
Cliche Sad Origin Backstory

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"I have come to understand the world will have its way with us despite what we might wish, or once believed"

- Ron Rash


"Yes, it's them" I confirm, choking a little, to the policemen as the zipper is opened.

I almost can't believe it. Today was a roller coaster of emotions. I was so excited 30 minutes ago. And now this.

These are not fictional body parents that I stole in my transmigration, and now I no longer have to worry about having them nagging me as I go about discovering this new world.

These are my parents in the past life and in this life.

The same ones.

I want to scream and cry. Blame someone, but I stay calm for now. At least until I get home to cry in the shower.

"Okay, thank you. It was a car accident, it seems they lost control and fell into the East River. They were submerged for a while, probably unconscious. They didn't resist until they got to the hospital." The policeman next to me reports the case, his voice distant to my ears. My eyes still fixed on the bodies. "I'm sorry for your loss, son" He gives me his condolences before walking away.

I don't know if it is the Batman card, which I have already put on to assimilate, but I am putting on a strong front. Without collapsing in tears I continue to look at my parents, and observe in more detail.

Maybe his paranoia has already taken root in my being, but I feel that there is something fishy here. My father is a great swimmer, he drives as carefully as possible, I picked this up from him. There are no marks on his hand from any attempted escape. My mother is the same. Did they just fall into the river and decide to drown?

Dr. Palmer approaches slowly. Snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hector, I know this is difficult. Why don't you come sit here with me for a minute?" She says trying to guide me into a deserted hallway of this hospital wing.

Probably wanting to give me privacy in case I want to cry.

But I'm just in shock.

"I'm sorry, doctor... But can I stay alone with my parents one moment, please?" I say without looking at her.

"O-of course, of course... take all the time you need. I will stay outside." she say squeezing my shoulder a little to confort me.

When I am alone in the room I finally cry a little. I need one minute to calm myself.

After this I look to my parents, I truly look to my parents. I start fumbling with they clothes, looking for something.

I'm not looking to any object, I know that they already been retrieved them. I am looking to they skins.

There's no seatbelt marks in they shoulders. Nothing that says "fighting for his life under the water". My suspicious only grew.

But I will not find anything more there, so I decide to leave the room. Doctor Palmer is still waiting for me, just like she said.

I pass her and sit in a bench against the wall.

"So" she starts again, hesitantly, after sitting next to me "Your parents were good friends of mine, if you need anything, don't hesitate to look me up."

"... Thank you, Doctor. It's just... it just doesn't seem real, you know? So abrupt... Today is my birthday, goddamit.. I can't believe it." I say bringing my hands to my face and leaning forward, trying to hide whatever ugly looks I'm showing.

I feel her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I don't know what it is, but I don't want anyone to see me so vulnerable. I stand up and say a few words to her, already trying to leave.

"I thank you for your consideration Dr. But I need some time alone, try to rest..."

"Sure, sure... Do you want me to drive you home?" she asks me.

"No, no... I don't want to disturb you. I'll take a cab" I reply, I really need some time alone.

I say goodbye to her, hearing again that she will be at my disposal should I need her and repeating her condolences.


Already in the cab, I start to think.

Dr. Christine Palmer... I remember she was a love interest of Dr. Strange in the MCU, in the comics she was a nurse, here she is a surgeon, similar to the MCU. Except the year is 2004, and there is already an Iron Man in the world, in fact last month was the Stark Expo, where the events of the Iron Man 2 movie took place.

There is also a Spider-man, in hindsight I realize that Peter became Spider-man in the end of last year. I remember the trip to Oscorp. I am not his friend, but I remember he looks bad at the end of the day.

I had even considered going to check on him, but he already had Ned for that. I'm the lonely, awkward socially type. I hesitate to make conversation. Me, Peter and Gwen Stacy just have a certain mutual respect for each other for being intelligent. That's the limit of my social life.

This universe seems to follow the MCU timeline, in the big events, but it seems to have elements and characters from the comics. I remember now that Dr. Strange was a coworker of my parents as well, and his accident already occurred, a few months ago.

It seems that I am in a transition period where the great things of this world will start to become more public. I need to research. Carefully, so as not to attract the wrong kind of attention. I have my Bio-mech suit under my clothes right now, just in case. My parents have just died in a car accident after all. And I am in a car.

When I think about it, that feeling of something wrong comes back.

Intuition? Never had it... Could it be the hidden abilities of the Batman card?

Could it be that someone wants my parents dead? Why? They don't work for the government? "Not that I know of" a part of my mind whispers to me.... This is a new world, maybe they're in some sort of super secret work.

Did they step on someone's toes? Or was it greed? My parents are rich.

My mother has shares in several hospitals, the one I just visited included.

Inheritance from my grandfather. It seems my mother was the only daughter who was not a "disappointment".

Or are they just unlucky? They saw something by chance. Cutting loose ends? Revenge? Jealousy?

Or maybe some kind of cosmic justice. Maybe in my old world I died, and in this world it is my parents. Maybe I am being watched by a bunch of R.O.B.s who are placing bets on how this traumatic event will influence my life. Hero or villain.

"Haah" I sigh, no use thinking about it for now. I'll try to let it go. But not forget about it. I will research that in the future.

If someone really eliminated my parents, it means that I am being watched at this very moment, I need to act the part of a clueless teenager in grief.

The cab arrives at my house. After paying more than the necessary, I get out of the car and go into the house.

I take my gift from my pocket. the police officer give to me early.

I open to find a watch. A very good one. hehe I think they want to say something about my habits of always arriving late.

In the back of the watch there words that say.

"Time waits for no one"


I don't want to think about anything else until now.

Today was the craziest day of my life, I'm going to sleep.

Maybe I will wake up in my old world.

With my parents alive.


Hector Belluci de Carvalho

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilated:


In Progress:

- [Funny Valentine - 9%] [Batman - 6%]

Summoned Characters:



- Source of All Living Matter

- Dirty Dees Done Dirt Cheap (Stand)

Equipped Items:

- E.D.I. Bio-Mech Suit V2.0



Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

Evans_The_Writercreators' thoughts
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