
Chapter 027 : Level-up

Three months later. 

Sonia was piling up on all kind of missions as she work to increase her class to B-class adventurer, she was ranking up more missions than others could imagine. Ladros, Asrael, Derek and Riley were also following her act as they stacking up missions wanting to raise their classes. Ladros was now A-class adventurer as the others were still below him. He complete more missions in a day than all of the others. Mostly of his missions were escorting high-class aristocrats to different nations and others were hunting down monsters that invade villages and nations. But most nations would hire him to fight their wars. 

His accomplishment and great achievement were far known throughout the lands as the people called him, the Demonic Phantom. Some of the guildmembers stand a newbie surpassing them. Ladros quick level-up to A-class adventurer made the other adventurers seem weak. This did not bother him at all having a target at his back it just made him more hard working.

Towards the east of the kingdom. Loud sounds of growths could be heard coming from inside the forest. Inside the forest Riley was fighting off three large goblins creatures. One was holding a large axe swinging it at Riley direction as the other two stroke their spears at her. 

She easily dodged their attacks as she parry the strike from the axe. The three goblins were furiously striking at Riley, they were angry as she dodged every attack thrown at her by the three goblins. The two goblins holding the spears simultaneously threw their attacks at Riley. 

Riley blocked the two goblins simultaneous attacks, she swiftly moved her sword in the air striking both of them down with strike. But time to celebrate was quickly interrupted by a sudden strike towards her back. 

Even with blocking the full force of the attack pushing her back far it was too close. Riley frowned her eyes as she glance at a far, seeing a another goblin wearing a mage outfit. 

'I thought goblins didn't know how to cast magic, how is this one able to push me back with magic? I guess those books have errors of information. But it still no problem for me.' Riley stood firm facing the goblin mage. At her back an attack was coming from the one holding axe. She stroke her sword hard breaking the goblin axe, she swiftly took off the goblin head falling down on the ground. 

"It just me and you now. I guess you're stronger than those three," said Riley. The goblin mage grinned casting a spell at her. It cast a large fire ball shooting it straight at Riley, who just stood in front of the attack taking it all. 

The goblin mage laughed celebrating it defeat of Riley. As the dust begun to settle down the expression on the goblin face changed. Riley stood unharmed by the attack. The goblin eyes widened with shocked, and Riley was starting to walk towards it direction fast. 

She stretched out her sword up slashing it fast at the goblin. The goblin quickly moved aside dodging the attack from Riley. It cast earth magic making the ground below Riley turning it to mud. Riley feet were trap inside the muddy ground. The goblin laughed with excitement jumping around it legs. 

Riley calmly glared at the creature with a unbothered face. Her eyes looking at the goblin celebrating. "Huh, I guess he thought he won. I can admit that it got me good, but," She said disappearing from the muddy ground.

The goblin mage looked up with surprised. A shadow loomed behind it as Riley slashed it head off clean. She looked down at it head with disappointment expression, she was wishing for more of a fight from the goblin mage. 

'I guess monsters on the mortal realm are not as strong as in the demon realm. I have hunted so many that it not even a challenge for me. I really thought this goblin was something but, it was like all the rest. I guess that's why mortals are weaker than demons.'

'The gravity here is also weak and the monsters here are weak. I do not get it why he wanted to come here. The demon realm has more stronger monsters that he can hunt to get strong, and demons that could also train him to be strong. He will never be the Demon King if he stayed here too much long.'

Riley lowered her hand picking up the four goblin heads one by one off the ground, he placed them inside of a sack. Holding up the last goblin head up towards her face a picture of Black face appeared in her mind. Her expression changed slamming the head of the goblin hard on the ground, the head blew up apart like a broken glass. "I'm sure he still with her now, he should be raising his rank but he working around with her."

Riley cutely gritted her teeth thinking about Black and Vera. She flashback when Sonia said she was jealous of Vera. She weirdly shook her head saying, "I am not jealous, I'm not jealous. Me jealous of a mortal girl like her Sonia is insane thinking that. She can live for a hundred year and I can hundred of years. She is insane thinking that." She firmly walked away from the scene where she killed the four goblins. 

After arriving back t the guild hall. 

Standing in front of the counter she slammed the sack with three goblin heads. Vera occultly looked at her with spooky look. She was surprised that it was Riley tenth hunt for goblins and she always killed more than anyone could kill. Normal adventurers are able to kill two or one goblins, as goblins were not easily killed by anyone only B, A and S-class adventurers could kill more of goblin than D, C and E-class adventurers. 

"There are three heads today." said Vera.

"There were four of them, but I kinder destroyed the other one, sorry." Riley replied with soft tone. Vera occultly looked her eyes aside as the number was growing. 

"Okay," Vera weirdly nodded her head as she could not believe Riley growth, and not just her but the other four including Sonia, Derek, Asrael and Ladros. The five of them were reaching new ranks every week or month. Sonia and Ladros were even more impressive with their achievements, Ladros was close in reaching S-class soon and Sonia also reaching A-class soon too.

"Hey, I read that goblins usually travel in 12 to 30, but I only encountered four of them. I was really hoping for more of them." Riley murmured with a discouraged face.

"I'm sure there were more, a lot more. You might have scared them away when they witness you taking-out four of their kind." Vera replied to Riley. Vera stamped the mission request paper, watching behind as Riley went to grab another mission from the broad. She faintly smiled continuing with serving drinks to the other adventurers at the counter. 

Thanks for the love guys. The story is stil ongoing there is more to on the way and more to come. PLEASE LIKE & SHOW SOME LOVE also!

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