Kuchiki-san!" Inoue said, her voice a mix of relief and worry. 

"Rukia! Ishida!" Ichigo exclaimed in surprise upon seeing his friends. "Ishida, how did your powers–"

"It's a Quincy Bangle," Nemu interrupted Ichigo, stepping forward with her childlike form. Her eyes were calm and analytical. "I anticipated Yasakani-sama would need all the help he could get." She spoke stoically. "This artifact was created to help Quincy with weak Reiatsu, designed to mimic the powers of a Quincy. It forces Reishi to gather, and then amplifies them. In fact, the Reishi will gather even if the person using it does not will it. The Research and Development Institute held on to the artifact to study it, so I retrieved it from the Soul Society and left it with Ishida-san while he was recovering in the hospital."

"Unfortunately, the effect of this artifact is temporary, but it should last long enough for us to finish this fight." the Quincy remarked, his voice steady.

Rukia swiftly used her Shunpō, appearing next to the group, accompanied by Uryū and immediately turned her attention to the struggling Yato, her eyes widening in concern. "What happened to Yato?" she asked, her voice urgent as she took in the sight of the strange crack on his face, the red light pulsing ominously.

Tatsuki looked up, her expression a mixture of frustration and helplessness. "I don't know. He saved my life somehow, but right after, he ended up like this."

"Let's leave him in Inoue-san's care while we deal with the Bounts," Ishida said, taking measured steps toward the battlefield. He readied his Quincy bow, the intricate patterns on his uniform shimmering as he aimed his weapon at the approaching Bounts.

Ichigo, his Tensa Zangetsu held firmly in hand, stepped up beside Ishida. His expression was a mask of grim determination, his reiatsu surging and crackling around him like a storm. "Let's finish this, Kariya!" he declared, his voice carrying over the din of battle with a resolute edge.

Chad moved into position next to Ichigo, his powerful frame tensed and ready. His right fist, now encased in a shimmering layer of spiritual energy, radiated an intimidating aura. He clenched his fist tightly, the reiatsu swirling around him with a forceful intensity. "Hm…" he grunted.

Tatsuki followed closely behind, stepping up next to them. Her presence was formidable. She assumed a classic karate stance, her posture reflecting years of martial training, her reiatsu flaring around her.

Rukia turned to Inoue, her gaze gentle yet filled with an unspoken plea. "Take care of him, Inoue." Rukia's smile, though strained by her injuries, was meant to convey confidence and reassurance. Despite her torn shihakusho and the blood seeping through the fabric, she exuded an aura of calm determination. She then joined the group, her sword Sode no Shirayuki glowing faintly as she prepared for the battle ahead.

Kariya watched them with a serene smile, his demeanor calm and collected. "Very well, my young friends. Let's see how far your efforts will take you..." His voice was smooth, almost soothing.

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