
Сhapter 49

We returned to Konoha only a few weeks later. Izumi, that during that massacre he was exposed especially strongly, having caught a sweeping blow with a sword from one of the bandits. And even if the wound was not fatal, it was still deep enough, and the kid's ribs were damaged, which is why he was recovering especially for a long time. Fortunately, Shinobi are much more tenacious than ordinary people, and Sensei understood something about providing first aid. Therefore, Yamanaka, although he had not managed to recover from the wound until now, but it was only a matter of time. His health was not harmed by anything.

Well, he also regained some mobility in a few weeks of treatment, so that we could safely hospitalize him to his native village… At the same time, our sensei took up the transfer of the boy, using special garters securing him on the back of his clone, which acted as a kind of stretcher. Normal speed, of course, could not be developed with such a load, but it does not matter.

Besides, personally, I was in no particular hurry to return to my native village. A small spree in the "native" country was more than interesting and fascinating. And Natsubashi-sensei didn't want to waste this time by resuming training, which found some response in our souls with Inuzuka. Still, after recent events, we needed to somehow distract ourselves from unnecessary thoughts, with which there were some problems ... we simply could not drink, carouse in a brothel or combine these two activities.

Well, more precisely, they could. Inuzuku won, the teacher really got drunk after that massacre, helping to recover from what happened. For me, binge drinking was contraindicated… I've recently been punched in the liver with a damn piece of iron, what kind of alcohol can we talk about? Actually, there is a similar situation with the brothel, where Sensei would certainly have sent me if not for my age… Well, nothing works in my pants yet. It's Izumi who might have been glad of such an opportunity if he hadn't been bedridden.…

In general, yes, in order to somehow occupy our couple with Inuzuka, Sensei started our training again. That's just if he drove Inuzuku according to the previous program, except that I can't load the most and not allowing even a couple of extra minutes for melancholy to allocate, then I still had the reputation of being wounded… My regeneration, of course, helped a lot with wounds. Already on the third day after receiving the wound, I could move quite calmly, and a week later I felt quite normal at all… But Sensei thought I shouldn't strain myself too much for a while anyway.

And therefore, I was engaged in the development of my control, which at some point really fascinated me ... Yes, I was already used to this kind of training, but my consciousness really needed some unloading. It was necessary to cling to something familiar and understandable in order to simply detach from reality and properly digest what had happened… As a result, I was sitting in meditation for almost sixteen hours a day. Sometimes, settling right on the surface of a small lake, increasing the complexity of their training.

Although, it wasn't very easy for me anyway. Training with the elemental chakra, with which I worked especially carefully because of injuries, was replaced by training with the Yang chakra, and when concentration on this was simply not enough, I returned to the most basic and simple manipulations with the chakra, which not only allowed me to relax, but also raised my mood quite significantly… After that meeting with the fox, much more of his chakra began to flow into my body. Which, however, had almost no effect on my control, but the "vigor" of my energy increased noticeably. And the active movement of the chakra through the body not only spurred my regeneration, but also returned the already forgotten, aching feeling in my chakrocannals… What pleased…

In general, yes, I did anything to not think about what happened and give myself time to just calm down a little. Fortunately, this approach really helped me. By the end of the second week of our stay in the village, the house in which we almost literally took away from the family of the local headman, I had already stopped looking at sensei like a wolf, and in general I finally calmed down and digested what had happened.

The emotional swing and the "withdrawal" from the nastiness that Natsubashi-sensei pumped me with finally came to naught. Which, in other respects, did not greatly affect my thirst for revenge, it's just that I myself began to really control myself better, even having drawn up not the worst plan for the implementation of this revenge… However, it's really too early to think about this yet. Sensei, sadly enough, was still needed by me. Without his help, it will be much more difficult for me to reach the right level of strength to implement my plans.

Fortunately, I am a little humbled by the need to continue communicating with this reptile, the fact that Natsubashi himself is raising his own killer… Very ironic, in my opinion. Especially since Sensei himself is unlikely to expect a sneak from my side. Of course, I do not doubt his insight, after all, he is a really strong and experienced person, but I had no objective reasons for concern. In recent years, I have learned to stick to my chosen role quite easily and naturally. Well, or to be more specific, I just got used to hiding my true attitude to many things, which helped me now.

In addition, any changes in my character and behavior now will be easy enough to explain by recent stress, which is also not unimportant… However, I myself was now somewhat uncomfortable in the presence of Sensei… I can say that I have a certain instinctive fear of this person. I was too scared of Sensei's ability to influence my mind so clearly…

Why, I even resumed my genjutsu training with triple force, even thinking about asking the same Aikawa-sensei to throw me information on this matter. He, as the director of the academy, should definitely have access to such knowledge. Moreover, I'm not going to ask anything out of the ordinary from that one ... and my successes lately have definitely pleased that one. And in the near future, these successes promise to go up in general…

Shadow clones will be at my disposal very, very soon. I have already begun to study the theoretical calculations on this technique, and if it were not for the need to undergo an unscheduled medical examination immediately after returning to the village, I would have already begun to practice on the sly. Sensei, of course, said that he would help me with this, make sure that I didn't make critical mistakes during technique training, but somehow I don't care about that anymore.

Natsubashi betrayed my trust, which is why I don't really want to rely on him right now. Moreover, I am really uncomfortable in his presence right now, which is why I want to first try to use the technique myself, and therefore already consolidate my skills under his control. Fortunately, the technique itself turned out to be not so complicated… That is, really, if it were not for the side effect in the form of clone fatigue, which is transferred to their creator after dispelling the clones, it would be quite possible to learn that in the academy…

Although no, the technique is still voracious enough to become an academic technique, but there really wasn't anything complicated in it ... Any genin that has good chakra volumes will be able to master this technique. The only question is how easily he will be able to cope with the consequences of debunking his own clones, but this is the tenth question. That's why, in fact, I was ready to try to create my first shadow clone alone…

It will be trite and easy to do, and the risk for me is minimal. The original Naruto, won, created a whole army of clones for his first time in general. And nothing, alive, healthy, does not suffer from migraines. In my case, of course, everything may be somewhat different, but even so, I am not inclined to underestimate this carcass in this regard… I may be a ten-year-old kid, but in terms of endurance and chakra volumes, I can already give many Juniors a light.

As a last resort, I will be insured by a really impressive regeneration, which just recently helped me cope with a rather serious puncture wound, which, by the way, touched my liver ... And with all this, a medical examination showed that I am completely healthy. Even the scar on his side has already begun to fade, leaving behind a barely noticeable white line… As if not three weeks had passed after the injury, but a full dozen years…

Yeah... there's not much to be afraid of in this regard. Any wounds on my body heal really quickly. What have I even got used to… And because of that, I am particularly sensitive to the danger to my own mind. After all, if I somehow know how to protect my body, then my mind... well, I really don't want to be alone with my own sensei now. It's scary, damn it.

Well, it's okay, if the clones don't disappoint me, then everything will be fine. I'm going to do my own body and tai training tightly, but reflexes are a purely physical thing. Well, it will be possible to blame everything else on the clones. Including training in genjutsu, which, in light of recent events, has become especially important for my survival and safety in general...

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