
Fellowship with the Royals

My Abuelo started standing, yet with struggle, I tried to help him but he refused.

He walked towards the terrace and though he walks fine I stayed by his side. His gaze, to the nothingness in front of him. He was in a deep thought that it took for a while before he spoke.

"Yanna, despite the legacy that has been passed down on me by my ancestors, I dreamt to be somewhere else. I am not a rancher nor a farmer as many believed. I am a businessman, and in my days I would travel around the world. I'm a merchant and I sell clothing and luxury products. It has been my passion and I find delight every time I present them to my clients" he smiled as if reminiscing his younger years.

He looked at me for a while and looked in front again, "then I came to England. I was quite a careless stubborn man before, I have disregarded the etiquettes and laws of that country."

"Concealment of treasure trove, that is the crime your Abuelo committed"

"I am a merchant, and luxury products have been my top list. I went to England to trade but when I heard of this treasure that was under an abandoned abode, I immediately went for it. So I hire people to look for the treasure.

If you have heard of King John's crown and treasure back in 1216 my dear, the King has a fondness for jewelry it was said that while he was going back to his palace, he decided to choose a shorter path, they tried to cross the mudscapes but the rising water caught their baggage and all that they have brought, including his possessions, they tried to retrieve it, but to no avail.

800 years after and the treasure was still not found, there have been speculations as to where the treasure might be, but locals know more than the high society.

It was said that at that time, one of his footmen, took advantage of the situation and with 2 accomplices succeeded in taking and hiding the treasure. They couldn't trade the thing all at the same time or they will all get exposed, and so they hid it for a while before dividing share. As said, the argument started when they asked who should possess the crown, and each one strongly believed they deserve it. The son of one of the footmen, heard the argument of his father and his colleagues, they were all influenced by too much alcohol that they started fighting at first hand in hand combat, but the latter draw his sword. The third footman started to realize that things are heating up so he decided to step away, but it was too late, he was stabbed nonchalantly. The other person was horrified and was sobered right away, that was the boy's father.

He ran towards his comrade but the other footman stabbed him as well. Petrified, the man realized what he have done, and was mortified by it. He then killed himself too.

The son who was looking at the scene the whole time was frozen and scared, the tears won't even come out of his tear duct. He was just 7 years old. He was traumatized, and that's a scene he will never forget.

10 years later he told his mother about this, and she told him never to tell anyone about the treasure. She believed that it was bad luck, why it brought 3 deaths at the same time.

The boy however told his close friends, and together they embarked to find the treasure. Possible hideouts of where his father hid the treasure were searched. Yet twenty years have passed and it was still unfound.

While the society looked in Wash, the boy was looking for it in their small town.

Then one day, while he was trying to ground for his mother's garden as for the request of the latter, he hit something hard. "

His grandfather stopped and looked at her as if letting her say what happened next.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Yes my dear"

"So Grappy, all along it has been in his house!?"

He nodded with a smile, then he continued.

"He dug deeper and with anticipation, he found a secret door and when he opened it, he saw a ladder from below, going down, he can't believe his eyes. It was the crown of King John's and his treasure, he told his mother about this and she was indeed surprised, then the next day he found his mother in her bed, dead. It was of a heart attack but at that time it wasn't as common as now, so he believed that the reason for his mother's death was because of the bad luck the treasure brought. He was devastated and blamed himself if only he had listened to his mother."

"He decided to put the treasure back to where he found it, and this time he ruined the secret door and closed the treasure with the pure ground. And he left the country, without telling anyone about the treasure, he was trying to save the people from encountering the same bad luck.

"But if he didn't tell anyone, how did you know it was in his abode?"

"That's a wild guess, my dear, the story went running for years about the treasure of King John not being in Wash, because of his friends who knew about it. The higher ranks didn't mind the story at all, they believed it was a rumor, the story has been passed down from generation to generation into their town until I came across the people.

"When I heard of the story, I started my expedition, and as they say the closer you look, the less you'll see, so I totally abandoned the perspective of many, and I think oppositely. That's when it came to me that it must be hidden close to them, somewhere where no one can suspect. And I found it."

"Now I want you to understand that the details about how the boy found the treasure is something his friends didn't know. The boy left a letter inside the chest box, writing all the details of how he knew and found the treasure, and it also advised that if the treasure is to be found, one must give it up and leave it there or such bad luck will befall the founder. Yanna I don't believe in such a thing before as so I still took it."

"Everything was perfect but some of the men who worked for me spread the good news and the last thing I knew, I was standing in front of the King. He was a magnificent King, the one you read in books- His Abuelo smiled as if the King was in front of him- It was a National treasure and I am aware that I should return it to the council, yet I was stubborn back then. "

"If it was a normal gold and silver the King would never have been there. But it was King John's treasure that made all the difference."

"I was afraid when I saw the King, what punishment could he enforce on me. But I was wrong, You see I never met any other Kings in my life, but what I can say is this particular King is a King in most aspects. He is a kind and sensible person. "

"He saw my intelligence and my skills rather than my flaws, I was acquitted and the most amazing thing was, I was made his advisor if the King wasn't there I might still be in prison in England or who knows what might have happened to me. "

"At that time he and his brother were not on good terms, it has something to do with inheritance. The King knew his brother detested him. They are twins and the King was only a second older than him. "

"What happened the next was terrible. Someone poisoned the King, and he got ill for days and the blame was put on me. I was both scared for the King's life and to mine."

"The jury believed that it was I who did it, but the King refused to believe, with that I am thankful. It was a grave offense and though The King and I believed it was his brother we have no valid proof, all the evidence was leading to me."

It took a while before his Abuelo poke again.

"The punishment for attempting to murder a King is an execution"

Yanna gasped. He couldn't believe that his Abuelo had encountered such traumatizinexperiencesssce in his life. He knew him for being a happy person almost unproblematic.

"But the King, lowered my sentence, though, believe me, he didn't want to punish me at all, so he decided to sentence me with exile, and that was the last day we saw each other."

"Before I left, we talked, and he told me that my family can visit there anytime, I am the only one not allowed to step on England. But my family will have the privilege. It must have been awkward that the host will accept the family of the person who tried to murder him. But the King knew I am innocent, and so he made it legal for you to visit there."

"When your father was alive, you went to England once. All three of you, I believed you were 6 years old. You've met the King though you might have forgotten it already. You played with his grandson. And you were friends"

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