
An eventful day

You know, this wasn't what I was expecting when I came out for a ride in the city.

What are junior's goons doing here of all places?

Releasing a sigh, I got off the bike and took off the helmet, placing it down on the seat of the bike. I had a chip in both of them, small upgrades in case they were stolen. Tilting my head I heard a satisfying pop and turned to the dust shop that was most likely getting robbed.

The chime of a bell sounded as I walked inside with an uninterested gaze.

The man with... A cone hat? What was Roman doing here, shouldn't he be committing some bigger crimes?

"Who might you be?"

I stared at the older man, then roamed my eyes around the store.

"You know that Dust is very fragile right? If your goons are not careful this place will blow."

My uninterested tome got a raised eyebrow than a chuckle.

"You know that now I can't let you go right?"

I roll my eyes, if this guy thinks that he can hold me down back, much less kill me.

I grip the handles of my scimitars and take them out, splitting them apart. I held my two swords to my sides as I looked at the goons surrounding me.

"Put down your-"

I kicked the dumbass who just tried to tell me what to do. With a twist of my body, I send another roundhouse kick to the man next to me, sending him through the window.

These idiots didn't have Aura... well, I can't kill them now. Roy rose needs "The perfect record".


I did a textbook shoulder throw, slamming the third man on the floor.

Three more, not counting Roman.

"...Alright, Get him."

Rolling my eyes, I superheat my hand and grab the crudely-made red blade that was beading towards me, with a small twist, I bend it to the side and tug.

Activating my semblance, I rise a wall of fire behind Tortchwick, isolating the thief and the merchandise.

Smirking as the man freaked out and dashed for the door, I extinguish the flames. Bending down I grabbed the man that was trying to get up and threw him out of the window, followed by the two other knocked-out goons.

The ones awake already ran out, fearing the explosion that would be caused by the interaction of fire and dust.

...Which didn't happen, because it was I! The master of- I elbowed a man in the head, knocking him out... Asshole! He didn't let me finish my thoughts.

Scowling, I took out the pistol that I kept in my new holster. Qrow talked me into it and he did have a point, I could not shoot people in the knees to... Immobilize, yes, immobilize them.

Shooting the dumbasses, I ignore their screams of pain and look at the man in white, seeing him climbing a ladder on a side of a building across the road.

Sighing at the idiocy, because if he used enough aura, he could have jumped that distance easily.

Using my semblance, I create a fire pillar to boost myself to the top of the building, landing without much trouble.

"Why are you running?"

Okay, I admit, that was bad. Why did that meme come to mind?

"Uh- to... Get away?"

Well duh!

"Afraid I have to ruin those plans."

Rolling his eyes, he smirked at me like a plane? What the hell was that? a chopper? Appeared behind him, seemingly hidden behind the building we were standing on.

"Sorry to say, Red, but I can't let you do that, I have a really important appointment."

The plane- I'll call it a plane- Shines its light right in my face! God, this is when I wish I could wear my mask. When my eyes focused, I saw Roman already in the hangar.

He took out a dust crystal and by the looks of it, he wanted to throw it at me... I threw a fireball at him.

"Ah, shit!"

Then, I felt a new flame appear like it was challenging my own. My fireball got dispelled by the opposing one but I did not mind it, it was not fully powered, aiming to incapacitate instead of turning the target to a crisp.

The woman with a red dress whose face was strangely shadowed shot another one at me.

... Before I could make a move, another woman landed in a crouch in front of me, holding a... Riding crop?

Weirdest day ever... and is it just me, or are the events moving way too fast? Like someone is trying to fit a whole fight scene in a five-minute video?

From what I could see from behind her, she was wearing a black cape, white top, short pencil skirt and high heels...

She flicked her riding crop and the fireball was blocked by an invisible force, probably her semblance.

When I notice the woman on the plane charging up another fore attack, I clicked my tongue.

Raising my hand, I cleck my fist, cancelling the fireball before it even began to form.

The huntress waved her crop and I noticed clouds forming above the plane. Was she sending a lightning attack?

Ice shards fell from the clouds.

Oh, come on! That's ridiculous, why waste dust on that? The lightning would have been more effective in shutting down its system.

Ignoring the woman's stupidity, I create a small fire in my hand without altering it in any way. The small blue flame expanded as I aimed it at the plane and I could feel the other Fire wielder's eyes narrow at me.

I cooled down the roof below me that she was trying to use her semblance on and a grin spread on my face.

The fire on my palm concentrated even further and I launched it forward.

The huntress in front of me tried to boost the speed of my fire, however, in trying so, she wanted to take over the control. The arrogance baffled me.

This fire was concentrated enough that if my semblance didn't have a hold of it, it would simply explode, causing collateral damage and killing a few citizens before I take a hold of it again.

My semblance was... Complicated, it took time to control a large amount of fire that didn't come from me, but if I lose control, it was harder to gain it again.

Dismissing her attempt at controlling my fire as futile, I watched the woman on the plane turn to the cockpit, presumably telling the pilot to dodge.

The plane went down sharply and my attack missed it by a hairs breath.

Oh no! The attack missed, what am I to do?!

I flicked my palm downwards.

The blue ball of destruction hit one of the propellers and I controlled the explosion to contain it.

Before the plane could fall, the huntress flicked her crop, again, and stopped the plane mid-fall.

Using my semblance again, I blasted myself towards the suspended plane and pocketed my pistol, taking out my scimitars again.

I narrowed my eyes when I got closer, that Aura flow was not natural. Ignoring it for a moment, I boost the speed of my spin and superheat my blades before I landed a hit on the red-dressed woman.

Instead of my blades clashing with aura, I heard the sound of breaking glass and the woman shattered into colourful pieces, disappearing before any of the shards reached the floor.

I looked over at the cockpit... Roman was gone too.

Well, they got away, nothing I can do. I'll probably hunt them down as Ghost if I feel like it, later.

The plane moved back to the rooftop where the huntress stared at me with a raised eyebrow. Now that I was facing her, I could properly see her front.

The white top she was wearing had a... Pocket, showing the top of her... package, the cape I thought was all black, was actually purple on the inside and her single hair strand was curled on the side.

"She shattered into shards when I tried to hit her, probably an illusion semblance of someone else that was close by, Torchwick was gone too."

She sighed and placed the plane gently on the roof. Sheathing my scimitars, I jumped down from the hanger.

The huntress looked at me with her forest green eyes that looked like they could pierce my soul as I stood impassively. A few seconds passed before I spoke up.

"I'm going to check on the shopkeep."


Turns out, the old man was okay, he even gave me a pack of dust crystals as a thank you. I don't use them but Yang would appreciate them.

As I walked out of the shop, I came face to face with the woman I fought alongside a couple of minutes ago.

"You are coming with me, young man."

She grabbed my wrist and started dragging me in the opposite direction of my bike, that thankfully came unscratched from the fight.

Now, this would be fine if this was the police, I could have just told them that I had a vehicle and they would have allowed me to walk along with them while pushing my bike.

However, Hunters, despite protecting people from monsters and any kind of harm coming their way, did not have the right to drag anyone anywhere, meaning people had the right to resist.

My hand burst into blue flames and I watched with some amusement as she let go of my hand and jumped away from me.

Rolling my eyes, I take out the keys and head toward the bike, I still need to name it, don't I?

"Where do you think you're going?"

Looking back at her with a raised eyebrow, I look at her like she was the dumb one here.

"I'm getting my bike and waiting for the police, what do you think?"

She frowned at me.

"I need you to come with me to the station for some questioning."

"...I'd rather wait for them here."

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