
chapter 3

Olaf:" we will leave in three days"

Thorkell:" I will stay the night here and tomorrow I will go to Kattegat to meet some friends I haven't been there in years "

Olaf:" we will go with you too let little balder see Kattegat it's his first time out of the house"

Thorkell: "now that it is settled let's have a drinking competition like the old days"

Olaf: "let's do it; it has been a while since the last time I had drunk as much as I wanted esdeath forbade me of drinking more than three cups of ale since balder was bor"

as they began to drink and sing together which was terrific they sang like mules choking to death but what do you expect from to grown-up man with rough voices singing

as they partied I went to my hideout; the place where I can focus and sleep most of the time; I found it by coincidence when I was running away from my parent having sex in the open in the middle of the night without a care in the world that's how the Viking society work most things are in the open

it's an open society not as open as our in the 21 century their not as accepting as us

for example, they don't like gay people mostly gay men in the Viking law gay people are not acceptable in society so they are branded as criminals and it's mostly the ones being fucked that get punished.

anyway as I get closer to a giant tree close to the cliff there is a little hole under the tree that leads to a closed cave on the other side I made it my hideout because it's hard to notice the place and it is close to the house inside there is a little hay bed that I made it's not the most comfortable bed but it makes due as I lay on the bed I begin to recall what I did in the last 5 years

first thing I did when I was reborn was seen if my wishes are fulfilled and they are the system is there but I have nothing of value to buy troops from it, and most things that I have are of nonexisting value, for example, I need 100 complete wolfskin without any damage to get 10 g of gold

as for troops the weakest levie need 5 g of gold and that's the weakest; the one troop that is the most suitable to me are the Varangian guard,

they are viking decent and they are the elite of the elite they served as guards of the Byzantine Emperor that is how famous they are but they are expensive, 1 varangian guard need 60g of pure gold and that can basicly give me 10 levies but they are worth the price, they are good at raiding and sailing too witch is why i want them so the system remain unused until i go on a raid or get gold from the jomsviking if i am the heir then they will give me some allowence so i focused on training first but i didn't do much in the first year because i was a baby so i sticked to what a baby could do and that is learn the language as good as i could the people here spoke old norse not english it was hard to understand at first but i learned it after the first year i started trainig by running around the house to build my stamina fetching water from the river and i did most shores in the house everything that my parent allowed me to do and it worked like a charm with my vitality high because of immortality i didn't have sore muscle every day i healed fast nd my unlimeted potentiel helped too so grew fast in strenth but am still a kid who hasing grown up yet but i know that i will be strong in the future the moment my body mature i will be invinceble

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