

I hover my hand over the orb and think of Nina. It lights up and shows her to me, asleep in a bed.

‘Okay,’ I say, staring up at Cerridwen, Valkrim and Ogrun. I summon a teapot and teacups, filling each cup with sweet tea. ‘Drink this. It will make you all fall asleep for a short while. I will bring you all into my dream so we can all talk and interact with Nina. I will dream of our Celestial world so we will be here in a dream state as well as physically.’

They reach for the tea cups and drink. Within a minute, their eyes close, and their heads tilt down. I close my eyes and bring Cerridwen, Ogrun and Valkrim into my dream.

‘Is something meant to happen?’ Cerridwen asks, opening her eyes. ‘I’m still waiting to fall asleep,’ she says.

I laugh and smile at her, ‘You’re already asleep and inside my dream,’ I say to her.

‘Are you sure?’ she asks and punches Valkrim in the shoulder.

‘Ow! What was that for?’ he says, rubbing his arm.

‘I’m checking if we’re in a dream,’ she replies.

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