

Hector P.O.V.

Space Station

I think that is the first time many of them meet... I watch my Inner Circle interact with the ones being held in the Space Station till they are ready to enter the world.

Isabella, Shego, Heleno, Cassandra, Saeko, Cortana, Machia, Harley, Power, Juri Han, Nemesis, Amelie (Widowmaker), Quin(Baby 5)...

I believe in compartmentalization, and many of my summons may never meet the others, after all, many will have conflicting ideals and thoughts... It's okay for the only thing holding them together to be me.

But my Inner Circle is special so it's okay.

Ah yes... Seeing them Interact only reinforced my statement that they really don't need to meet everyone.

"You better tone down your attitude, little girl." Shego says while looking down on Juri. The bosom of the two pressing against each other. "Don't think you deserve a spot when you don't even know your own damn place."

The rest is at least keeping the distance... Even Widowmaker is smart enough to not start fights without knowing the hierarch dynamic. Even after Shego practically glares at her. Only Juri with her short temper took the bait.

"Little girl?" Juri scoffs. Well, she is kinda small... Smaller than Shego at least "Look at the mirror first, greenie. What's the problem? Didn't you ever mature?" She doesn't back down at least

"A-ha! Never heard that before..." Shego rolls her eyes "Hector, you saw her talking about my skin color, can I start dishing out racial slurs?" She looks at me

"Ugh... please don't..." I massage my eyelids

"I will do it anyway... You chin-"

"Okay! Okay!" I get between them "Stop that you two."

"Panacotta! You don't stop a catfight!" Harley looks annoyed at my interruption. Wait... Is that popcorn? Power looks like she is enjoying herself too.

Juri looks at Harley and sneers "Why do you look like you're enjoying a show? You're the show itself, fucking clown."

"That's it, I'm rearranging her ugly mug." Now Harley snaps. She takes her hammer and starts walking at Juri.

"Do you want a little of this? Come!" Juri puts a battle stance.

Who would imagine that being close to so many women with issues and bad personalities would be so difficult? Why did no one warn me?

"Harley... Stop." I say, done.

"Don't worry, my sweet pannacotta. I just want to reason with her." Harley grips her hammer tighter.


In her hammer, written using red lipstick there's the word "Reason". The name of the weapon.

I can't say anything, my favorite chainsaw sword is called "Kindness". Mama always said to "kill people with kindness", so it's what I do.

I put a barrier between the two to stop the fight from happening.

"Just chill out, I can allow a fight later... It can be a good bonding time, but we don't have time for this now." Any interaction can be good in the long run.

Maybe they will at least respect each other abilities after fighting, but timing is essential in those things... first impressions are important too. I can't let it get even worse now. After this they will probably not see each other for a long time, it will be the impression that will stick... Resentment grows while the bad impression is solidified in their hearts and minds. So...

"...behave." I say while they kept glaring at each other. My voice is low, in a hiss that shows that my patience is starting to get thinner.

The two eventually scoff and look away from each other, Shego also disengages.

"Let's go to the specialized room." Let's change the subject, I walk and they follow me. Harley and Shego go to my side, each grabbing an arm.

I will pretend that I didn't notice Harley making faces at Juri.


"Let me explain again..." After typing the right configurations in the computer, I decided to make things clear again while waiting for the Upgrade Chamber to get ready

I turn to everyone present.

"At the baseline, the serum will bring you all to Peak Human Condition and beyond. Normally Peak Human Condition is on Captain America's level, he is the best example I can give... So, beyond everything he has, like reforming your body structure, resistance to diseases, enhanced brain activity, and all the other perks that would erase your 'imperfections' and make you an all-rounder human... You will also reach almost the 100-ton strength mark, have bulletproof skin, increased senses, super regeneration enough to heal limbs in a minute, longevity of thousands of years, slow adaptability and the list goes on..." I explain to them.

Each word said widened the eyes of the ones not that familiar with me and my methods.

"Thousand of years?!" It's Amelie who asks, a hint of shock escaping from her voice. It seems that even psychopaths don't want to die and find a long life appealing.

"The serum will increase the longevity of your telomeres." I explain "There's a lot of potential in humanity, the first part of the serum is bringing that forward... with some extras."

Letting my words sink in for a moment I continue "What is really interesting is that even this ridiculous long life, the super healing factor, and the rest it will all be a normal part of your biology. A physiological phenomenon that is no different from your hair and nails growing naturally, or a scab appearing on a wound. It will be like you will be evolving, or ascending, as a species... A High Human if you want to call yourself that." I can't help but explain in nerd terms, even when I know most of them will not catch it.

"Sounds nice, why I am not participating in it too?" Juri Han suddenly asks

"Too early for you..." I say dismissively

"Isn't she brought here at the same time as me?" She points at Harley

"..." I give her a look and start patting her head with a big smile "Good girl~ You're smarter than you look!" I praise her for her observation skills with obvious sarcasm in my voice

"Let go of me!" She fights my grasp, but if I want to headpat you, I will headpat you.

"And to answer your question in a way that does not hurt your feelings..." I start saying after allowing her to escape "I trust her more than you." I fucked her till her Relationship Loyalty maxed.

Harley smiles and makes a "V" of Victory from her position.

Juri doesn't appear to be convinced, but do I need to really explain?

"Just go train your martial arts before I give you your upgrade. The benefits will be greater." I shrug my shoulders and go back to explaining the procedure.

Addressing the whole room again I say "This upgrade will prepare your body to accommodate more powers, normal humans can't hold that much... Your body will slowly adapt and get stronger, and eventually, you will receive better powers from me, if you want. Being peak street-level is only the beginning, just so that you guys can have a fighting chance in this unreasonable universe." I say to all of them.

"Did you go through this procedure?" Nemesis is the one who asked me that. The small dark-skinned woman observed everything from her seat. She is temporarily out of her room, but she is still grounded.

"It's useless to me." I reply nonchalantly "Half of this serum is made of my body, you know?"

"Even the healing factor part?" Saeko asks "You have a lot of powers to accelerate your healing, but it wouldn't be better to have it naturally like you said?"

"A fair question..." I point at her "The thing is, like I said, I already have that, but... How can I explain this?" I scratch my chin a little to think "The best way to say is that my body is of higher quality... Ugh... Let's put it on numbers! Imagine that all of you have 1000 health points and normally heal 1 point during a certain amount of time."

I see some rolling their eyes at me explaining in game terms. Heh.

But I continue undeterred "Now, a healing factor like of Deadpool or Wolverine heals you for a 100 points in the same amount of time, being a hundred times more effective. Enough to regrow a limb. The thing is... I have points."


I let them catch it before pointing to Helena and Harley "Do you know that Superman has a healing factor too? And it would not be worse than Wolverine's... But it looks almost negligible on his high-quality body. If you put only his healing factor in a normal human, a person would regrow their whole body from a finger when exposed under the sunlight." I'm getting so strong, that healing factors of the Hero Academia world are starting to get obsolete. Good thing I can combine a lot of regenerative powers, and if I actively desire, keep the same effectivity.

"I think I got what you mean..." Helena nods to herself

"Who is Superman?" Widowmaker asks

"Really strong guy that can punch a hole in the planet and throw things into the Sun." Harley explains the best she could.

Then a *Ding* is heard from the computer "The chamber is ready. Who wants to go first?"

Shego was opening her mouth when Helena said faster "Me. I'm going." She steps forward with a calm face

"Okay then... During the process, I will give you your chosen powers, to make the absorption seamless. Let me see your choices..." A hologram appears close to me "Are you sure that you only want those?" I ask her after a quick look at the list



- Air Walk

- Many Eye-enhancing Powers

- Blink Teleportation(Warp Warp Fruit and others)

- Pocket Space power


The choice is not bad... Air Walk to have a platform to stay in any situation, and Saeko also wants this one. Pocket Space to keep her weapons and ammunition, Blink is excellent to reposition herself and the combination of many eye powers is self-explanatory.

"I'm sure" She answers "You can always give me more later, right? I want to do a test drive and see what I'm lacking... I also thought about taking Invisibility and other neat stealth powers, but technology can help with that."

"True." I agree. She listened when I lectured them about it "Many pieces of gear can help with your eyes too, you know?" I ask just to make sure

"Yeah, but in this case I prefer to have the powers per se... More reliable."

"Good choice... It also looks below the limit of 7 that I gave, but your Eye powers and Blink will be the combination of a lot of other powers, so maybe you're going over the limit." I explain

"There's that too... You wouldn't give me your All-seeing Eyes of God, right?" She asks with a cheeky smile

"You know the answer." I roll my eyes.

I can't give it to her even if I want. I can share temporarily, of course.

The thing is a little too high level, and she would need to pay the "price". And it's more like magic.

"Okay, everything ready... Go on then." I say.

Everyone who is going through the procedure is using a generic UMF(Unstable Molecule Fabric) suit to prevent any mishaps.

Not that would be a problem, the only male other than me here is Machia.

Helena walks confidently to the chamber, the design is sleek and clean, to give a feeling of security. Who wants to enter a dirty box right? I'm not a mad scientist...

"During the process, I will 'cheat' by giving you the powers directly and stabilizing you if something goes wrong." I say "Normally it would be painful, but I will cheat on that too."

"I trust you. You're the most paranoid guy in the universe." She says with a smile that I return, and the door of the chamber closes with a *tsss* sound.

"Starting..." I say just for say, because it's clear when it starts.

The cables connecting with the chamber light up, and it's clear that is sending some sort of energy inside, bathing Helena in the rays that are stabilizing the process as she is being injected with the serum that is reforming her body.

I check on her with my powers, making sure she is stable...

Time to do my part. Putting my hand over a special panel in the chamber, I start slowly passing her new powers to her. The Panel is something made by yours truly, just a material that was imbued with an aspect of my own Power Manipulation, to make it very compatible. It has this unique usage and is useless to anything else. Well, it's made of Vibranium, the recently acquired material is a good conductor.

The whole process lasts 9:36 minutes, but I keep Helena inside the chamber for another 5 minutes to make sure.

Finally, I end the procedure.

The chamber opens with another sound, there's no smoke to create a mystery like in the movies. Why would it even have smoke? Am I steaming cooking her?

At least Helena emerges a little groggy... This is accurate.

She doesn't look that different, she was already incredibly fit before. But let's say that she is... *Ahem* more thicc, I mean juiced, I mean filled in certain areas. She is a little more toned too.

With my supervision, I can see that many of her cosmetic imperfections disappeared, like in her hair and skin.

"Looking good." I say while helping her out of the chamber "How do you feel?" I make her stand up and let her stabilize herself on her own.

"A little... great. I feel great." She says while checking her own hands, tightening her fist.

"You will notice the powers in a minute, like an extra limb..." I throw some advice while turning around for a moment and then...

...pulling am AR-15 from my Sky Poison Pearl.

"Say hello to my little friend." I smile and blast her with the gun *Tatatatatatata*

"Wha- Whattahel!" As the bullets fly, she puts her arms in front of herself to clumsily protect her body.

It takes some time for her to notice that the bullets are not hurting her.

I blow the smoke escaping out of the barrel and say "You need to let go of your normal sensibilities? Did it hurt?"

"...no. It was like... rain. Heavy rain at least." She says amazed.

"A neat thing is that bulletproof skin doesn't mess with your sensibility, so you can feel the rain all the same. It's only that there will be no pain when it doesn't hurt. Your skin is not rock or anything like that." I explain

"So... powers are bullshit." She summarizes

"Powers are bullshit." I agree "Now... why don't we test your strength?" I smile and take a car from Sky Poison Pearl

She smiles seeing the corolla in perfect state in front of her.

"You know me so well~"

I gesture with my hand like a waiter presenting the food.

"I don't even know how to start~" She looks eager.

"Don't kick or punch away... Try using your first like a hammer first. Turning it into a scrap." I give some counsel "Then you can try to throw it away later."

"Good idea." She approaches the car beaming from ear to ear.

Helena raises her closed fist above her head and brings it down on the roof of the car.

*Crash* *Bam*

As I expected, the thing folded like it was made of cardboard, doing little to stop her hand from ending up on the ground. She lost a little of her balance, not used to her strength, almost being forced to her knees.

But that doesn't stop her, already big, smile from growing even more.

"Ohoho~~ Now this is what I'm talking about!"

"Try using only your arm at first, then you start moving the rest of your body... Get used to the individual strength of your limbs." I continue giving her more counsel.

What happens next can be called childish, like a toddler playing in a sandbox, smashing sand castles.

But her smile is too happy for me to step on her moment.

"*Huff* Wow~ That was cathartic!" She exaggeratedly a breath of relief

"We can see..." I comment with a lot of amusement while looking at the remains of the car "Try squashing it in a big ball and throw it away."

Later we will test her physical prowess more thoroughly, and she will have time to get used to it. Now it's only to satisfy her a little and show the others what to expect.

Helena grabs the car parts and crushes it between her hands, compressing the smaller she can. She can't turn it into a basketball, but is enough for her to easily hold with her two arms.

Without wasting time she pulls back a little and throws the ball of scrap metal with some effort, the thing flies easily, only stopping when it hits the reinforced walls of this room. It can go much farther apparently.

"Hector if one day you go to my universe, take me with you. I need to do some payback." She dusts her hands with a satisfied smile

"Is that so? Don't go around bullying people now..."

"C'mon, it's Bane! And maybe Wonder Woman..." She protests but ends up admitting her impure intentions.

"You're not at her level yet, not the main version at least." I warn her to not let the power go over her head. Maybe I need to spar a little with them too. "And I didn't know that you had a beef with Wonder Woman..." I say. Did the two even Interact?

"Hmpf, there's one time that a bunch of superheroines are forced to fight in a cage and... Long story." She stops midway. Now I was interested!

Eventually, I let Helena feel herself and I turned to the rest.

"So, it will be more or less like this..." Then I give Helena a look "Try feeling your powers, if you have any difficulty we can cheat again."


"I can use them with you..." I say and teleport close to her, grabbing her hand and teleporting to another point of the room, then to another, and another till I go back to the initial place "Did you feel your teleporting powers?"

"I think I did..." She says hesitantly

"Then don't let the feeling go away." I warn "Anyway, in the last case I can pass the information directly to your brain... Or use my Forced Power Activation. But is kinda invasive."

It's better to let them discover for themselves, it's improbable but maybe they will come up with a different way of using their new powers. Unique to them.

"Who is next?" I turn to the rest

"Me, obviously." Shego steps forward, giving a glance to Helena, Juri, and Widowmaker for some reason.

Let's check her choices.



- Miss Militia Modified power

- Many fire-related powers fused

- Super Strength, Duplication and Shrinking(Her brother's powers take only on slot)

- Heaven's Door Stand power


Like Helena Shego opted to have fewer powers than allowed, but that Fire one is the fusion of a lot of fire powers, and this kind of power is unstable so it's the safest option.

"Are you sure that you don't want the Fire Body power?" I ask again.

Of all fire powers, the only one that she doesn't want is the Mera Mera no Mi ability to be made of fire.

"I don't want to be fire, it sounds like a hassle, and you will give me that Fire Body thingie, right?"

"Yes." She is talking about being covered in flames like Human Torch and Sunspot. I copied Sunspot's power sneakily last time while the secondary X-Men team fanboyed over me.

As much as I want her to have the cheat of intangibility, I also understand that it opens gaps to an obvious weakness. I just need to make her body strong as heck.

"So you will be covered in green fire?" Helena asks, seeing Shego's options over my shoulder

"Yes." Shego answers

"It reminds me of Fire from my universe." Helena comments

"Beatriz da Costa? Do you know she is Brazilian too?" I add. She is Sunspot and has the same last name. L-O-L Marvel and DC. We have to always have fire or forest-based powers, right?

Just gives us a monkey power already, I would not complain... Forgot about Dragons and Phoenixes, Monkeys are the best. Look at Sun Wukong and Goku.

"So someone already does that? Then I don't want anymore!" Shego suddenly says annoyed, crossing her arms.



Let's divert her attention... We can't have Shego throwing a fit right now.

"Heaven's Door?" I ask

"What? It sounds useful..." She shrugs and looks away

"I'm a little overprotective with certain powers, but okay... I will let you have it." I really don't like sharing the Stands powers, the hax is too op "But why do you want it?"

"I already said, it looks super useful! I just need to write in someone that they can't lie to me and Boom, I can have my loyal crew." She answers "Did you forget that I'm setting up a Nightclub?"

"Oh yes... Remember me again later, Cortana, and I can create a mysterious DJ, that is a robot, to work for you." With my collection of music 20 years ahead, it will be a hit.

"Good idea! Having people working for me and not paying anything... That's the American dream." She declares proudly

"Please don't brainwash anyone... use only for background check and for your safety." I say with a shake of my head.

Sometimes I forget that Shego is a villain. She can dance to the hero tune too because of me, but she enjoys being a villain. That's why she left her family superhero group.

"Well, go inside..." I signal to the chamber

"Normally I'm the one telling you that." She smirks and winks at me before entering the chamber


Ignoring the looks, I do my work.

Once again it goes without a hitch... For the most part, I mean. When the door of the chamber opens again, this time there's smoke obstructing the vision of the inside of the chamber.

Suddenly Shego's fiery hand grabs the edge of the entrance of the chamber, easily melting it as she stabilizes herself.

Without hesitation I pull her to me, helping her out. The fire uncontrollably moves around her body, but it can't hurt me.

"Deep breaths, my dear." I say while caressing her back soothingly. She is not panicking, but she is getting a little nervous because of the loss of control.

Many emitter-like powers depend on the body condition of the user, her body went through a huge change, and it's feeling strange... When her heartbeat, breath, and other physiological functions go back to normal, she will have more control.

It's like her body is trying to protect her from external threats after the stressful situation.

After two minutes she is not on fire anymore.

"There, there... Good job." I pat her back

"I destroyed the machine." She says while hugging me, her face on my chest. Hmm, she is a little thiccer now too... Just a little, but I would obviously notice the difference. My hands went everywhere in this body already.

"Ah yes..." I reply and then with a wave of my hand I pull another chamber from my inventory


"What? I'm a prepared guy." It's almost look like they don't know me.

"How many of those do you have?" Helena asks

But is Isabella who answers "Knowing Master, at least one to each of us, in case every procedure destroys a chamber."

"..." Okay, they really know me.

"Why don't we all go at the same time then?" Harley asks confused

"Because seeing the previous success would relax you guys... And I want each procedure to have my undivided attention." I say


It's with their lives that I'm messing here. I sacrificed a looot of time before feeling confident to do this. And a lot of lives too...

I replace the slightly broken chamber with a new one, connecting the cables and other apparatus at super speed.

After finishing I clap once


Harley was almost jumping at the opportunity when Cassandra stepped out silently.

"Oh, okay then... there's a hierarchy." The clown woman deflates a little and goes back to her place.



- One For All (Danger Sense, Black Whip, Fa Jin, Gearshift)

- Yami Yami no Mi plus Kage Kage no Mi (Darkness and Shadow fruits) and Dark Shadow Quirk

- Intangibility

- Black Assimilation quirk

- "The Hand" Stand power

- Ori Ori no Mi (Bind Bind Fruit)

- Tactile Telekinesis


Different from the other two, Cassandra is going all out. I have no qualms in spoiling her with powers, she is a genius and a hard worker. I really want to see how far she will go.

Her build is pretty strong to an close ranged fighter, she will become a flying brick with a lot of tools to deal with a variety of enemies. She is also not hopeless against long-range opponents either.

Truth to be told... After this, I think she can solo a lot of groups of heroes and villains.

Cassandra silently enters the new chamber. The process is smooth this time, and Cassandra has no problem walking out of the chamber by herself, looking normal and unaffected.

She walks to me... What does she want? Oh, headpats.

"Good job. Your training paid off." I praise "Can you feel your new powers?"

"..." She raises a hand, as she clenches her fist darkness covers her arm, oozing out a little like smoke.

"Yeah, really good job." I praise her again before letting her go to the side, with instructions to try to test her new powers carefully.


Harley looks at Saeko and Isabella "Which any of you will go now?"

"I can wait." Saeko says politely

"I can be the last." Isabella adds.

"Geez, you two are making me look childish... But thanks! I'm going now!" Harley jumps at the chance

Her choices are... a little weird.



- Honkers Knockers

- "Outburst" plus "Smile" quirks

- Shock Absorption

- Elasticity/Softening

- Combination of many Size changing powers

- Mind Reading/Empathy/Truth/Lie Detector

- Animal Talking

- "Comic", Manga Fukidashi quirk


"Are you trying to make yourself a Toon Character?" I ask with a raised eyebrow

"Yes!" She replies without hesitation, a big smile on her face

I shrug "Suit yourself. Compatibility is the most important thing... And like or disliking a power is a big part of that." It's obviously better to have a power that you enjoy using, or it's at least your hobby.

No guy who likes the ocean would choose to have geokinesis instead of breathing underwater, for example.

She is going over the limit of 7, but Honkers Knockers almost doesn't count. Her powers are very "tame", with the exception of Comic.

"Go into the chamber then."

"Okie Dokie, Capitain!" She salutes me before entering the machine giddily

Once again, no big problem... Her powers are kinda internalized. Most of it at least, when she touched the machine like Shego, she softened it, making it look like is melting.

But it was not damaged and went back to normal after I dealt with it.

"Bud! Lou! Come here, boys! Oh! I can understand you guys! I'm like Dr. Dolittle!" She went to check on her hyenas "Hahaha! That was funny!"

"...people will really think she is crazy now." Helena says

"But isn't it the truth?" Shego asks

Saeko and Isabella exchange looks, a sort of understanding going between the two.

Then Saeko steps forward "I guess it's my turn."

"It will be easy, we will only perfect the procedure we did in the One Piece world." I say to her.

Saeko is like the last "test subject" of this Project. I cheated even more at her previous procedure, but right now we can do it properly and cover the flaws.



- Supa Supa no Mi(Dice-Dice Fruit)

- Artificial Mythical Zoan: Oni Fruit

- Overclock

- Sword Creation

- Telekinesis

- Air Walk


Saeko also doesn't want any flashy powers, even the telekinesis that she asked for is minor. Just enough to bring her weapon back to her or control it from a distance.

And it looks like she doesn't have many options, but on the Artificial Zoan, she has many sub-powers. She only needs support. Like with Helena, Air Walk is for her to have a platform in the air to have leverage. Geppo is not perfect for that.

Saeko has the smoothest procedure, just the sérum being upgraded and her powers fusing better with her.

"Yeah, I can already feel the difference." She says while looking at her hands.

*Swish* Suddenly from her wrist a blade emerges, not any blade... It's that Kokushibo's blade, with eyes and all that. Before this procedure she could make bokkens (wood katanas) with a certain quirk that I took from a Yakuza, now she can create this special Oni Blade.

She can drink blood through it, helping her already incredibly healing factor.

Saeko is right now a Perpetual Motion Machine of slaughter.

Ah~, this is fun~ Like I'm creating characters in a game...

Isabella gives Machia a look but I say to her

"He will go last, just go Isabella."

"Okay, Master."



- Warp Gate

- Infinity Castle

- Gasu Gasu no Mi plus Moku Moku no Mi (Gas and Smoke fruits)

- "Voyance" plus Giro Giro no mi

- Doa Doa no Mi (Door-Door Fruit)

- Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier-Barrier Fruit)

- High Specs


She really doesn't want to fight anymore. Not that she will be helpless, but this combination allows her to take people out easily. The choice of Gas fruit is good because she is smart. All these powers will mash nicely eventually.

I offered some nice Mythical Zoans to her, the Five Elders had interesting powers too... But she refused for now.

Tch, Girls... Who doesn't want a second form!!?? Mwahaha!

Anyway, Isabella's upgrade also goes without a hitch. And she also has a lot of control over it.

"Now last, but not least..." I gesture to Machia.

First, I take away all of his powers, they are placeholders. He gets smaller and is able to fit in the chamber.

And the new powers



- Many Gigantification Powers

- Ton Ton fruit

- "Chimera" plus All Dinosaur Zoans

- Diamond Form

- Many Physically enhancing powers

- Kinetic Absorption

- Many Sustenance Powers


I whistle~ Machia was always special in being capable of holding many powers, but this goes far. I'm creating a monster that can probably stall the Hulk for an indefinite amount of time...

The Chimera came from that villain from the Hero Academia world coupled with all dinosaur Zoans will keep Machia with his physical prowess and strong senses.

Dinossaurs are good... I mean, Insects are more OP, and deep sea creatures are scarier. But these One Piece world dinosaurs are also ridiculous too.

The Diamond form power is only a guarantee in case someone throws a Hydrogen Bomb at my boy, or throws him into space.

The rest... If the fight drags on, and it will with so much defense, he will be unstoppable, getting stronger and stronger.

Machia is the second physically strongest of my group.

When he gets a little more... able with his powers, I will give him Gravity Manipulation too. Hehe~

"You're making that face, Master." Cortana wards

"What face?"

"That playful face... Experience tells me that you are thinking of something silly or something outrageous."

"...No, I was not."

"Hmm, don't create trouble just to see something new." She says dubiously

"Hmpf, all trouble that I create is controlled."

I finally upgraded everyone, I mean there are others, but let's wait a little more.

I feel that I can upgrade people like Uvogin, Yor, Chun-Li, and Selene(she went through a procedure but not this perfect one) without worry. They are very... submissive for a lack of better word.

Nothing like Juri, I still need to tame her a little more.

Talking about her, Shego is provoking her to attack first so that she could kick her ass.

"Don't fall into her trap..." I grab Juri by the collar, she fights like a rabid dog but I just throw her out "Go train, you're close to being allowed to go to the world." I shoo her and the others away. Leaving only the recently upgraded people here.

Turning to them slowly I say while cracking my neck

"Well, time for you all to get a crash course..." I smile predatorily while approaching them "This whole place is reinforced so... With the exception of Machia, go crazy."


After beating down the basics on everyone, I let them do their own training with a little control practice.

You know... Sudden super strength normally has a consequence of a lot of collateral damage. Even the weakest physically like Helena and Isabella would still take a door off the hinges if they were not careful.

And if they suddenly bump into someone... Well, it would not be pretty.

So everyone is grounded here till the second order.


"Yes, Cortana."

"With everyone getting upgrades, I decided to show mine to you too." She says a little sheepishly

"Oh, did you finish your bodies?" I ask curiously. She was so secretive about it for some reason, wanting to do it alone. Sometimes asking for materials.

I can understand the desire to have a pet project.

"They are not at 100% complete... But I finished the prototypes." She answers and suddenly the door opens and three Cortanas enter. They all look at least 80% similar to each other.

The first one looks the most like her hologram version, very human.

"This is the standard version." The Cortana explains about herself, doing a spin. Nice ass. "Very basic, to do some work a hologram can't.

The second Cortana opens her mouth "This one is the first combat-oriented one." The Cortana that speaks appears to be using a bulky power armor. A quick glance with my X-ray vision shows the countless amount of weapons underneath the exterior.

"Impressive." I praise "I bet you have downloaded combat experience"

"I have the best example in the world." She smiles at me

"Heh, it can fly in space?" I ask while checking the propulsors

"Yes. For now, it can only comfortably fly at 5.000 m/s, but it can be improved."

"Have you ever thought about an extra layer? Like an exoskeleton that you can simply disconnect at a whim?" Like Raiden and that jet in Metal Gear Rising

"We thought the same, Master. There are bulkier versions that are no different from mechas."

"When we have some breakthrough in nanotechnology, you will be a beast." I comment

"It can be an option... But I can't deny that the molecular integrity of Adamantium is very pleasing."

The limit of nanomachines is that they are fragile. Convenient but fragile...

"Wait till I get my hands in some Uru." I smile at her "I will focus a little more on the Vibranium research... And when I have time we can go to the Savage Lands... You know what? Send the new batch of scouting drones that we are sending to Titan to the Savage Lands instead." I command

"It will be done, Master. Thank you."

My gaze stops analyzing the many weapons of "Battle Cortana" to look at the third Cortana... And... Hum...

"Cortana..." I ask weakly

"Yes?~" The Cortana in question answers with a small smile "This one is specialized in servicing you, Master~"

Eh... I noticed... Should I ask? I know the answer... But... I need to ask right?

"...why does this one have handlebars in her hips?" I bite the bullet.

Cortana: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "Clank Clank, Master. Clank Clank~"

Oh boy...


A.N.: Hello there. 

More and more characters will start appearing. Strong characters, and with them harder challenges. His people needed the upgrades. So this info-dumping chapter is necessary

If you like this story, consider supporting me in the p.a.t.r.e.o.n... There are chapters ahead there.

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Hope you all enjoyed it, make a comment because interaction motivates me to keep writing. Like suggestions of what powers he should give to other summons like Yor, Power, Chun-Li... Or even to Helena, Shego and the others that already received their upgrades. The sky is the limit!

Thanks for reading!

Till next time and stay good y'all.

Bye Bye~

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