
Joshua's pov

I had a comfortable family before my parents death, which happen on that fateful day when they were on their way to their working place.

My parents work in the same hospital,yes my mom is doctor while my dad is a nurse who was handed a certificate newly ,can i say my mom got him the job. Even though my mom gets the highest paid salary she still gives my dad his fully respect and that's what I love about my mom, unlike most families especially in my country when the wife gets well paid more than the husband,starts treating the man like a piece of shit that is very useless in life,I saw this when we traveled to the village to visit my grandma,I saw a woman exhibit this particular character to her husband because her husband was sacked from work so the wife have to cater for the family.

So as I was saying, my mom was a lovely woman and my dad is strict but a great man who struggles for what he wants.My dad married my mom when he traveled to Canada so that's makes me a hybrid but in my country we call it ( half cast) , my mom is a white woman who indeed sacrificed alot for love. I was the only child,I wouldn't have been if not for the accident, am pretty sure my mom stomach was getting larger before she died.Well the doctors and nurses tried their best to revive them but the couldn't make it , although I didn't know how they got the accident all I heard was that they had a accident and kick the bucket and the baby died in the stomach with my mom before they even have the opportunity to operate my mom. At least the doctors tried their best, because if it were to be in my country ,immediately the doctors saw that couple is not breathing , will declare them dead without even trying to check if they have a little life in them .

Have I mention my parents names here ? no I don't think so, well I will mention them later and also the name of my country but for now it remains my country.

" Joshua, why are you here crying and thinking about ? , well for your information your parents are dead and they are not coming back. so don't let us bury you along " I got out of my head and jolted immediately I heard one of my uncle's wife voice by name Lucy .

Well look at what we have here, the pretender do the worst . Aunty Lucy acts like she is the most caring and loving one when my parents were alive but here she was talking to me in that manner.

" My friend will you go and wash the dishes before it gets dry, half cast with a lazy attitude" she said as she comes forward to drag me out

"uncle said I should stay here when I cool down I can come out "

" Joshua get out now before I do something I will regret" Lucy said harshly

well I don't blame her, I blame those British assholes that abandon my family.

You wanna know why I used a harsh word on the British?

Is a long story and a history in our family and also a history to the whole world and still continues still today.

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