
Washing with hands can be so stressful

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"I see a future with you but I don't know if it is a reality or just my crazy imagination" I replied

"Don't think about it too much just rest," he said rubbing circles at my back can't believe I am so sleepy I can't remember when I dose off. 

"Wake up sleepy head" Sam my oldest cousin shouted ugh living with these people makes me want to block my ears.

"Stop shouting don't you know someone is trying to sleep" I replied.

"I know that's why I am trying to wake you up," she said, pushing me from the bed.

"By the way breakfast is ready and your mum is going to freak out if you come late" she added after successfully pushing me from the bed she finally left me alone,  I am so fucking tired of always following rules am no longer a child.

"Good morning mama," I said walking down the stairs and hugging mom and pecking her cheeks.

"Morning dear why are you late for breakfast" she scolded

"I slept late sorry" I apologized hoping she will drop the case.

"Why did you sleep late," she asked with a curious look on her face

"Mummy I am hungry, abeg(please) don't let me lose my appetite,"

I said feeling frustrated, luck was on my side cause confidence showed up.

"Good morning mom" she greeted her

"dor goodness sake why is everyone waking up late," mum groaned

"Because everyone is not an early worm like you," Susan said taking a chair and sitting in one of the dining chairs everyone laughed at the statement except mummy which made the laughter die down a bit.

"Silvia, Sophia, Stella" mom shouted making those of us present scared.

A few minutes later Sophia and Silvia were running down the stairs panting followed by Stella

"Yes aunt" they answered panting heavily

"Good you are here please have your seat," she said making them grumble as they sat down.

Breakfast was served and everyone was present and eating peacefully but something was eating me inside to ask of the boys but resisting the urge to do it till after breakfast when everyone was through with their meals I ran to the kitchen there I met Susan doing the dishes weird that a supermodel, ambassador, and social media is doing the dishes,  well my mom made a rule that no maid or servant is allowed in the house.

"So has everyone left," I ask casually making sure she doesn't see my eagerness.

"yep everyone left" she replied making me have mixed feelings, happy that they left and mom had no clue they slept here and sad they didn't say bye well life goes on, and by the way, I need to do my laundry.

Going to the parlour I met mom and aunt

Sierra watching their favorite program series.

"Mom I think the washing machine spoilt," I said

"How many times have I told you not to use the machine but your hand," she said her eyes glued to the television which was the good cause if she was to be looking at me insult would have followed.

Now how the fuck did she expect me to wash my cloth with my hand not that it is a problem but when the cloth is over a month and having the intention of using a washing machine to wash it over the weekend but living with 6 children that claim to be adult but destroy anything they see now that's a problem.

I was lying on the bed feeling restless because I was confused about what to do cause a huge pile of clothes was looking at me taking my phone out and logging into Facebook I noticed something

💬Hey💬 Ebuka sent

💬 Don't hey me 💬, I shot back

💬😂 What happened?💬 He asked

💬You did not come to my birthday party Jay, Castro and Siji came but you were absent 💬 I replied

💬Sorry I was busy 💬 typical Ebuka always feeling sorry, trying to make amends, and very busy.

💬Dont worry, but I really wanted to meet you 💬 I sent.

💬You will meet me next time babe

💬 he sent

💬 Don't sha let Siji see this 😂💬.

💬😂Bros no fit fight na(He can't fight) 💬.


Who wants to have a Nigerian like mine, those who may not understand what 'abeg' means, please so don't be confused sweetheart who else felt they young romance isn't it cute and who will help Joy wash clothes 😂 😂 😭 😭.

  love and make -up 😚😚.

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