
The Hectors

My soulers needed ten attacks to take one down, but these monsters only needed one. The difference was clear, and that made me hope for more.

[You can give them orders through this message interface]

Just as they launched their first attack, a window popped in front of my eyes. It was lined with bright silver white light, with nothing there written at all.

It looked slightly dim until I touched it with my fingers. It flashed, like it returned back to life.

"One group of you move towards the closest lake and try to take down the monsters under water," this was the test I looked for.

If they could just sustain the water, and keep part of the monsters occupied, I could go directly and shut down that portal down there.

As I said that, I saw my words appearing in the window box before it changed into strange and alien looking language that I never recognized. After that the writings vanished and the chat window turned dim again.

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