
Looking For The Ace

I looked at the golden bone in my hand and felt little hesitation for a moment. "I'll give you one to try, but not this one," I switched the bone and took out a torso bone that brimmed in white light. "You can take it."

"Thanks master," unlike what I expected, that dragon didn't look disturbed by my decision. It felt like any bone would help him greatly no matter the quality.

As I had no way to use the bones for now, I stood in silence watching him. He took the bone and strangely enough, he swallowed it.

I could hear the sound of crunching the bone inside his mouth. Damn, did he treat it as a food or what?

Just as I was taken aback by what that dragon did to my precious bone, the next thing that happened made me realize something.

At some area at his back, an area broadened for half a meter square began to shine in strange white light. The light was the same as that bone and I could see the location of that light was also the same.

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