
Chapter 29

Spring time in the city of kaupang on a hill we see two people fighting against each, they are matching move for move against each other but one of them counters a move and knocks the opponent down, the winner standing says 'you should always be focused as your opponents will look for any opening to take you down but you should do the same,' this man was Olaf who went to pick up the young looking man up and the man said 'I know father but I was close this time,' Olaf laughed and said 'close will get you dead remember that, but your ready, we will be going to England for our raid, this will be your maiden voyage are you ready?'

The young man who we see as Sigurd smiles and said 'of course I am ready old man I hope you don't slow me down,'but he was happy to finally go raiding and prove himself Olaf smiled at his jokes and said 'good we will attack Northumbria and capture their king and make it land for Vikings, my son when you see the land and how fertile it is you will understand but for now let's continue your training,' and both men got into position ready to fight when they saw some one run to them and they stop and waited for the man to come it was ethewold who came and said 'my lord it's tiem for you to oversee the execution."

Olaf nodded and said "let's go," and they went to the center of the city which had a small crowd and Olaf family, his wife holding a boy of 4 years old hand and a lady that looked to be same age as Sigurd who happen to be gyda , helga and her daughter who served them and Harold who looked ready to do the exaction and when he saw Olaf come was about to do it when he heard Olaf shout wait and all eyes looked to him as he walked to Harold and whispered in his ears the man smiled and gave olaf the large executioner ax who walked back to Sigurd and said 'you do it."

Astrid saw this and knew that her boy needed to do this to prove to all the people and to himself as well, Sigurd took it and looked to his father who said 'remember all I have taught you,' he walked to Astrid to stand near her as he didn't say anything as they both knew the importance of it, Sigurd walked to the man and gave the man his rights before giving a swing of the ax and beheads him and looks at the blood that lands on his and Harold went to him and said 'you did well."

while floki took some blood and rub it on his face, Sigurd walked to his family and Astrid said 'you did well to stay strong,' gyda said 'well, you look more like father now,' Sigurd smiled at the comment and looked at his father, who said 'you know why I did it,' to which he nodded and Olaf said 'good tonight we will meet the other jarls that will come then we will sail for England together,' after that they went in the hall.

Later In the hall there was feasting and talking and Olaf sat with sweyn who said 'I have information on the war between horik and borg,' Olaf looked at where his son was and called to him to come when he sat he looked back to sweyn and said 'I know it's been fierce,after all horik wants the lands in Sweden to start growing power there but the Swedish lords all hate him, and I can't blame them his arrogant and sent his men to force me to fight for him he should be lucky I don't decide to attack him but tell me how is borg doing,' sweyn said 'he is doing okay but horik is king with large territory, he will continue to attack it's a matter of time, and some jarls in Sweden are looking to backing."

Olaf sat in thought and looked to his son and asked 'so son what do you think we should do?' Sigurd thought on it then answered we should support borg since we don't want horik to gain more power,' Olaf smiled and said 'maybe but borg is a proud man and still has strong base he will accept hep but that will make us an enemy of horik with no gain for us,' Sigurd saw the error of his answer and asked 'so what would you do then father?"

Olaf answered 'nothing,that's what I would do, it's better to see how this goes on since eventually either borg starts losing and will we join to stop horik from advancing and this will send lots of jarls to my banner or borg will come and give me his loyalty in exchange for keeping his lands that he has fought to keep which I accept and go to defeat horik and that way control in most of Sweden with his loyalty and lots of Norway's jarls will see that it's better to join me and I will control two countries that's what I plan."

Sigurd and sweyn looked at how far Olaf had figure and planed for the future, Sigurd looked prod to follow his father the man who could rule to Viking countries and wants to expand it in the west, Olaf got up and walked to his throne and stood before it and said 'welcome to all of you who could come, I know all of you want to know where we will raid, for this spring which happens to be England this time,' and the was happy cheers he continued 'I am also proud to say my son Sigurd will join us on his first raid,' which got cheers to it and he ended with 'all I have to say is the same as ally's this time we will have over 500 ships that will go to the west with us and will see fights, more land and for all the Weasley we will get,' that for loud cheers and Olaf ended with 'for Odin and for Valhalla!'

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