
Whirlpool and whirlwind

The ship was shocked and lifted to the sky, Chad who was about to start beating the soldiers who tried to shoot Cain's ship is now saving them from drowning.

As the water fell back down, it released multiple secondary waves flipping most of the ships.

"What is happening-nya?" Selena held Alice in her hand while grabbing into the deck. Sofia already released her draconic wings and was flying beside Cain. Gracie had taken the liberty to hide in Cain's shadow.

"It should calm soon!" Sofia yelled, seeing the sea from the sky reminded her of the water's behavior when a big thing is thrown in.

"No. There is more to it." Cain corrected her, she can sense turbulence under the surface. The water was swirling around as it was draining into a sink.

"A whirlpool, sail away quickly!" The captain shouted almost immediately, he noticed it just as fast as Cain did.

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