

Hector Belluci de Carvalho

Codename: Eidolon

Also Known As: Dis ( In the BNHA/MHA world); The Mutant Menace;The Big Three (Together with Thor and the Hulk); The Strongest Hero; The Greatest Eidolon; The Devil (One Piece World); The Guy in Black(By criminals)

Age: 16 (Mental age still 16)

Nationality: Half/American and Half/Brazilian

History: Originally an ordinary young man in the year 2022, he wakes up in the body of an alternate version of himself, only in the Marvel Universe. Same name, same age, same parents, almost the same story. On his bedside, he finds the Essence of Gacha. And his story begins.

Personality: Hector is cautious, quiet and calm.

Originally, before transmigrating he was a normal weeb/nerd from the year 2022, who played games with his friends. But in the world of Marvel, due to moving to NY a year earlier and losing contact with his friends (the year is 2004), Hector has become much more shy and introverted. Becoming the loner type of nerd.

Now assimilating the characters, he is gaining parts of the personalities and traits. Being more confident, charming, sociable...

Appearance: Initially the skinny nerd. With the assimilation of the characters, he became tall, handsome, and muscular.

Powers and Abilities:

-The Essence of The Gacha: Go see the separate chapter about this.

-Power Manipulation: Hector is mainly an Omega-level Mutant/meta that can manipulate copy or steal other people's powers. The powers can't be something innate to the individual's physiology, like the capability of Atlanteans to breathe underwater. He is also can, with effort, modify and twerk the powers that he acquired a little. Suppressing weakness, changing the area where the power manifests, or turning it on/off. He learned to disassembling and creating copies of powers, he can also create a physical manifestation in the shape of an orb of the said power.

Hundreds of Other Good Stole/copied powers: Hector has acquired many powers. Basically all good powers on the BNHA/MHA world and some good powers on the world of Marvel too.

Hundred of thousands of "useless" powers: He acquired many small, inconvenient, or miscenallenous powers. Sometimes they are useful.

Main Powers: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Flight, Energy Projection, Self-duplication, Many Elementals Manipulation.

Different Physiologies: Hector, thanks to the Gacha, has a body encompassing many types of physiologies. Like Ghost, Cyborg, and others.

Superhuman Strength: He can easily pass the 100-ton threeshould with physical prowess alone. With other powers to boost his abilities, he can get even stronger, with great Strike Strength. The biggest thing he destroyed was a planet in another universe, he was testing his strength.

Superhuman Speed: His best stat. With his incredible reflexes and hand-eye coordination, coupled with his sixth-senses powers, he is barely even hit. He can reach the speed of light in the void of Space if he turns his body in energy.

Superhuman Durability: He can tank nuclear weapons and even blow from strong opponents like Thor using the Mjolnir. Even if he is hurt he can regenerate pretty fast.

Superhuman Stamina: Seemingly Boundless Stamina. After gaining his power he never felt physically tired. Probably a side effect of some inhuman assimilations.

Superhuman Senses: He can easily hear anything in a country, if he strain himself he can hear anything on the planet. He can also see through long distances, see through objects, illusions, souls and others.

Longevity/Imortality: He is immortal, but can die... Probably.

Self-Sustenance: He doesn't need to eat, breath or sleep anymore. But he does that to pass as a normal human and because he enjoys it too

Magic: He has an absurd ammount of mana that he uses to pwoer the spells of many Magic Systems.


Superhero Costume: His Eidolon bodysuit is made of Unstable Molecule Fabric together with nanites that restore it in case of damage. He can control his suit with his Technopathy, even changing the shape and design, but he most of the time just uses it to activate and retract his suit.

Eidolon's Mantle: A dark mantle with a hood and two front slits. It looks like a magician's mantle. It was made from the Shaed and imbued with a part of Hector's soul and some powers. It is alive, and can float, obscure his appearance, and change in the most varied shapes. It's incredibly resistant to many things. It was not that useful but at least doesn't get in the way.


* Hector recently found out he is an ass-man

*Although he thinks edgy characters are cool, he always admires guys who are truly good like Superman, Tanjiro, All Might.

*He is a bit Chuunibyou, enjoying reenacting character lines and making references. If you ask him he will deny it.

*He is eclectic with music, food and entertainment genres.

*Hector likes to absorb good things from people, learning from them. He did this even before the Gacha. But he usually applied to fictional characters... Foreshadowing his future ability of assimilation.

* He is an Overthinker

* He has a fetish for women with different skin colors from his "boring one".

* His favorite power is Telekinesis

* His soul is unnaturally powerful and resistant.

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