
Chapter 39 Mr. Nice guy...

"What is this?" Asked Melty.

"Phenex..... tears" Said Issei as he passed out.

"Issei!" Shouted both girls.

"What are we supposed to do?!" Asked Melty.

Suddenly Issei's gauntlet appeared.

"Listen here! I will boost the effects of the medicine and you will make him drink it, understood!?" Ordered Ddraig.

"Yes! we understand!" Answered Raphtalia hastily.

[Boost Boost Boost Boost!] Roared Ddraig.

"Now put the vial in the gauntlet!" Ordered Ddraig.

Melty did as told and Ddraig transferred all the boosts to the vial.

[Transfer!] Roared Ddraig and the vial contents started to glow.

"Now make him drink it and fast!" Ordered Ddraig.

"But how?" Asked Melty tho Raphtalia had an idea.

She poured the medicine into her mouth and kissed Issei.

As soon as she did that she poured all the medicine down his throat making him drink the medicine.

"I-it's working!" Said Melty as his injury started to glow a faint golden colour until it completely healed.

"How is he?" Asked Raphtalia worriedly.

"He's healed completely now but.....he lost too much of his blood so he won't wake up for a few days if not the whole week" Informed Ddraig.

"I... understand" Said Raphtalia saddened.

"So...what now?" Asked Melty.

"We somehow have to move because we didn't get too far so they will find us sooner or later" Said Raphtalia.

"Yeah, but how will we carry him?" Asked Melty.

Suddenly they smelled smoke.

They looked around and saw a bunch of smoke and fire not too far away.

"Wh-what is going on?" Asked Melty.

"The forest is on fire but it is not an ordinary one" Said Raphtalia as she narrowed her eyes.

"You mean?" Asked Melty.

"Yes, Myne must be behind all of this" Said Raphtalia angered.

"I can't believe that she would go this far..." Said Melty.

"Th-then what are we supposed to do? we can't outrun that fire with Issei unconscious" Asked Melty.

"Maybe you need some help?" Asked a figure behind a tree with a soft voice tone.

"Who is there!?" Shouted Raphtalia as she took her sword out.

"Now now, let's calm down, I'm here to help" Said the person as it walked out in the open for Raphtalia and Melty to see.

A tall young male with bluish ravenous hair cut in a hairstyle that crosses Ren Amaki's (Sword hero's) "bowl" style and a traditional Japanese cut (short streamlined bangs at the front), very slim build, and delicate facial features. He had a yellow pair of small, round, armless glasses on his nose bridge. And had an ever-present smile. He wore a dark blue overcoat and brown pants, all underneath a long white cape.

"Long time no see Van Reichnott" Said Melty with a smirk.

"That is true princess Melty" Said Reichnott.

"Wait, who is this Melty?" Asked Raphtalia confused.

"Reichnott works to improve the relations between humans and Demi-Humans, due to which he earned the support and even loyalty of many demi-humans. Unlike other nobles, Van Reichnott does not care about visual qualities such as race or table-manners and is even willing to get his hands dirty to save demi-human slaves" Explained Melty shocking Raphtalia.

"That is true, but I suggest you come with me if you don't want to turn to ash" Said Reichnott as he pointed at the fire which got even closer.

With a nod Raphtalia lifted Issei with the help of Reichnott and they left the forest.

Five days passed.

And in a bedroom, a young man woke up.

He slowly looked around and didn't recognize the room at all but instantly he saw a girl with her head on her crossed arms peacefully sleeping on the side of his bed.

"So it wasn't a dream" Said Issei out loud.

"Ddraig....you here buddy?" Issei called out to his buddy.

"Glad you're awake brother, you have no idea how worried I was not talking about your mate" Said Ddraig.

"Damn, I must've worried her too much.." Said Issei guilty.

"Ddraig, do you know what happened when I passed out?" Asked Issei.

"When you passed out Raphtalia made you drink the phenex tears and healed your wounds after a couple of boosts, but as she and the princess were thinking of a way to get away with you a forest fire started most likely by that Myne whore" Explained Ddraig.

"That woman is really getting on my nerves" Said Issei.

"But.....how did we get here?" Asked Issei.

"Some kind of noble man found you in that forest and helped Raphtalia carry you out of the forest which was not an easy job" Said Ddraig.

"Well I'm really grateful to that person but...where are we?" Asked Issei.

Before Ddraig could answer a sweet voice answered to his question.

"We are at the said man's mansion in Reichnott territory where humans and demi-humas get along and live peacefully together" Said Raphtalia as she looked into issei's green eyes.

"Morning fur ball" Said Issei.

"Yeah morning.....Do you have any idea how worried I was!?" Shouted Raphtalia as she hugged him tightly.

"Whoa! calm down I can't breathe!" Said Issei.

"I thought that I will lose you!...I don't want that to happen...I don't want to be alone again!" Said crying Raphtalia.

Issei hugged her back.

"Don't worry I ain't leaving you I have a job to do" Said Issei.

"What job?" Asked Raphtalia trying to wipe her tears away.

"To protect you and love you" Said Issei as he kissed her.

"I see you are already awake" Said someone at the doors step.

Raphtalia blushed as she moved away from Issei.

"Hello, you may call me Van Reichnott Red dragon emperor" Said Reichnott.

"Just call me Issei and I guess you are the one who saved us, correct?" Asked Issei.

"Yes, that is true" Replied Reichnott.

"I see, I must thank you for your kindness to even offer us a place to stay" Said Issei.

"It's no problem really, I will always help demi-humas and princess Melty" Said Reichnott with his never ending smile.

"Speaking of her, where is she?" Asked Issei.

"She is downstairs cooking dinner" Said Reichnott.

"Ah, so she can cook too" Said Issei.

"By the way, how long was I passed out?" Asked Issei.

"It's your fifth day" Said Reichnott.

"Wow, this long? well it's nothing compared to when I used the juggernaut drive for the first time" Said Issei.

"Ah, I guess it's one of your special abilities?" Asked Reichnott.

"That is true" Answered Issei.

"And as for you, we will intensify your training as you got hit by a stupid arrow" Said Ddraig out loud making Issei groan and Raphtalia giggle while Reichnott watched in interest but decided not to question.

"That is not fair! you felt it too that it had dragon slaying magic or something really similar" Shouted Issei but Ddraig ignored him.

"Anyways, is Melty done cooking?.....I'm starving to death" Said Issei.

With some laughs they went downstairs with the help of Raphtalia.

Issei still couldn't walk normally as he wasn't recovered completely.

"Oh, Issei you're finally awake!" Said Melty with a relieved smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I heard you're making dinner?" Said Issei.

"Yup! I guess you want some after five days of sleep" Said Melty with a giggle.

"You have no idea, I'll eat everything you cook" Said Issei as he started to drool from the smell

"Alright, ten more minutes and it will be done. Raphtalia help me if you could" Said Melty.

"Of course, I'm coming" Said Raphtalia as she and Melty continued the cooking while Issei and Reichnott went to the dining room.

"So tell me, who are you" Said Issei as both of them took their seats.

"As I already said I'm Van Reichnott and in the lord of this region. I'm trying to improve relationships between demi-humas and humans and I help as many demi-humas as I can, but the king has ordered us to move far away to the outskirts of the kingdom" Explained Reichnott.

"I see, so that old fart makes it difficult for ya, right?" Asked Issei.

"Well, it is not easy, but we can manage on our own" Said Reichnott.

"Dinner is ready!" Said Raphtalia and Melty as they came together with some maids with a bunch of food.

Issei's eyes glowed from happiness as he was starving.

As they were eating Reichnott decided to ask some questions of his own.

"Tell me Issei, how did you get here?" Asked Reichnott.

Issei started to explain that the royal knights chased them and that's how he lost that much blood.

"So I see.....the royal knights and the three heroes chased you down here, but you managed to escape" Said Reichnott.

"Yep, that's about it" Said Issei.

"The day after you got here some of the knights asked me if I know where you are and that you were the ones who started the forest fire to cover up your tracks, is that accurate?" Asked Reichnott.

"Of course it's not accurate, the moment I landed on the ground I passed out after a couple of minutes, so I could not have started the fire and the princess and Raphtalia here don't use fire magic only me" Explained Issei.

"I see" That was a simple reply from Reichnott as they continued to eat.

They finished eating and Issei made an announcement.

"Thank you for your hospitality but we will leave tomorrow morning" Said Issei.

"What? but why so soon?" Asked Melty.

"Because the longer we stay here the bigger the odds are of them sniffing us out, it's a miracle that they haven't found us yet" Explained Issei.

"Alright, I understand" Said Melty.

"Right, go get some rest because we will leave early" Said Issei.

"But is it really alright for you to go? aren't you still recovering?" Asked concerned Raphtalia.

"I'll be fine don't worry fur ball" Reassured her Issei with a confident smile.

"Alright, let's go" Said Issei as he and Raphtalia went to their bedroom.

Issei got in his bed but saw Raphtalia still standing.

"What's wrong?" Asked Issei.

"Well umm....I.....I just want to sleep with you" Said Raphtalia with a blush.

"Oh, well there isn't much space in this bed but....I think Reichnott won't get mad over this" Said Issei as he got out of the bed and pushed his bed against Raphtalia's bed connecting them together.

They got into their bed and snuggled together as they fell asleep.

While Raphtalia was peacefully asleep Issei and Ddraig were training and sparing together.

Morning came and Issei sensed danger.

"Raphtalia, wake up!" Said Issei as he hastily got out of the bed. Raphtalia noticed that Issei was on guard and did the same and took her weapon.

Issei came up to the window slowly to look if anything was happening and saw that royal knights arrested Reichnott.

"Why did they take Reichnott?" Asked confused Raphtalia.

Suddenly the door burst opened by one of the maids.

"Red Dragon emperor, and his party have to leave now! the royal knights are here" Informed the maid.

"What happened?" Asked Issei.

"A noble man next door barged in and accused us of hiding you here so they took lord Reichnott in" Explained the maid.

"Please follow me" Said the maid.

They did as told and walked after her silently passing by some of the knights without them noticing.

"Hide here" Said the maid as she closed the doors to a hiding spot in the kitchen, lucky there were some holes so Issei and Raphtalia could see what was happening. The maid went to the dirty dishes to pretend that she has no Idea what's going on.

"Hey you here! what are you doing here!" Shouted one of the knights.

"I'm cleaning the kitchen" Said the maid.

"Forget that and come with us!" Said another knight as he grabbed her by her wrist and dragged her out while the other one stayed.

"Suddenly they heard a voice.

"What do you think you are doing?" Asked Melty.

'What are YOU doing you idiot' Thought Issei.

"I am Melty Melromarc, second princess of Melromarc, let her go right this instant" Said Melty with a voice filled with authority.

"What should we do?" Asked one of the knights.

"I'm not sure" Answered the other.

"My my, if it isn't princess Melty herself" Said a man looking as a nobleman of a revolting appearance. He was an overweight, middle-aged man with an unkempt mop of frilled, strawberry-blonde hair and a minimal mustache in the same colour shaped like two small 'leaves' over his upper lip. He dressed in elegant clothing of black, golden, and purple hues, with some white frills to match his royalty status, a dark purple cape, olive-yellow pants, black riding boots, and most of the time flaunted a cynical smile on his plump face.

'He gives me bad vibes' Thought issei

Issei immediately noticed how Raphtalia reacted to that man's presence.

She felt rage, saw her tail raise and stiffen and twitch as well, she grit her teeth holding in her anger.

She put her hand on her sword's hilt but Issei stopped her by putting his hand on hers

"Hold on, let's see what happens" Said Issei.

Raphtalia took a deep and shaky breath to calm down and continued to watch.

"I'm so glad to see you alright, I rushed here as soon as I heard that you were found because I was worried for your safety" Said the same little man that made Raphtalia anxious as he bowed slightly.

"Idol Rabier, I heard rumors that in the past you had disagreements with my father" Said Melty.

"Yes" Said Idol

"May I assume that these soldiers are with you?" Asked Melty again.

"That is indeed true" Said Idol

"Then have them withdraw from this premises immediately" Ordered Melty.

"Before that, tell me where that cursed lizard is" Said Idlo refering to Issei.

"All I can tell you is that the Red dragon emperor is gone because I encouraged him to escape yesterday at night, so they are far away by now maybe they already left the country" Said Melty.

"I intend to tell my father everything and clear the Red dragon emperor's name" Said Melty with determination.

"Now take me to the capital as soon as possible" Said Melty.

"I understand it perfectly, I'll arrange plans for your journey to my mansion so you'll be more comfortable there" Said Idlo.

"Alright take her" Ordered Idol and the guards led Melty outside.

Meanwhile inside the hiding spot Issei observed everything calmly while Raphtalia was breathing heavily

"Calm down, she just created us the best cover for our escape...but I don't feel like running, plus you have some grudges against that man too" Said Issei while Raphtalia nodded.

"So how about we rescue them before they leave?" Asked Issei.

"Yes let's go" Said Raphtalia.

Raphtalia and Issei left the hiding spot and went to get ready.

Issei took out another set of combat clothes while Raphtalia packed some food.

When they got outside they saw that they were gone.

"Crap, we took too long" Said Issei.

Suddenly he saw a person a demi-human near them who was bruised up a but but nothing too serious.

"Hey, did you see where they took princess Melty and Van Reichnott?" Asked Issei.

"Red dragon emperor? yeah, I tried to hold them off, they went that way through the forest not too far away you'll still be able to catch up. Me and the rest of the villagers are gathering together to get Reichnott out of that pig's clutches" Said the man.

"Alright, we will get him out of there before they reach their destination so tell everyone else not to leave the village" Said Issei as he and Raphtalia ran off.

"Raphtalia come" Said Issei and picked Raphtalia up and flew towards the direction they were given.

fifteen minutes later they saw guards on their horses and a carriage where Reichnott and Melty were.

Issei landed a bit further away in front and waited for the moment.

....Meanwhile inside the carriage...

"Tell me where the Red dragon emperor of evil is?" Ordered Idol.

"For the last time I'm telling you that I don't know" Said Reichnott with the same smile.

"You liar!" Shouted Idol as he whipped Reichnott hard with a whip.

"S-stop this already, we don't know where he is! he went somewhere without telling us at midnight while we were still sleeping!" Shouted Melty as her tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Oh, sweet princess, don't worry, I'll get to you next in a moment and I can say that it will be more...fun" Said Idlo with a smirk.

Melty became terrified as she understood what he meant and began to tremble out of fear.

"M-my father will deal with you then" Said Melty with a shaky voice.

"Oh, that doesn't matter, I don't care about your father you see. Plus I see that you can't wait for the fun to begin so let's get started" Said Idol as he came closer to Melty.

Melty closed her eyes as she waited for the worst but the carriage stopped before the man, no scum could do anything.

"Why did we stop!" Shouted Idol.

Outside the carriage Issei used shadow chains to stop the wheels of the carriage while Raphtalia instantly knocked out the guards.

Suddenly they heard someone shouting from the inside.

"Why did we stop!'

"Um ahh the queen and her knights are blocking the way" Said Issei as he tried to imitate one of the guards.

"What!?" Shouted Idol as he got out of the carriage and immediately dropped to the ground with his face in it.

"Please forgive me! spare my life!" Shouted Idlo still thinking that the queen was there.

"Hahaha calm down you scumbag, she's not here!" Shouted Issei as he laughed his ass off.

"Wha?" Asked Idol as he lifted his head to see Issei and Raphtalia glaring at him.

"We are worse than the queen herself" Said Issei coldly....

[To be continued]...

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