
The Underground World

Girl! Do you like such fairy tales or what? If so then it was expected why she was acting in such an energetic way inside the apocalypse.

To her, it seemed this entire apocalypse and adventures were like living a dream, living inside a fairy tale or something like that.

But she wasn't wrong here. As we got out of the rabbit hole, I saw another world in front of my eyes.

This one didn't have any suns at all, didn't look as hot as the surface looked like, and wasn't empty.

In fact when I came out, what met my eyes was the grand gathering of tons of flying things.

These weren't like islands, it was more like the Hescos' suits. If not for the huge bodies of the ones wearing these suits, I'd have doubted them to be part of the Hescos.

Each single one of them was at least one hundred metres in length, and they looked like they were the same in shape and size.

Some had pillar-like bodies, others got bodies like pagodas, and some looked like they were mountains or something.

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