
Attacking The Haters: Part 02

Wanda Maximoff has had few visitors over the years, the number drops down to zero if you exclude her family members, some doctors, and Agatha Harkness. So, what is happening now is a once-in-a-blue moon occurrence.

"Hello, Wanda. How are you doing?" Eidolon asks in a friendly tone, a stark contrast with how the situation presents itself, after all, a man wearing dark clothes standing in a girl's room while she is sitting on her bed hugging her knees looks like the prelude of a crime.

"..." Not that Wanda is scared, mind you. Her eyes spy Eidolon from above her knees impassively "You're the mutant hero..."

"I prefer the term meta, but yes." He answers easily, paying attention to her face and choice of words.

She knows about him. She knows more than she is trying to show... She didn't say: "You're THAT mutant hero...", Eidolon is more than a fleeting thought or image that passed through the old TV in this room.

As he hoped, Wanda is interested in him. 'Maybe was during the interview...' He thinks as he remembers saying some things that would resonate very well with the novice Chaos Witch.



Wanda shows no outward interest in talking with him, and as much as Eidolon likes using silence in conversations and meetings, this is not the time for those tactics.

His time is limited, after all, he is taking advantage of today's operation when Magneto and the other's attention is focused on fighting the enemies of the Metas, to visit Wanda discreetly.

"You still haven't answered my question, Wanda..." He says calmly

She rolls her eyes at that "I'm great! Can't you see my Royal Accommodations?" She gestures to her spartan room

"Huhu~ Sarcarsm... It's a good sign if you can joke about it. I'm relieved." He really is...

It appears that this Wanda, beyond her gothic appearance, is really more similar to the X-men Evolution Wanda personality-wise. At least for now...

The problem is the rage bubbling inside her, that edgy teen hate for the world... Another problem is that Wanda really has many reasons to hate the world.

"I am glad that you can feel relieved with my situation..." She continues with the same sarcasm dripping from her voice.

After another chuckle Eidolon decides to go directly to the point, while Wanda's guard is raised all up, he can't lower it with small talk.

"I would like to help you, Wanda." He doesn't say it in an arrogant self-righteous way, using words like 'I'm here to help' like suddenly he is her savior.

He understand her a little, to someone who was suffering alone for so long those words can only come out as an insult.

"...help..." She scoffs as expected "I don't need your help."

"Then we are at an impasse because I want to help you..." He answers easily, not discouraged "There's any way that I can do that?"

"...you want to help me? Then take me out of this Asylum." She says with raised eyebrows, challenging him...

"Fine. Let's go." But his immediate answer catches her off guard.

"...what?" Her eyes widen.

"I'm gonna take you out here, like you asked... Do you want to get out discreetly or with grand fanfare? Some explosions and destroyed walls are a must in a prison break out..." He starts approaching her, ready to fulfill his promise.

"Wait, wait, wait!" But she moves in the opposite direction, crawling away from him.

"What? Isn't this what you want?" He asks, showing genuine confusion in his voice, but he respects her wishes and stops at the foot of the bed.

"But-but this is too sudden! I ca-can't trust you yet..." She argues, her back on the wall.

"...I see." Eidolon eyes her carefully and then sighs "You're not keeping your distance because you're afraid of me, Wanda... Are you scared of the outside world? Or maybe scared of yourself?"


Eidolon sighs again "Okay then..." He says as he sits on the edge of the bed "We can simply talk a little. Actions are better to gain trust, but I don't mind taking the long route for you to trust me. I'm not gonna give up on you."


"So, any hobbies?"

"...why are you doing this?" She asks with wariness

"I started this conversation with the answer... I want to help you."


"I don't think you deserve to be in the place/situation you are right now. I'm a great advocate of freedom, and I want you to have your own..."


"So... What is your horoscope sign?" Eidolon asks, the sudden shift in the conversation almost gave Wanda a whiplash. She didn't expect this type of question to get out of the hero's mouth.

She can see the amusement evident in his eyes, it amazes her a little how expressive they can be when he wants...

The totally unserious question threw Wanda off the loop...

"... Nine-headed Cosmic Dragon." She gives the same answer Eidolon once gave during his famous interview

Eidolon pauses a little before laughing loudly "Hahaha! What a coincidence... me too."

Wanda can't help but feel her lips moving upward a little, something that she quickly hides between her knees.


Far away from there, there is an isolated and inconspicuous church that is located on a hill on the outskirts of a small village in Europe.

A black beast weighing a ton drops from the sky violently...


...easily destroying the church's rooftop, debris falls in all directions, hitting the ones inside, killing a bunch of them immediately. Those are the lucky ones, they are at least not alive to see a huge demonic beast standing right in the middle of the destroyed church.

Like the advent of a devil, ready to try to purge the innocent devouts... But the thing is, there are no innocents there.

This small church is, in truth, the entrance of one of the most active Anti-Meta groups in the world, in truth... You can say that is connected to two of them.

The Church of Human Potential and the Purifiers.

The two groups are related in their ways of justifying their hate and prejudice for the mutant race, basing themselves on the belief that the mutants are unnatural, a blemish in the world, and will eventually lead humanity and the world to extinction.

Using religion as their casus belli they work to exterminate the mutant race before they upset the natural order, using assassinations, propaganda and even collaborating with governments and influential people to purge the mutants.

The Church of Human Potential is a little more mainstream, it would not be weird for anyone to find one of their books in any bookstore, or a church having a spokesperson of them preaching, or even someone distributing pamphlets.

They are one of the responsible for why public perception of the metas is so bad, and the ones that most influenced religion-based hate on them.

Now, the Purifiers are to the Church of Human Potential what the Crusaders once were to the Church. They are much more "active" in their "work" against the mutants.

As a side note, the two groups have relations with many other anti-mutant people like Stryker and even Sublime, receiving their help and support.

Today, it appears that religion will fail them because Hector, on his whole poetic justice humor, assembled his recently summoned group of magical-related beings to take care of them.

It's ironic to see Nosferatu Zodd standing in his Apostle form right in the middle of the destroyed church, the roof collapsed, shining rays of moonlight on his dark fur, showcasing his horns and wings.

"Gahahaha~ They exploded like tomatoes!" The heavy scene is interrupted when a bratty voice echoes from Zodd's back "Blood!" Power jumps on the ground and like she is afraid that someone is going to steal her kills, she hurries to finish the wounded Purifiers.

*Puchi* She stabs and stabs, jumping from one to another while collecting their blood in a floating orb.

"..." The rest of the group looks at her, completely done with her antics.

Two minutes in and they're already tired of her.

"How uncouth..." Macht comments with his eyes closed.

"Crazy idiot.." Charmcaster rolls her eyes.

"The entrance is here..." Selene, the vampire, appears to be the only one in Mission Mode, taking priority in locating the hidden entrance just behind the altar.

"Then we girls go down while the boys stay here to deal with anyone that comes to check this place." Charmcaster says "We made a big entrance after all..." She gives Zodd an unfriendly glance.

The two male members don't answer verbally but they don't protest either.

Power, Selene, and Charmcaster go down the Hidden entrance while Macht and Zodd stay behind.



The silence is a little awkward.

The girls are also in a strange mood...


"..." Charmcaster and Selene are stuck in a deadpan face as they watch Power go berserk against the Purifiers, a cloud of liquid blood following her as she jumps from one wannabe crusader to another, changing shape to attack her victims.

No bullets do significant damage, the blade users don't even have a chance to get closer before the cloud of blood enters their orifices and then leaves their bodies, taking all their blood and leaving behind dry corpses.

"I'm tired only by looking at her..." Charmcaster comments, deciding to do something she throws a blast of magic at a group that appears to be preparing some heavy weapon.


But the Explosion is much bigger than expected, it seems that there are some explosives that they're bringing out to deal with Power.

"Be careful, we are in the underground..." Selene warns.

"Grr, I know. They are the idiots who bring this stuff here." Charmcaster says in protest, not accepting any blame for what happened.

The raid continues without more problems... Selene deals with Hidden threats with her Hawk -like eyes, shooting them before any sniper or equivalent can do anything while Power attracts most of the attention with her flashy combat style.

Charmcaster appears unmotivated, not doing much beyond using some Magic Telekinesis and Levitation to deal a heavy blow in this hideout, without putting them in danger.

In the end, the Purifiers do not have any notable fighters, they mostly use underhand tactics to fight the superior mutants, but this is obviously not the only hideout, they have bases all over Europe and America, and even in the north of Africa,

The group moves to another base after they are done with that one, and another, and another... The poor Purifiers that always fought by catching the mutants off guard are tasting their own medicine, discovering the bitter taste of defeat and annihilation.

Funny how they become their own self-fulfilling prophecy... They feared that the mutants would bring their demise... and they are right, they made sure of that.

The group destroyed everything, killing or capturing the members of the radical group without problem. Power going crazy, Zodd sometimes tearing some confident fighters apart, Macht quickly dealing with others, Selene collecting information and destroying their data.

In a certain base, Selene's wristband beeps as she inspects the documents in an office, scanning everything. "Wait! Check that knife!" Cortana's voice comes from it.

"..." Selene turned her attention to the fallen knife, in the hand of a member of the Purifier that advanced at her but fell short of her reflexes and speed.

She crouches down and grabs it, from her wrist a light scans the knife.

"Vibranium..." Cortana says slowly "Bring it back." She orders strongly. "Check the wall."

Paying more attention, the Vampire and AI notice that the wall has a safe, they can guess that the recently killed purifier grabbed the knife to deal with her.

"It seems is a prototype... Checking their data, they are preparing Vibranium bullets and bladed weapons to kill the metas. Those schematics are surprisingly similar to the ones retrieved in Weapon Plus Project." Cortana analyzes.

It appears that the two anti-meta groups are more intrinsically connected than they thought... Funny how the answer to that is some rooms away facing Macht.

Jason Stryker puts a stance to face the old demon, the son of Willian Stryker, one of the high-ranked members behind Project Weapon X, and Weapon Plus in general is a part of the Purifiers.

Maybe all those anti-mutant groups are interlinked in some way.

"..." Macht observes Jason with an impassive face, he was the one that dodged the demon's magic, and avoided being turned into a gold statue like the rest.

Jason prepares himself to fight Macht, ready to use his powers against his foes.

"Today has been filled with disappointment, are you gonna change that?" Macht asks in an even voice.

"What are you?" Jason asks

"Irrelevant, what matters is if you're not a sham like the rest. If you are really ready to die for your cause." Macht says impassively

"We are all ready to die for our cause! For humankind!" Jason shouts defensively

"..." Macht looks at him like one would look at an insect climbing a tree, a little curious as to where the bug is going, but nothing more. "I heard similar words in the past, they are truly hollow in my ears... But today I heard it again and again, and is even more weightless coming from you..."

"..." Jason can feel the mockery in the emotionless tone.

"All of your companions died raging, crying, or begging... The warriors that I fought, that I now understand are truly Warriors because I can compare them with your sad lot, fought ready to die, prepared to die, knowing that they would die. And they did it all the same... I can admire that in humans... Doing something even if it would condemn them" He appears to be reminiscing

Jason gives up in arguing with this lunatic, he readies his hands, ready to blast the Macht with his energy the moment he advances.

"I can't understand humans, but I found you lot even more unsightly..." He removes his blue coat that drapes his shoulder and transmutes it into a gold sword

"Bring him back." Cortana's voice sounds from Macht's wristband as he raises his sword

"...fine, as a gold statue then." Macht undoes the transmutation, putting his coat back on his shoulders "It appears that a warrior death was denied to you."

Without his sword, macht advances at a speed you would not expect of someone using such regal attire.

Jason was prepared, he didn't hesitate in releasing an omnidirectional blast of energy, a power he acquired from in the A.I.M. when he was a child.

"!" But to his surprise, hexagonal transparent shields appear in front of Macht like a honeycomb to protect the demon.

With an extended hand, Macht blocks the blast while advancing slowly at Jason.

"Aaaaah!" Jason puts more effort into his attack, trying to break Macht's guard and turn him into ashes.

To be fair, some cracks appear in Macht's Shield, but the demon is an experienced fighter. He replaces his barrier with a new layer periodically as he advances.

At the moment he reaches Jason, it will be over, but the outcome is already clear.

On one side you have an experienced being that fought many battles, in the other, you have a youngster that cowardly ambushes and attacks mutants.

The latter uses such a simplistic attack and strategy that Macht ponders if this is not a trap...


It's not.

Macht silently looks at the new gold statue impassively, no emotion in his calm eyes.

Coming to this world opened a box of opportunities to the demon, a bigger world where maybe he will find his call, that will make him feel something.

For now, he found himself disappointed.


"One for you! One for you! To you too! And you!" *Bam* and *Pow* sounds accompany Harley's words as she jumps around hitting a genetically modified monstrosity with her oversized hammer

*Buchi* A last mean swing crushes a huge monster dog like a tomato on the ground.

"That's fun~ Like a whack-a-mole game!" She sighs satisfied while wiping some sweat from her forehead.

She presses a button on her hammer, making the thing shift a little and she shoots a blast of energy from the tip, hitting another genetically modified animal and turning it into minced meat.

What she is using is something similar to Jayce's Hextech hammer, that Hector created.

"At least one of us is having fun..." Shego's voice is laced with disgust as she burns some other creatures, leaving only the metal skeletons and prosthetics behind "How many of those 'Weapons' Projects exist again?"

"I think Eidolon said that goes up to fourteen..." Helena says over the comm before kicking some unconscious scientists and guards on a portal in the ground. She is in a high position sniping the enemies.

Right now they are in a branch laboratory of the Weapon Plus Project, the same that made Logan what he is today. This branch appears to be trying to create living weapons using animals and mutant genes. And also imbuing the poor creatures with weapons.


"These people don't know when to quit, huh?" Shego rolls her eyes, as she looks around at anything interesting. They can't let anything pass because this place will soon cease to exist.


"They are winning, why would they stop?" Helena answers *Honk* "What is this fucking sound?!" She finally snaps and goes over the edge to look down.

There she saw Harley squeezing her own breasts.

*Honk* *Honk*

Each squeeze emits the sound of a honk.

"...please don't tell me he gave you a power that turns your boobs in a clown-honking horn..." Helena squeezes her temples as she closes her eyes to escape reality

"Isn't fun?? Hahaha" Harleys shouts very happy *Honk* *Honk* *Honk* "I have Honkers Knockers!" *Honk* *Honk*



Helena and Shego look at the girl like she is a clow-... like she is an idiot. Huntress even gives Shego a look that means "See why I was against it?"

"Why does he even have a power like that?" Helena sighs

"He said once that he had a lot of strange powers that he grabbed because one day maybe would be useful, but... Honking breasts?" Lady Jade says unsure "What next? A dick that glows if you break it? Like those glowsticks?"

"Yada, yada, yada~ Just enjoy the little things of life, girls" Harley mimics their yapping with a mocking gesture of her hand.

"You should have chosen something more useful." Huntress gives her a judgemental look

Harley shrugs "I saw this power in that tablet of his and ask for it... My dear Pannacotta is very supportive of my decisions, that's why I love him."

"My dear what? Pannacotta?" It's Lady Jade's turn to give her a judgemental look "Don't go around giving him pet names."

"Why not? He is okay with that!"

"He is not 'okay', he simply doesn't care. But you're annoying him, I bet."

"You don't know that! He likes all of me! ALL!"

"You are the one that knows nothing! You arrived now and already want to sit by the window?" Shego uses one of Hector's sayings "I was the one that opened that guy's heart, benefitting even you... I walked so that you could run, girl."

"Thanks, grandma." Harley answers sarcastically

"What grandma? You're older than me!"

"It's because I have PHD! Sorry about my high qualifications!"

Huntress observes everything with tired eyes, she is already suffering from the understanding that this is her life now.

The landing of Cassandra close to them is what stops the argument.

"Done." In her Shadow attire, she gives them a peace sign

"Then we are done here, let's move to the next lab." Huntress communicates with Helena, seriously considering splitting up and going solo.

"Let's go~ I need to find someone strong to test my new powers!" Harley shouts excitedly

"Don't Jynx it, let the trouble to the other groups..." Shego huffs "...and him."


*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Shots are fired in a corridor, trying to hit a white figure, but the figure is too fast. He advances zig-zagging to dodge the bullets, and sometimes deflects the projectiles with his swords.

Hector as Ghostmaker moves in a three-directional way, jumping from ground to roof, from roof to wall, to wall to the opposite. His unpredictable movements make the soldiers' attempt to hit him futile, as they panic more and more.

*Swush* He finally gets close, and slashes dozens of soldiers in what seems to be one move.

"...I gave you all the chance to run." He says in an indifferent voice as he looks down on the dead bodies.

Sometimes he is assaulted by the thought of "what a waste" when he sees those people dying from such a ridiculous cause, but it goes away fast... They are all adults, with blood on their hands already, fully aware of what they have done.

With his, still dripping with blood, sword he slashes a mechanical door in smaller parts, opening the path to the rest of the hidden lab.

It looks like a giant hole that you need to go down in a spiral close to the walls, where you would pass through the different floors of this facility.

"..." He walks calmly to the edge of the floor and jumps from it instead of taking the Elevator or stairs.

As he falls, he sees the facilities that produce weapons, make tests, stock equipment, and all that. He already makes sure that no one can escape this place so he is jumping straight to the heart of the laboratory, to end it all.

He lands on the ground with a loud thud, doing a "superhero landing" for fanservice and slowly straightening himself.

"Abraham Cornelius... and everyone." He greets the scared scientists with a nod, all of them are scrambling in a corner of this session of the lab.

"You-" The old Dr. Cornelius started but was interrupted

"Spare your words, doctor... Use them to signal to me your most valuable personnel..." Ghostmaker rotates his sword with his wrist "I will take you and them, but the rest..." He left the threat hanging in the air.

Dr. Abraham Cornelius looks defiantly at the white figure threatening him, this unknown man is dangerous but he doesn't believe that he doesn't have the means to deal with him.

"You want my most valuable personnel? Fine" The doctor says and at the same time an agile figure jumps at Ghostmaker from the shadows.

"..." Ghostmaker dodges the sneak attack with a casual sidestep, looking down at the woman that just destroyed the ground where he was standing previously with her adamantium claws.

Lady Deathstrike doesn't waste time in removing her long claws from the ground and swinging at him with a spin.


But to her surprise, and every one of the scientists and soldiers watching, Ghostmaker's sword successfully stops her.

So the two are armed with adamantium, this maybe will take a long time...

*Bam* Or not.

Ghostmaker kicks her stomach with a powerful kick, sending her flying at a wall.


This act alone shocks the bystanders even more, Ghostmaker is also a little surprised too, for different reasons...

"So you're part cyborg..." He comments as Lady Deathstrike leaves the hole in the wall, mostly unscathed. "Hm, any thought behind those eyes? Or are you an unfeeling machine?"

"..." She doesn't answer, keeping an impassive face as she advances again.

"Then I will not bother capturing you in a harmless way..." 'I will convert you later...'

Not only her claws but also Lady Deathstrike's hands enlarge as she dashes, her long reach giving her an edge.

But with a double grip on his katana, Ghostmaker parries her attack and redirects her to the side, and then he brings down his sword or her extended arm.

In response, instead of trying to dodge, she plans to block it with one hand, maybe even grabbing it, and then attacking him with another.

Ghostmaker mentally scoffs at that, as in the next instant he swings his katana in an up-down motion... and slices her arm clean.


"Arrogant or ignorant?" He asks her "It can be heated and vibrate at high frequencies..." He shows off his katana, explaining why in the crash between equally durable materials, he was the one that came on top.

He puts on a samurai stance again, next he is gonna dodge her swing or stab, and cut her legs.

But then it seems people around here don't respect a 1v1 because the remaining soldiers started blasting Ghostmaker with bullets.

"..." But the bullets have no effect on him "Okay, I played long enough on the street level... Let's wrap this up." He suddenly says, disappearing from his position.

Lady Deathstrike's remaining limbs fly in different directions, but she is the Lucky one. Many soldiers and scientists lost their heads at the same time.

Like a ghost, he reappears in front of Dr. Cornelius.


His answer is the raise his hand before knocking him down with the kashira(pommel) of his katana. The scientist has a lot of karma to pay yet.


"No... Pl-please!" The man cries as the hot barrel of the gun is pressed on his forehead, but without delay, his brains are blasted out. *Bang*

"Ugh, so you walk on the bad path and do not expect a bad ending? C'mon..." Red Hood Hector shows his disappointment in those who cry and beg on their final moments, after spending a lifetime doing atrocities to others they have no right to do that.

The "never gonna happen with me" mentality pisses him off a little, he is not gonna lie.

This Facility in particular is financed by some members of the Hellfire Club, that's why Hector came here with one of his bodies.

"Thornn Princess, Widowmaker and... What is your codename again?" He says on his comm.

"I told you some people called me 'Spider'!" Juri Han answers

"Er... No, the spider motif is with another group... Whatever just go crazy around this base, don't let anyone get close to me."



"Roger that."

The three answers before he ends the call.

Red Hood walks to the Central Computer without worry, plugs in his wristband and the computer lights up, the many screens flashing crazily as a plethora of images and information appear on it and disappear at high speeds.

Obviously, he is fast enough to capt and read it even as Cortana does her magic.

"Dr. Steven Lang, huh?" He comments as he stares at the screen that changes so fast that would give someone epilepsy "Worthington? Angel's Father... So he pulled back a little? He was tricked... thinking he was investing in a 'cure' to his son's mutation. Friedrich Von Roehm... Pierce... Leland is a meta... Oh, Braddock, he is related to Jamie Braddock and Elizabeth Bradock, the other Psylock, aka Captain Britain... Ah yes, I need to check on her later."

He sees names, dates, numbers... Then he suddenly laughs

"Pffft! Hahahaha! Those idiots visited the facilities and kept the security footage?! Rich people really love to show their faces and act like they're doing something, huh?" He almost doubles down at laughing.

There's footage of many investors receiving a tour through the installations like he is visiting a normal factory.

"That's too easy, man... Too easy." He centers himself with a sigh "Cortana please, organize everything and separate what is safe to be exposed to the world." It's a thin line between exposing those people's misdeeds and not giving any ideas to other villains.

He is ready to destroy some rich people.

"Funny how half of the Club is metas and the other half hates metas... Most unaware of each other." He shakes his head. "Shaw is playing the double game... Hiding his powers to make the others kill strong metas, like me... Then what? Kill the humans that hate metas? It's such a simple plan, but effective. Though he is underestimating the Sentinels detection abilities..."

He disconnects from the computer as Cortana uploads everything he needs, he walks through some corridors, shooting some soldiers, prototype robots, and defensive turrets. Entering a big room, he ignores the many robots under construction, body parts in chemical vats and other things that you would see in an evil organization lab and goes straight to a corner.

There, a bunker stays, isolated...

"So here is where you are..." He comments after seeing what is inside, seeing who is inside.

"Hehe~ Asian and Hot? Shego will not like it, Master." Cortana teases him, she can see whatever he sees

"It's not my fault..." He rolls his eyes as he defends himself from the accusations "Cortana, contact Caretaker to take the girls to the B-2 location, they can do it on their own now..." He says

After observing their capabilities upon close, Red Hood will start acting alone, the test to the trio starts now.

"Come, let's get Cindy Moon out there... And re-check everything while comparing with the actions of Hydra."

"They have a hand on this pie too."



A huge explosion shakes the mountain chain, a certain isolated location.

The ground opens with rocks and trees flying everywhere as Eidolon shoots to the sky at high speeds, but he stops in the air and looks down. This is his "main" body.

The ground continues to shake even after his escape, cracks spreading through it as the Earth moves in natural ways.

"..." He looks at everything calmly, his eyes piercing through the ground, giving him a clear view. "I'm not one to wait for cutscenes..." He says in an even voice as he brings his hand out.

Energy coalesces on his palm as electricity runs amok around him, he makes a casual throw motion, and the highly condensed ball of energy flies from his palm to the mountain range.


The ball releases its energy at contact, creating an enormous pillar of light that practically evaporates the small mountain, the wind is strong enough to uproot the trees.

"..." Eidolon maintains his impassive face as he looks at the destruction "Using your babies as protection?"

The one that he is talking about is revealed slowly... A giant figure appears from the hole caused by the Explosion. It's a giant robot, not smaller than a skyscraper, the "babies" in question were smaller robots.

Smaller when compared to the giant robot, because the "babies" are nothing less than the infamous Sentinels.

Even the smaller ones are at least 20 feet tall. The Sentinel's appearance is their usual humanoid forms mostly covered in purple, but most of them don't appear to be complete.

They lack outer armor, it's possible to see their circuits and other parts of their mechanic skeletons. That's because Eidolon earlier destroyed the complete ones.

And the whole Project is also in its initial stage...

The giant Master Mold is not fully operational just yet.

Master Mold is the name of the independent and autonomous Sentinel manufacturer, capable of producing and churning out Sentinels from within its own being or through an external manufacturing apparatus.

"You're the reason things get out of control..." Eidolon talks about the Dark Future of the X-men "But I guess the blame falls on the idiot that decided to create you."

From Master Mold, more and more incomplete Sentinels get out like ants defending their colony.

"Hmpf, none of you are escaping..." Eidolon acts fast.

He opens his arms widely, and the slowly closes them in front of himself, as his arms move, his palms getting closer and closer, some sort of invisible pressure is Applied in the robots.

He is manipulating the Gravity, changing its vectors to a certain point in the Master Mold. The sentinels are pushed back, and some trees and rocks too.

With enough time, a mountain-seized ball of robots floats in the air,

"Bunch of cockroaches." He says in disgust "Let's take a page of Superman's book..." He moves below the ball, after making double sure that he is not letting any Sentinel escape, and pushes it out of the atmosphere.

He does not stop even after he leaves the planet, he flies and flies... His speed increases with each second that passes.

He is going on a 30-40 minute trip to the sun.


A.N.: Hello there.

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Hope you all enjoyed, till next time and stay good y'all.

Bye Bye~

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