

Thud! Cain and the girls landed on the witches' island after easily traversing the sea. The number of monsters or their strength didn't matter. Cain was always ready for them.

Walking on the grey dirt, Cain and the girls could hear the dark green trees wail as the wind passed them. No birds chirped; only crows cawed. Looking closely at the thick bushes revealed tens of rotten animal skeletons.

Sofia hid behind Cain with a scared face, "This place is creepy."

Jella approached Sofia and pulled her away, "It is a witch's hut. Get used to it."

Zaleria smiled, "Not all witches are civilized. The majority are like this giving us a bad reputation." Bela approached her with a passive face, "Our hut was clean due to snow, but a quick look at the inside would have informed you it's similar to this."

The four of them followed Cain up the hill. Each of them had a different face.

Sofia was worried, rapidly looking around for any sneak attack. "They won't send another flesh golem, right?"

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