

"Well that was obvious"todoroki said

He flopped back on the bed. "Not even izuku" he mumbled

"They still care about you"todoroki said

"How are you so sure" he muttered "it's not like they've made any effort to come get me out of here or even visit me" he said

"They thought you left. they thought you decided to not be a hero and just ignored them when they texted you" todoroki said

"Thats not true, I was sent here by that damn rat" he said. "Mom, didn't even have a choice either. As it was an order from the commission"

"Yeah but they didnt tell us they just said you wouldn't be attending anymore"todoroki said looking at him

He huffed "well I guess they didn't lie" he said. "But I want given a choice."

Todoroki looked at him "well you should've been and you shouldn't be here any longer it isnt helping you it is making things worse "

"Good luck telling them that, they don't listen to anyone" he said

"Yeah... I know it's why I hate these places "todoroki said

The sad blonde hung his head and sighed. "Am I ever getting out of here?" He asked softly more of a mumble really.

"Well that's why I am here so that hopefully you're not here for much longer and can leave"

He rose his head a bit and looked at him in silence for a minute. "Do you really believe that?" He asked

Todoroki looked at him "...yes yes I do"he said bluntly

"Then you're a fool" he said

"Maybe I am maybe I am not" todoroki shrugged

He sighed and moved on his bed and patted the spit next to him

Todoroki looked at where he pat before he went and sat next to him

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