
The Test Is A Success

"It's happening!" Loran's excited scream came from my side, almost this close from deafening my ears, "the orb got its full and now it's ready to hatch."

"Are we going to see another weird thing or what?" I rolled my eyes while recalling the weird things that kept happening in each of Loran's plans.

That dude seemed to grow excited about succeeding his plans, but he never cared to fill me in about the little details regarding these plans.

"No, it's just going to turn into a real den now,"' he beamed with a smile, as if he found his long lost love or something.

"I hope so," I grew tired from watching weird events happening in the middle of these events. I turned my attention towards the den and waited for it to show me it's true picture.

Come on! Show me what you could do, little boy!

In the next half an hour, the changes started to take shape. I could see a bottomless looking black hole in the place where the light was shining before.

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