
Back to the Elvish kingdom.

"Cain!" Chad flew toward Cain and Sylph when his cage opened.

"Hush! He is fast asleep, we mustn't wake him up. I did use special magic to seal what caused him to rampage so he will be fine." Sylph said with a faint smile, her fingers combing Cain's hair.

"Seal?" Zaleria flew in.

"It's was I arrived a bit late, I had to knock him down and then seal it so he will again his sanity," Sylph replied.

"I meant what was the thing you sealed, don't pretend you didn't understand what I meant," Zaleria growled at her.

"Fiery temper we have, don't we? Miss red. I don't have the right to explain everything, only he can. What I can tell you is that it's the fault of your multi-winged king." Sylph replied.

"Can you stop with the cryptic talk? What, who, and how. Speak up!" Chad stood tall beside her, he knew he had no chance of winning against her but he still dare to challenge her.

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