
Baking the bread

When Cain and the maids left the magnificent mansion, they discovered it was just a bit after dawn. That was almost perfect as Mabel has just woken the maids to start cooking while she baked bread.

Cain brought a chair and sat beside Mabel to watch her wrestle the dough. There was something strange about watching her work.

The way her arms moved seemed extremely smooth and calculated, those were the moves she repeated for years.

"What's that?" Cain asked as he pointed toward a small jar that didn't smell particularly good.

Mabel smiled as grabbed the jar and wafted some of the smell toward Cain with her hand. "Yeast, I put to ferment yesterday. This smell is what I was going for." She then pointed toward the counter which had another four jars. "All of those are a failure, even though it's just yeast, water, flour, and a pinch of sugar if I can afford it."

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