
I'm Going To Brazil

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"You're going to Brazil"

-Mordekaiser probably


Today is my fourth day since I was transmigrated into this world. And now I'm finishing packing for my parents' second funeral. Which will happen in my paternal grandparents' hometown.

The flight is at 2 pm, and I have already called Aunt Chris, Matt and Foggy to let them know that I will be spending a few days in Brazil. And when I get back, I will contact them.

I would usually have everything ready and at the airport, but a little inconvenience happened last night.

My house was invaded by people wanting to kill me.



3rd P.O.V.

The night before.

A '98 chevette stopped on the street of the Carvalho residence, with three adult men inside.

"It's that house with 3 floors, painted white" said the one who was driving.

"Now you two go in there and do one of two things: Either you kill the kid quietly and make it look like a suicide, the kid's parents just died, nobody's going to think it's weird he didn't want to live anymore. He has no close friends or family." Continued the man behind the wheel. He handed a small box to the other man in the passenger seat.

"In there is a syringe, it will kockout the kid. After that you take him to the bathroom and finish the work" After that he presented the other option

"Or do you make it look like it was a robbery gone wrong, if he wakes up: kill him, steal something, mess up the house a little and come back, capisce?"

"Okay, but what's wrong with our unlucky companion? You are well prepared.. Who wants him dead that much?" asks the one who was sitting in the back while checking some tools.

"All I know is he's got a big inheritance there... And if he disappears, one of the Chief's associates will be very rich. And so the boss will have a finger in several hospitals across the country. Now go, it must be easy, the kid lives alone now. And I have information that there is a door in the back, no dogs. Bedroom on the second floor. Go." The one who is apparently the leader ended up shooing the other two away. He had information that showed someone close to the family was helping them.

After putting on ski masks, the two criminals got out of the car and started moving towards the house. Arriving in the backyard after jumping over the neighboring yard wall, they found the door.

One of the two pulled out some tools and started working on the lock, while the other kept watch. They weren't the common lowlife thugs apparently.

After a few minutes of effort the door opened.

From here on would be a piece of cake, they thought.

All they would have to do is go to the second-floor room, inject the kid with the syringe, take him to the bathroom and slit his wrists, if all went well in ten minutes they would be far away.

What they didn't count on was that they weren't going to kill a normal young man. They were breaking into the house of someone very paranoid and cautious.

So paranoid that he was sleeping in a different room on the ground floor. A room right in the corner and forgotten.

So paranoid he slept on the floor without a pillow or blanket. His whole body and ear plugged into the floor. And when the two entered, he woke up immediately due to the vibrations of the footsteps. And he was already watching them through the eyes of a ghostly figure.

He slept in a suit that made him invulnerable to common weapons. These thugs had zero chance at all from the start.

"Finally… A clue." The young man thought as his eyes got harder watching the two invaders.


Bandit 2 P.O.V.

Reaching the second floor I signal Jimmy to look at the rooms on the left while I looks at the ones on the right. After he nods, I proceed to look for the unlucky brat.

The first bedroom has nothing, it appears to be an office. After going back to the hallway I'm waiting for Jimmy to return from the first room he entered, to see if he's had better luck. But he still hasn't returned.

After a full minute I get impatient, is this idiot stuffing his pockets with some jewelry?

I decide to go follow this idiot to remember him to keep his head in the game.

But when I enter the room, I realize that it is completely empty.

It appears to be a couple room. A big bed. Wardrobe covering an entire wall. Photos at the head of the bed.

But no sign of Jimmy. I saw him entering this room. The door was still open.

"I was going to take care of you first... You looked like the one giving orders... But then he walked into this room, and I couldn't let him contaminate anything with his dirty hands" I hear a voice that sends goosebumps all over my body.

Going to pull the gun while I scream. "Who's ther-.." I couldn't pull the gun from my waist because something grabbed my elbow, and I got punched in the throat from an impossible place, where previously there was no one. I fall rolling on the floor, trying to get away from whoever is in the dark attacking me.

"I already checked with the other guy. You don't have any communication devices in your ear... I was worried about alerting you . That's why I caught him in one move." The voice speaks again. But I don't see anyone. "But I don't want you screaming. It will wake up the neighbors."

And I can't speak, it's hard to breathe. Feeling my waist, I see that I already have no weapon, and nothing else in my pockets. How?!

As I start to get up, my knee is bent in an awkward position. But before I scream some rag is stuffed into my mouth and I'm finally face to face with this monster.

Black. A figure dressed all in black. Covering the entire body. A tight suit, so I can see it's a man, but it's impossible to recognize anything else.

"Are there any more of you? Hey, don't look at me like that... You don't have to talk to answer. Nod your head yes or no." The figure continues with a hoarse voice. While holding me by the hair. I can't make my body stop shaking.

The figure starts to look to the side, as if trying to notice something in the distance. I think it's my chance and I'm going to try to punch him in the face, and try to throw him to the ground. I am bigger, I can overwhelm him in strength. Make this a dirt fight.

Before my fist touches the bastard's face, his hand connects with the inside of my elbow, then he uses his own elbow to pull my arm away and grab my shoulder and the back of my neck. He pulls my head and headbutts me in the nose.

"Tch. reflex Hey, don't go dirtying the carpet." He says taking the cloth to my bleeding nose.

"I just realized there's a suspicious car parked at the end of the street. Do you know what that means?" he asks me ominously.

"It means you missed the chance to be useful and answer my questions."

By the time my dizzy mind finally grasps the danger of his words, I'm already starting to fall unconscious.

The unlucky ones are us.


Hector P.O.V.

This Unstable Molecule Fabric Costume I bought at CYOA from Marvel is very useful. Very breathable. It does not impede movements. It's like the Fantastic Four suits. Only 50 CP. I bought it to be the base of my future costume. For now, there's nothing to highlight.

Just the full body suit. Like Black Noir in the comics of The Boys.

These guys didn't stand a chance. After taking all the damn belongings. Gag and tie them. I turn my attention to the car on the street.

Sending D4C out the window I can see there's a suspicious guy behind the wheel. D4c's vision is very good, even from so far away.

He must be these guys' escape driver.

After putting bandit-leader with bandit-useless together, I grab a blanket and throw it over the three of us. Soon after, I'm already sitting in the back seat of the car on the street. With the other two thugs strapped to my side. The car-thug still hasn't noticed my arrival. D4C is so OP.

Using the gun that I just take from bandit-leader, I point it at the bandit-car's neck and say in my Batman voice.

"Don't move," he instantly stiffens. "Answer. Why are you targeting the boy?"

"Yike…how?!" I don't give him a chance to continue replying and I close his mouth from behind, meanwhile D4C is looking all over the car for hidden weapons.

"You only do and talk what I want." I say almost breaking his jaw. "Now I will repeat: Why did you try to attack the boy?" I ask again and then slowly withdraw my hand, but I'm squeezing the gun to his neck. I don't seem to have the disdain for weapons like Batman does. Good.

"Calm down, man… We were just going to rob the house. It looked like rich people live there." I grab his nose and twist. Breaking easily.

"Lie again, and I will move to you fingers" I didn't break his hand because I have a plan in mind, and he's going to need his hand. They had a syringe, to probably knock me out. This was all designed to kidnap or kill me.

"Okay, okay. The boss wanted the boy erased discreetly. Because of an inheritance or whatever." He says quickly, not wanting to test how far he would go with threats.

"And who is your boss?"

"It's the Kingpin, dude. And if you know what's good for you, it's best not to get involved... Just let us get the job done before your whole family..." I grab his ear and yank it off.

"I told you you just say what I want you to say." I say coldly as he tries to stop the bleeding.

Kingpin, huh? Someone in my family has a connection to the criminal world.

"What else do you know? Who knows, maybe it'll put me in a good mood enough not to rip your dick off."

"Okay, okay…please no more. The boss said to take care of the kid and make it look like suicide or robbery. And someone connected to the boss could have the inheritance, so the boss would have control over the hospitals," he says quickly.

Makes sense. The Kingpin has control over the police, firefighters, politicians... hospitals would be a good place to have influence too. To kill people discreetly. Or prevent certain people from surviving.

"Okay, I believe in you." I say and feel the relief taking over his body. "Now drive until I tell you to stop." I end up pressing the barrel of the gun to the back of his neck.

He swallows hard and starts driving scared.

After following my instructions of left or right for a while. I'm finally where I want to be. As one of the abandoned parts of the city, it wouldn't be strange for this place to be used for drug dealings.

"I noticed you guys have some fun toys in your trunk." I say signaling with my head to the machine guns floating in front of the car. He cannot see. But D4C is holding both weapons.

"Oh god! You are one of them. A freak!" he says, now more scared than ever.

He must be mistaking me for a mutant.

Before he can do anything else, I hit him over the head with the butt of the gun. Leaving him unconscious, and to be sure I repeat the action with the other two.

Then I remove all the bindings and gags. I return they belongings. I fix them in the car and leave.

That would be the moment I would leave and be the end of the night. Batman don't kill. I never killed before.

Well, there is a first time to everything. And I'm no Batman.

D4C hand one of the machine guns to me. And we started shooting, first 3 very accurate shots to each head to kill them. There's no need to them to suffer. And then I shoot all over the car, even at the gas tank, making an explosion, eliminating the three of them.

Batman doesn't use weapons. In truth he is dusgusted by them. Glad to know I don't get harmful stuff from cards. I can do what I want, without the morals of the characters that I assimilate affecting me. Good to know.

Now I have a lead, and the deaths of these three cannot be connected to me by the authorities or anyone. Walking close to a wall and a pillar I return home.

Hmm, I can go further and further.

I just killed 3 people, a part of me is shocked and terrified. But that part of me needs to shut the fuck up, that I can't leave weaknesses in this world.

4AM, huh? Let's try to get some sleep.

END Flashabck


And that's why I woke up later than I planned. I shouldn't be so tired. Looks like it was more mental fatigue. It was my first conflict. It was easy, but it took me a while to fall asleep because of the adrenaline.

I managed to remain calm the entire time, but inside I was nervous.

Now I'm deciding whether or not I can take the Thor suit to the Brazil. This won't go through the airport. Do I need to leave it right here? It's okay not to use it, I'm pretty hard to kill with my regeneration. But I don't want to let it go. When I'm away. Even hiding it, I won't feel safe.

hmm. As I think about this, certain information comes to mind.

• Items summoned through the gacha Always work no matter what universe you are in, and can never be used Against you in any way. These items are always in perfect condition and will not degrade in any way. They can Only be used by you, and by those who have direct permission from you. These items are summonable and will appear by your side no matter what. Items that require things such as energy source or ammunition will have an infinite amounts of them, however you can't siphon or use them for any other way.

Huh, neat.

I had forgotten this because items can't be made into cards again. But this is more of an inconvenience with people summoned. Objects can be brought into my hand.

It means I can summon it to my hand at any time. And I can stop others from using it. And I feel like I can do it in different ways, mjolnir-like or making the person feel pain, or even making the item intangible and untouchable.

I head to the house safe. Hidden under my parents bed. And I put the suit there. I close and walk away. And I try to call the suit.

It appears in my hand. No sound or beam of light, it just appears.

After locking it in the safe again, I'm going to get ready to leave the house.

I take my bags. Which consists of just three.

One with my clothes. Other with my laptop and stuff like that. And the other with a urn with half of my parents' ashes.

With that, I confirm that everything is ok with the house.

All doors locked. The lock the bandits broke last night is still in perfect condition. What kind and considerate people, taking care of the property of others like this. R.I.P.

Now I can go to the airport.

Goodbye, New York.

For a while.

[Hector Belluci de Carvalho

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilated:


In Progress:

- [Funny Valentine - 25%] [Batman - 29%]

Summoned Characters:



- Source of All Living Matter

- Dirt Dees Done Dirt Cheap (Stand)

Equipped Items:

- None]

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

Evans_The_Writercreators' thoughts
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